A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Obama care, our health ins. - redmaj

Posted: Oct 15, 2012

Has "Obama care" gone into effect??? I am part time. Does the company have to offer me health insurance that I pay for?? anyone up on this???

No health insurance benefit for part-timers, only full-time employees. - NM

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No Obamacare doesnt go into effect till after - the election

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and thanks to the threat of obamacare..the insurance I have (through my old employer, Im on disability) has tripled..Obamacare needs to be defeated

It's not all O-care - aliceinCT

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In my newspaper...

�People are accessing more services and hospitals, doctors and labs are charging us more,� Aetna spokeswoman Susan Millerick said.

The costs associated with the Affordable Care Act account for only a tiny fraction of the requested increases � less than 1 percent. These amounts cover the costs of the preventative women�s care benefits and the changes in cost sharing, said Paul Lombardo, the actuary for the state Insurance Department who reviews the rate increase requests.

While health care spending did rise at double the rate of inflation in 2010, a report by the Health Care Cost Institute confirms Connecticut�s findings and concludes the rising prices are due to the health costs that crept up during the recession. In fact, Obamacare will help address this very issue. The health care reform law represents part of the solution � not the problem, as Republicans claim � as it seeks to help make health insurance more affordable by reforming payment models, reducing payments to hospitals, and prioritizing quality of care.

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x ...