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Webmedx -- words do not describe how I feel - jahmon

Posted: Sep 01, 2010

Yes, I was one who received the dreaded e-mail.  Like someone said, what chicken s***s to not have the decency to make the phone call in person.  I have never in my life been treated with such disrespect, and to think we had been working our tails off the last few weeks with overtime, then suddenly no work, and they didn't even offer us other accounts.   Then to hear they may be hiring.  I am furious to say the least.  

Believe me I am spreading the word to all my MT friends to put the word out about WMX business practices.  I hope they can sleep at night.   I would never ever go back to a company that treats its employees. 

oh, they're probably most definitely hiring... - no respect from Webmedx

[ In Reply To ..]
...new employees because they just got rid of a slew of long time "loyal" employees who were making more $$$ and by more $$$, I mean minimum wage as opposed to less than minimum wage which is probably what the newbies they're hiring are gonna be making.

Were you a long time employee there?

Medquist is doing the same thing - n/m

[ In Reply To ..]

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