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Let this latest edition of MM nonsense fuel your hate fire. - PitchPerfect

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

I have never been more motivated to get away from this company.  Did you know there are other places to work?? I know - I forget that too sometimes!! When I tell the people in my life what happens to me at work, they are in disbelief.  "What company is this??!!" they say. "My God - what in the world - I would never let anyone keep me shackeled to my computer all day!!" said another. "So let me get this straight, when you 'run out of work,' you have to keep checking back...like all day, or what??" said another. "Why don't you just get another job??" is the resounding consensus.  I wonder what these folks will say when I tell them now they've taken away some of my PTO.  I can just imagine. Oh but they gave me a fancy new title!! My friends, it doesn't matter what they call us - we are still their little servants who don't deserve paychecks - we get "rewards." What's next, are they gonna pay us with stickers and a pat on the head?? "Good job Susie -- you typed 2000 lines today - here's a sticker and a $10 gift card for Walmart!"  Oooooo - score!!

After 16 years of MT, I'm back in school for approximately another year, hopefully less, we shall see, but I have NEVER EVER been more motivated in my life to get away from this place.  So like I said, l'm going to let this last bit of MM abuse fuel my hate fire and do something about it.  I'm going to study hard and be done with them once and for all.  Honestly, they can only treat us like this because we are letting them.

Couldn't agree more! - exmt

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After trying my hardest to stick it out despite a 10K per year drop in my income, after a LONG hard search I finally found a non-MT job. It's scary and frustrating trying to change careers after working so long from home, but it IS possible. I turned in my resignation yesterday, and the most recent benefit cuts are just further affirmation that I made the right choice. Friday is my last day of being treated like a worthless slave! For anyone looking for a way out, DON'T GIVE UP!

Good luck, if I lived closer to civilization I would - do the same..

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but for now I am stuck

You may not be stuck...you just haven't found - the right company.

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I'm amazed that there are some happy MTs out there - they just don't work for MM. It's a matter of finding the right company. The latest good company someone told me about was Acusis, said she was very happy there, and strangely, some people say they enjoy working at Amphion, though personally I can't get past that whole VBC thing.

Best of luck! - Stillwhining

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Good for you...the first of us to basically tell them where to stick it! Good luck in your new endeavors.

I'm SO happy for you!! And EXTREMELY Jealous - PitchPerfect

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but I know my time will come, just have to be patient. Congratulations and best wishes on the rest of your life!! You get to HAVE a life now -- you must be elated!

thank you! - exmt

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I live in a very small town, and as a truly single parent my options were very limited ~ something I know a lot of other MTs can identify with. I've been applying for any and every job available for well over a year. I finally got an interview with the local hospital and was hired within 2 days to work in the HIM department. The starting pay isn't much more than I'm making now, but there is definite room for advancement, and one of the benefits is tuition reimbursement should I go back to school. BUT most importantly the atmosphere is the complete opposite of MModal. I've invested over 11 years of my life in this company, and it's almost destroyed me financially and psychologically. I just want those of you still hanging in there to know that there is hope!

I'm with you! - Gone-zo

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I agree. You can only take it for so long. I finally broke the chains of M*Modal. Been brainwashed for so long (18 years) I left and never looked back. Love every bit of my new job. My confidence and self-esteem are on the rise. No more fear mongering and it is the best decision ever. My family cannot believe the change. Good luck to you! All of you who want to change..go for it! You can do it!!

As Shaw said we need to plan - just saying

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You are exactly right. Only at Mmodal are the employees treated this horrible. They get away with it because we are virtual and remote and we have no recourse. Sure we could form a union, but does anyone really truly enjoy working here or is it a means to an end? Why go through the hassle of a union when the company can't wait to ship everything overseas anyway. They don't need us and we certainly can do better than this. Fuel your hate fire. Love it. My plan is to call TAA and get enrolled in school. Enough is enough.

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