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I'm taking my first steps to get out of this field - I'm 48 years old, I've dedicated myself to Medquist/MModal for 16 years of my life and I am making less today than my 15-year-old son who just got his very first job. In my lifetime, I never thought I would be 48 years old, on Food Stamps and barely making minimum wage in a field I gave nearly half my life to. It is a complete insult.
I've been going around and around in my head how to get out of this field. The trouble is, since I have been doing this so long I don't know how to do anything else. The only thing I'm good at is cooking. All my friends and family have told me my whole life I missed my calling and that cooking is my true gift.
SO, I applied for financial aid at my local community college to get into their Culinary Arts program in the fall. The financial aid advisor took a look at my income from my tax return and was in disbelief. Her very first question was, how do you support yourself on that ?! I told her if it wasn't for Food Stamps every month my son and I would literally go hungry. I am on a regular payment plan with my apartment complex manager every month but if I miss a payment, "out" we will go.
The financial aid person said based on my income I would likely qualify for a full Pell Grant which would give me $5500 a year for school expenses. I wouldn't pay anything out of pocket. I will find out in a few days what I qualify for. I suppose if there is one little blessing in the nightmare of working for MModal it's that the crumbs that they pay will give me the opportunity to go to school for something better. Maybe this is the "education tuition" benefit they say is coming soon? "We are going to pay you so little that it enables you to qualify for every type of financial aid in existence". Knowing MModal, they will call this a "raise".
Anyway, there is hope for us ... consider contacting your local colleges and schools about financial aid. Chances are you will qualify for full financial aid too.
"What would you do today if you knew you couldn't fail?"