A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Finally starting to see the cash I need!! - Made $950 after doing this 5mos.

Posted: Apr 14, 2012

It's about time. I know many of you may shun me and say something like "Wow I made double that 15yrs ago". Well guess what, I did too before I got outsourced. So I am happy to finally see some progress with this whole editing business...YAY!!! I must add there was some overtime involved.

It does take time to build shortcuts - love docqscribe

[ In Reply To ..]
But with the ASR you have to make a completely different set of shortcuts to go along with the regulars..My problem is I just cant focus on the ASR stuff,,I dont know why any tricks? Recently I got comfy enough to put music on and that helps some but still my mind is wondering...

What helped me - is

[ In Reply To ..]
PRAYER and I mean that literally. I had to pray that God would help me stay focused and get better.

I prayed that he would help me get the shortcuts down so that I would be fluent with them.

I prayed for speed and I prayed that he would bless me with the money that I needed to make in order to survive.

Thats the truth. Now when I punch in, I almost feel riled up and ready to go, and I have a much more stronger sense of motivation and determination now.

I just remind myself that "I can do all things through God who strengthens me".

Docqscribe is the best program around - I have tried others

[ In Reply To ..]
But I swear I am ADHD...my mind goes in 2 million places at once and before I know it Im off on a tangent...The music has grounded me a bit maybe I need to narrow down my selection to a more steady beat...

sounds like power of suggestion to me. you know, like - sleep learning, subconcious mind and all.

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"God lives in me, as me." (from Eat, Pray, Love)

This is good - sm

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Kudos to you. I am glad there is a enough work for you to even get offered OT.

Thank you - I hope you will have plenty too.

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We all deserve to have the work we need to make the money we need to make support ourselves.

I'm sure there are others out there doing even better, but I am thankful to see some progress.

Not sure why MM is hiring when they could just transition those to other accounts with higher volumes. We have been on OT for months.

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