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Has anyone seen Cool Hand Luke (1967) with - Paul Newman?

Posted: May 11, 2015

There is a scene in it which reminds me of working for MM.  Strother Martin is explaining to Paul Newman what happens for infractions of the rules...

Do this, "In the box."  Do that, "In the box."  Do something else, "In the box."

The box is an isolation pit dug in the ground in the hot Texas summer.  Kind of like being put on performance management for every thing we do.

What we've got here is - failure to communicate

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Yep, MM PM guidelines.



Not to mention... - TrampledUnderfoot

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They want to monitor everything we do while we're working. Soon we'll have to tell them "putting it on here boss", "taking it off here boss" and find a way to keep shaking a shrub while we use the bathroom.

I have never had anything said about idle time - sm

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and mine is really pretty high,,but my line counts are over 200.

Mine are consistently over 250... - TrampledUnderfoot

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But the line counts don't matter. I think they're going pod by pod and picking on us about our idle time. I explained to them that this is how I work; I work fast and then I take a break here and there. I'm getting paid by the line and I EASILY make my line counts, so I figure my idle time is my own problem, but they want to monitor that too.

So just because they didn't get to you yet, you can bet they will.

Interesting how "they work" - sm
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The day they pull that crap is the day my idle time goes way down and so does my production..

What exactly do they consider a high idle time? - low idler

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My highest idle time to date is probably 25 minutes and I do take bathroom, coffee, and smoke breaks about every 2 hours or so. Line count averages 250ish.

cool hand luke - poze

[ In Reply To ..]
I guess what you have there is ..."a failure to communicate" .....right? Great film! Now get back in the box

(paul newman, george kennedy)

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