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Arthrex cool cut VAPR - Lindsey

Posted: Jul 02, 2010

Hi, I have an ortho report for impingement syndrome of the shoulder.  He says that he used a combination of arthroscopic shaver and Arthrex cool cut VAPR to remove tissue.  I cannot find this cool cup VAPR anywhere.  Has anyone heard of this?


That's a tough one because they're two brand names - sm

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Arthrex CoolCut is their radiofrequency device, and DePuy's is called the VAPR. Maybe MD didn't know which he had in his hand so he was covering his bases, or maybe the CoolCut is so new the MD was just naming both as sort-of a clarification. If it were me, and this is just an opinion, I might be inclined to type Arthrex CoolCut/VAPR. It could be that like Kleenex, they don't necessarily think of VAPR as a brand name and just use it to apply to generic RFA electrodes.

thank you - Lindsey

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I couldn't even find the CoolCut online or in my book, so I was very confused. That clears it up a little, and I'm sure you're right. He had to ask whoever was there with him what it was called, so he probably just added the VAPR in there. Thanks a lot!

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