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Since I was terminated February 11, I have been reviewing some things in case I need to apply for some MT job in the future. When I worked for M-Modal, I was supplied with Book of Style, 2nd edition. I now have a copy of the 3rd edition, and they say some things are changed.
They say changes have been made include dropping the period after courtesy titles like Dr. and Mr. I always typed Dr. with a period in the report. If it said patient was to follow up with Dr. Smith, I always typed the period. Since the auditors corrected me on every comma or if I did not put 2 spaces after a period, I feel they would definitely have corrected me on putting a period after Dr. if they didn't want it there.
Also they say now there are no spaces in the TNM staging. I always put spaces in there between the T, N, M values and was never corrected.
Old rule: T2 N1 M0.
New rule: T2N1M0.
What is the current feeling on this? I have never seen this addressed in any client profile. I can't compare it to the Transcription Style Guide, but this was loaded on the computer they sent back.