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Ha...no line count on my paycheck for the last 80+ hours...s/m - ANONYMOUS

Posted: Aug 06, 2014

I worked. My paycheck is for less than $20. Anyone ever have this happen to them? I approved my timesheet on Sunday. I've kept track of my lines daily.

This just makes me sick.

Anyone else ever have this happen to them? I've emailed HR and boss; I'd call but we only have one cell phone and husband has it until 3 today.



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Even better, since I didn't make enough to cover my insurance premium, they didn't take that out! omg. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I wonder if one of these psych docs I type for will see me since I'm freakin' on the edge.


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It's fixed, somewhat quickly. They sent me my paycheck stub, and I sent them what I'm seeing on UltiPro, which is a bunch of

I did thank the HR person and told them at least I could eat on Friday! /not sarcasm/

wow - sm

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First off, can you go into the system and pull your line counts from fluency? just to prove you did them.. Print your stuff out and have it on hand. I know it is a pain, but I am pretty sure it is an oversight of some kind, I really do..I used to work for a company not mentioning the name, that always seemed to be changing banks and checks were late..I have never had that problem here. Skimming lines in the past yes, but outright not paying, never

Yeah, I would've done that, pulled my lines... - ANONYMOUS

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because I knew they were there from the issues I had in the past couple weeks trying to listen to audio. lol

Why am I surprised by this, though?

HR lady said there were TWO paycheck stubs, I must be only viewing ONE. I scrolled up and down, looked for a page 2 to click, nothing, which is why I sent the one page I was seeing.


Maybe they were going to pay you - the rate they pay

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the offshore MTs. Sounds like the right amount. It was just wishful thinking on their part.

Isn't Wednesday the day you can check in UltiPro? - ANONYMOUS

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I've always checked relatively late in the morning on Wednesdays of pay week and never had this issue.

Plus, the paltry amount on what I was seeing is /not/ on the report I was sent...odd!

Yes you can check - I just did

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While pathetically low, it was correct.

I can't even get into Ultipro - L&L

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and my TSM in fixing an error on my time sheet shorted me 3 hrs so I did not meet the minimum hours. I'm probably history.

no line count paycheck - phatty

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Seriously, $20.00. Why didn't payroll alert your supervisor or somebody. Thata's insane.

finally found out what happened -sm- - ANONYMOUS

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i had a very minimal amount of OT. They forgot to put it on my first paycheck so they cut me a second paycheck. Here's the kicker: If they write more than one check for you during the pay period and you go into Ultipro to check the piddly amount you will receive, you'll see the most current check they wrote. in my case i saw the 2nd check. no mention that it was check #2 or that there was a 1st check. you have to go into pay history to see any checks written before the one that automatically comes up.

Srsly, if they have to cut, say, 3 checks, why can't there be something that says oh, btw, this is check 3 of 3, or something like that.

Instead of causing me mental anguish, which I'm beginning to think is the grounds on which I'm going to sue this POS company.

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