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Dear Lord help. - sick and tired

Posted: Aug 30, 2010

Been sitting here 3 hours with mostly NJA.  Got a moron doing venous Dopplers on an account not familiar to me.  I couldn't even understand the patient's names (of course, there was a string of them in a row all on the same report), much less much of what he was dictating, even though I have done venous Dopplers for years.  Just waiting and hoping for work and get a friggin' Japanese girl who literally sounds like she is about 4 years old.  I know I am getting old, but this one sounds like a CHILD.  I can't understand two thirds of her soft, sweet, little timid self. 

I know, at least I have a report.  Please no flamin' -- just having a hard morning trying to make a living. 

If I get one more "eater" I'm gonna.... (sm) - I feel your pain.

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Some days, I really can't see why I do this any more. Oh yeah, I have no wardrobe since I've worked at home so long. One day, I'm going to go to Goodwill and find the best "work" clothes I can afford, and I'm gonna break free from this rut and get a real job with real pay and no arrogant **** eating or chewing gum while they dictate, etc.

I am glad I am not the only one with no clothes left. - sick and tired

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Saw an ad for a concierge job last week. Even that sounds more fun that what I am doing, but I would have to buy something besides jean and T-shirts.

making a living is a joke - also sick and tired

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I've given 29 years to this industry and feel totally screwed by it. I'm frustrated at trying to get insurance, 150 lines/hr is not easy for me to maintain. Plus when I do get it I won't have that much $$ left after I pay for it. If I only knew back then starting out what I know now. I thought I had found a career I loved, but didn't realize it would be a get-nowhere, dead-end career, if you can even call it that. I'm making less now than I did when I started out. I don't know I would even call it making a living anymore. This job is for women who don't need insurance and don't need to make that much money. At least from my viewpoint.

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