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Jobs not downloading - anyone else? NM

Posted: Nov 18, 2012


Same here. Won't download CP or allow physician search. - Just great!

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Can't even log out of DQS... - stuck....nm

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It won't even log in now. - msmt

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Got Remedy ticket number.

I got ticket number too. - Do we send a copy

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to CCM or TCM or whatever they are now or do they get a copy automatically??
I submitted to Remedy but it didn't give me a ticket number. - Will I get a ticket number? (nm)
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Guess I'm done - for the day!
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Job not downloading to send - TJ

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This happened to me today right after I had finished editing a very long job. This happened to me the other day as well. I immediately put in a ticket for this. I guess it must have happened collectively to others as well. I was about to end my shift, so it really messed me up for the day. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day right!!

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