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Did they tell you if your QC was canned? - sm

Posted: Oct 09, 2012

My CCM bit the bullet, not that I care, but I havent heard from my QC all day and I asked her a question several hours ago..I hope the CCM didnt take her with her,,,she is the best...

I tried emailing everyone on my team, but - their email addresses are gone nm

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that cant be good - nm

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I tried emailing everyone on my team - kittykat

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Tech support set me up with Windows Live Mail because my other e-mail had a problem and he did not know how to fix it. I cannot figure how to find addresses in it. I has a buttom for find addresses, but nothing comes up. Help! Does anyone know how? I am tired of calling support, I usually do it on my own time, but still don't get answers to my problems. This group of tech are a lot different than when I first started. They used to know EVERYTHING!

The button to find addresses - buddymt

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in the new windows live email only finds emails that you have entered manually. There is no way to find addresses like we did on the intranet.

My QC axed - SCMT

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Just got email saying my QC coach from North region is gone. So far, CCM is still on board.

How do you know axed? - Why not quit?-nm

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Me too, and my QC was a great one. Feel like I'm stuck in the trenches - alone now. NM

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Got my answer on QC when the new CCM emailed - shes gone too

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She was fantastic, has been with the company forever..She even remembered me from 12 years ago when I first worked here..Darn..New CCM sounds nice though, Im going to have to look past the QC loss and think of this as a positive move with a new CCM

Some things never change - I left here, got thrown back...

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I left MQ years ago, then got thrown back due to a buy-out about 8 months ago. I quit for good reasons. I didn't quit because they kept changing my supervisor, but it was one of the reasons I didn't like working here.

I think the longest I ever had the same supervisor here was 1 year. One time, I had 3 different supervisors in one week, then one of them was back the following week. It was nuts. No continuity. They didn't know me, I didn't know them. Just when you almost get to know one, poof, they're gone.

QC defnitely not canned - MMMT

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The North QC definitely is not canned. I got an e-mail this weeks from CCM "getting to know me" and offering the opportunity to send an e-mail so everyone could get to know me.

There is more than 1 QC in North - NM

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A North QC was definatley canned. I talked to her. - Maybe not the one you are SM

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referring to but the one that got canned came from the AT buy out to MM

Mine was a north QC and she is no longer mine - dont know if canned or moved

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Hope she is just moved,,shes a great person.
So if you get transferred to a new QC - I hope you get...
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RS... She is AWESOME!
mine was - sm
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PC of the north,,,hope she is still employed
Must be on same account - anon
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Same initials for mine. I have a feeling she's gone.
Thanks I got - sm
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RS as QC from the north and BB as CCM...Looking as a positive thing..still miss my QC though
You will love them both - excellent
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BB always answers emails and is very fair. RS is the most helpful QC I have ever experienced. Best of the best.
North CCM and QA - njdqb
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Thanks for those encouraging words. It is always hard when a new boss comes on board, so it is helpful to hear from those who know how they are
Exactly, I am so happy to hear positives - not big on change..nm
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But how effective can she be taking on another BOB plus the - one she is already working?? nm
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How effective will we be having more accounts to - bounce between?
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Remember, they combine work for the CCM, that just adds more acounts to the pool I have to bounce between. :(
No, I dont think it works that way. The MTs will not be doing - the work that canned CCM oversaw. SM
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Those accts still have the same MTs that were always working them. The only difference is the CCM. So the CCM taking on an extra BOB will have more work, but not the MTs.
that is not true - CCM sets it up
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The CCM in my region sets everyone up with a primary. When the primary is empty, you then bounce between every account in the BOB. You will get the job that is closest to going out of TAT and that way she keeps the accounts all in TAT. You could get a few of the same account in a row, or just flip flop all day.

My CCM just sent an email that a new account is being added from the other CCMs BOB, so that will now be added to our BOB, which means another account (with subaccounts) to learn. That is how my CCM keeps 100% TAT and keeps her bonus and keeps her job.
How does this keep her acct 100% TAT? Well, no extra accts - for my CCM BOB. Btw, there is no bonus. nm
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Monday like 100 people got canned. I doubt your QC just got - moved, unless moved out of MM. nm
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I liked her - SCMT

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Mine was from AT as well, so same one. I thought she was pretty good. Don't know a thing about the new one yet.

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