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Hahaha....a dictator starting dictating the lab - Kiki

Posted: Apr 03, 2010

values and then just stopped....la la la.....dead space....papers shuffling.....

So you know when you get frustrated with a dictator and yell at the computer as if he can hear, like "will you hurry up!!!!"  Well, that's what I did, and then some, and then he finally goes, "Oh, I'm so sorry; I appreciate your patience; you guys do a great job by the way."  This was right after I shot my mouth off.....ahahhahaha.  Felt bad just a little.  But for real though, he could have used the pause button.....jeesh....haha



ASR Control M - planetspinz

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If you are editing ASR and the dictator stops and shuffles, sneezes, whatever, just put your cursors about 4 or 5 words after the pause and click Control M and the cursor will go to where the dictation starts again

Thanks, but this wasn't an ASR report... - Kiki

[ In Reply To ..]
But thanks for the tip.... :)

Didn't know that, thanks! - old dog/new tricks

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