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Posted: Jul 13, 2010

I very seldom vent or complain, but it has just got to me today.  This surgeon does such good dictation, EXCEPT when he yawns and continues to dictate.  How in the world does he think we can understand him when he does this.  It is not a little yawn either.  It almost makes me shutter when he does it.  I am sorry, I just had to finally vent after listening to him for 10 years.

I have a female resident who does it continually. - anon

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So that we know how "exhausted" she is? It is so annoying and kind of dangerous when we can't leave a blank and have to reaaaaaly try to hear it.

here is a positive thought on that - sm

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At least you got to hear the same dictator for 10 years... I bet I have only heard the same dictator twice in 10 years!


Good one (and so true!!!) - anonymous

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Positive thought - Nature

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That is true. Back 3 years ago, my granddaughter died, I found out I had cancer and had surgery, plus going from 1 acocunt to 27, I was going to quit. I was allowed to keep my primary plus 1 other new account (which I was told was 1 of the hardest accounts). Well, I very rarely get my 1st primary account, and type mostly on the hard account, which even after 3 years, I still struggle with. I was lucky today to even get an OP by my FAVORITE physician today. I am lucky in that my secondary account is so large that I do not have a bunch of other accounts to do, except on holidays and end of the pay period when every one gets on and gets caught up on lines and hours.

Positive thought - anonymous

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My thoughts with you. Today is 1-year anniversary of death of my granddaughter. Between stress of this job and stress of that, I want to throw up hands most days when I am typing my heart out and spinning my wheels.
sorry for your loss - nana too
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My heart goes out to you!
To Anonymous - Nature
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I am so sorry to hear about your granddaughter. The first year is the hardest. My daughter had twins with her next pregnancy (talk about shock). They are such a blessing, but after seeing my daughter grieve so and not the happy person she was before, I wonder if I can ever be happy again. My heart still feels like it is breaking when I remember seeing her trying to give her baby CPR and crying for me to "Help me Mama...my baby, my baby." It still brings me to tears. I just take 1 day at a time and try not to remember. Because of the cancer surgery I had when she was 2 weeks old, I only got to hold her 2 weeks before she died, but she did smile at me. At least I have that to remember.
Yep, a wailing mother is a sound not to be forgotten - anonymous
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No other feeling quite so helpless. I will never be the same either.

I was kind of moved to read below about the doctors who were moved by the loss of patients. Sometimes they seem so robotic and detached. I would like to have a doctor like those.
Anonymous - Nature
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My daughter's OB, my GYN, doctor came to the funeral. She was so kind to us both. We have always loved her, and we both hated when we moved from Ohio to Oklahoma. We have not found a good doctor since. The OB/GYN in Ohio always played with my daughter's children and took them around the office showing them off. She even gave the oldest child, Autumm (4 at the time) a necklace and bracelet that belonged to her when she was younger. Oh, how I miss that woman!!!
My son and his wife lost their baby too - Daisy
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I will never forget the phone call in the middle of the night. The baby was 3 days old and was home and died a crib death. Hearing my son trying to tell me what happened through his sobs is something I will never forget. It's such a helpless feeling. That was 7 years ago and I still cry whenever I think about it. It still makes me so sad that he had to experience such a painful loss. The story about your daughter crying out to you is so heartbreaking. Sometimes life is so hard. I pray for your mother's heart to be healed and for your daughter to be healed and for her heart to be filled with joy and peace.

Horrid dictators - anon

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I have had the worst dictators today I think ever. Forget ASR - I can't understand this stuff either. Had to send one ER doc to QA to see what they could do with it. I had been through it totally twice and still had multiple blanks. I am so nervous, I am reduced to eating chocolate chips to calm down. If I had drugs or alcohol in the house, I would use them. Good grief this is stupid.

Not laughing at your misery, but.... - sm

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I did 'bout bust a gut' laughing when I read about popping chocolate chips to calm down. Being a forager myself when I get disgusted, I have been reduced to croutons, dry cereal, and even Bac-O's for those desperation moments born of disgust. I feel your pain.

They were dark chocolate. I consoled myself - that they provided anti-

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Day finally over - anon

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Finally finished this workday with 1254 lines -- yea! Never been so proud of 1200 lines. My ER doc report came back from QA with 14 QA feedbacks. I didn't even bother checking to see if they really heard anything or made it up. None was critical or major feedback so I don't give a rip. I am offline for MQ thank goodness.

I have a doc that yawns too - Daisy

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and she dictates for a sleep clinic! Go figure!

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