A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

What a crock...We are told to adjust our schedules for this massive onslaught of work..Sm - Sick of being sick of this

Posted: Mar 30, 2013

and, of course, there is no work to speak of at all.  This is pure BS.  Something is surely fishy and we are being lied to daily.  I regret every day I entered this field, but then, when I did, I was able to support myself.  Not anymore, but that's the same old song and dance.

What I Think - See Message

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I think this is their way of covering themselves when someone wants to collect UE or something. "We asked them to work, and they refused."

Gosh, people. Please just get out of this business like I did. NO, it was NOT easy and certainly no fun going on job interviews. BUT, worth every minute of it. Please don't chase MT companies.

A lot of people are disabled, and I understand that. But utilize every resource you can to get up and out if you can't find a non-MT job working from home. Check with your community regarding low cost/no cost transportation (like Dial-A-Ride). Businesses are NOT allowed to discriminate because of a disability. (Some places may even provide transportation for you.) You are an active, vital member of society regardless of your disability, whatever it may be.

where did disabled come from - ?

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some on here are disabled - see message

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In the past there have been people who post on here that they are disabled and therefore have to work from home. That's what this poster was getting at. Also there are some who live in the middle of nowhere, with few other opportunities available. Some folks are pretty stuck doing MT.

Where it came from - See Msg

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People come on here and say they are stuck doing MT, because they are disabled and can't work outside their home.

I'm trying to make the point that there may very well be resources for the disabled to get out and make a change in their career.

I am never told of a masive onslaught of work - no one calls me

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I must be left off the email list of whom to call when they expect work. I volunteer, send emails to the TSM requesting helper pools or requesting to be told when there is work so that I can jump on, but nothing. I get nothing. I average 14 hours per week now of work. I am scheduled for 30.

Don't feel bad, they don't call me either - nm

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You - need

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to contact the national number for the TAA program. I know there are people on here saying you will be denied because you are not laid off, but I had a lengthy discussion with the national and the state contact they directed me to and they are wonderful. I went to an orientation and it was explained what I will get. I'm not sure of the person's situation who said they got as far as picking classes and then were denied, but my case worker assured me I am qualified. They are just having to work with the nationals due to the partial separation. You will have to be making less than 80% of what you were making before the work went offshore and show proof of it. I believe in October is when they made a big push and sent a lot more work offshore. I was told this is an unusual situation and they have not dealt with a company who does not lay people off, so they have to handle it differently. Contact the national and they will get with the expert in your state and get them in tune about this company and our situation. I would contact the national and not fill out the application on line. They have been very helpful and really want to help us. Again, we are a unique situation and the people who have been denied need to try again, through the national person.

can you send me the number and name of the - person you spoke to..

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on the national level. I got absolutely nowhere from my state!

Just - go

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on the national site and call the national number in the contacts link.

Also - when I

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clicked on the map they have for my state, the number it gave me, when I called that, they never even heard of TAA. You need to go to the contacts page and call and leave a message on the national number.

Schedule changes - poohella

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We were told March would be bringing more work...which it didn't..and for people to change to more evening/Sunday hours. I already work those times and told my manager that work was running out at those times too, what good is switching going to do? I questioned where the extra work was and was told that the work level was the same as in other years, the MTs were being more productive and getting work done faster. We may be getting it done faster, since we are afraid we may not be any more but seriously, most of us are probably as fast as we were before and never went everyday with NJA. Just tell us the truth.

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