A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Well, after 10 years of working at home for MQ and the company bought out by MQ, and working in-house for many years, I am finally at my "Uncle" stage. I just turned 62 on March 28. I applied for SS retirement early and working part time. It starts in June. I have just had too much stress in my job, and I am no longer happy doing what I do. Now I will only HAVE to work 24 hours a week. I am finally excited about something again.
I can remember the days when I could not wait to get up and type. I would type on holidays, OT, and any time they wanted me to. I got E-cards from my supervisor, phone calls telling me how much I was appreciated, and even flowers as an extra thank you. I got glowing reports on my audits. Well you all know those days are gone. I know go into anxiety when I know it is time to be audited. It seems like I only get audited on new physicians or reports that I am doing for the first time. If it is a very long new report, then I panic about getting my lines in. I am so ready for "Calgon to take me away."
I always thought that by the time I reached my age, things would be peaceful for me, and I could relax in my life. I hope going part time will help me reach some of that. I will probably not be able to go to the doctor any longer, as I will not have medical. I am suppose to go every 3 months since I had uterine cancer....no more of that. I do not even know if I will be able to afford my meds any longer (6 of them), but it will be worth it to not have so much stress in my life. By partially retiring, I will only get half the SS I would if I waited until 70, but I just cannot take the stress any longer.
Thanks for letting me vent.