A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Incentive in Place - sarmt
Posted: Oct 19, 2012Check your e-mail. Incentive in place 10/19 thru 10/22. Wonder why?
I have to do same amount of lines as last time, but - one less day to do it...
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That sucks.
What the #%!@#$%? - Disgusted
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Have had no work all week, but there is an incentive in place? Where is the logic? Too bad I don't get paid to stare at a blank screen all day. God, this company sucks.
why cant you pull some work from the North - who is swimming in work
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Personally, I would love a weekend off. I have been on Mandatory OT for months and months. I would love to just watch the leaves fall this weekend.
I'm in the North, and I haven't had a full day of work in - 2 weeks. nm
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then have ccm pull work from other half of North - theres more than enough
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Tell CCM you want to be in a helper pool.
Uuummm, those aren't just your jobs you want to give away. - Have you ever had NJA? nm
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Theyre not your jobs either! - everyone is entitled to work
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Get over yourself. Its not your account or your work! The OP is entitled ot a paycheck the same as you are.
They are the jobs of MTs who work that BOB. End of story. - nm
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They are the CLIENT'S jobs - to be distributed as the COMPANY - sees fit to do them within TAT.
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I am in the west. No work. - Good luck
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I already tried, no response.
My pay was 52.00 for 2 weeks.
Talk about poverty working for this company.
I work on another format, you know the other 20 formats this company has.
Sup Says No to North!!!? Not sure why. - Disgusted
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Never hear from her anyway. So much for improved communication.
I'm in the North & our BOB has to be the most - sm
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horrible difficult stuff I've ever worked on in 20 years. The audio is pathetic, tons of ESLs who prefer dictating from their cell phones, plus very picky with lots of crazy rules on each account. Maybe your super doesn't want to deal with that or have enough upper tier MTs to deal with it. What I would give to switch BOBs and get out of this garbage!!!
Incentive - Prissy
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I never pay attention to those incentives. What BS. I feel that I get treated like sh__ so I won't work extra no matter how much they pay me.
But the thing is, most only make around $20 or so for the - extra work. So not worth it. nm
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incentive in place - always a joke - need$
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I'm assuming this incentive is in place because they desire no work on the system come Sunday night maintenance. Ever since they lowered my pay last year, I do not go out of my way any longer.
Could be right. I was thinking it was to clear backlog left from - the fallout of webcast and SM
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cleaning up all the work that isnt getting done. I know I am not working any extra, not at my top speed. With the news never making what I did and never a pay raise, who can concentrate on work?
sys maintenance - need$
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Please note that we are revising the October maintenance schedule to hold only one event on October 21st, 2012.
I think backlog is from the low morale from - conference call.
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After all, you cannot listen to the conference call anymore. It was taken off the system.
But system maintenance comes on the 28th, doesnt it? - nm
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