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Well, here I am in tears again - Worn out

Posted: Jan 26, 2014

I hate this new job so much and yet I have to work.  Can't survive on Social Security. I was so relaxed and calm on my days off and now that I'm back to work, I'm in tears again. There is way too much "computer crap" for me to learn and I am just so frustrated.  MT has turned into a computerized nightmare for me and I'm sure a lot of other old MTs as well.  My transcription QA has been 100% so there is definitely no problem with knowing how to do transcription after 40+ years, but the new platform and computer commands have me insane. If I was a lot younger, I would DEFINITELY get out of doing MT.  I used to love it and I'm good at it, but all this new computer garbage is definitely pushing me over the edge.  It has gotten to the point where I dread having to sit down and turn the computer on to go to work.  I was happy at my old company but was laid off due to no work, so here I am, trying to learn yet ANOTHER new system once again.  I hate it!

Tears again - Effie

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Hugs again..

Are you depressed? If so, are you taking medication? Depression can absolutely effect your ability to learn.. when I was depressed, I could not retain anything... just a suggestion that maybe its not old age thats slowing down the learning process.

How long... - SmileyChica

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have you been at your new job? Can you just let yourself take a step back for a bit, allow yourself to make a lot less and take it slow, knowing you will NOT be back at it at the exact income you were before, and then maybe without stressing yourself out, sooner rather than later you will have an ah-ha moment with all the computer stuff after doing it for a bit longer? If you quit, you will be making ZERO, so if you just relax with your learning curve and make a BIT of money you may eventually love it and be able to get back to making a decent wage and not stressing so much? I hope you get what I mean! Sending you good thoughts.

I left MT - At age 58

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Your age shouldn't stop you from leaving MT. I was 58 when I left. It was a hard thing to do, but I did it.

Though, I have to say, no matter where you go there will be something new to learn, likely having to do with software and other electronic stuff.

Part of the problem is the training you get (sm) - Rose

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I really struggled with a new platform when it came to verifying that the dictator entered the correct data, and being blamed when they did not. Out of about 6 things I was required to check, there would be no matching job number or visit number but you had to choose one, so I'd pick the closest match and alert QA. Then I'd be blamed for sending something through on the wrong patient. Questions were rarely answered by email. In the free labor I provided searching for the correct demographics there were multiple windows to search from, yet I'd enter the name and DOB and get "no matches" even though I knew it was in there. Docs never spell the name so when looking for Charriee this takes forever. I never knew which window to look for this information. It's hard enough when the search functions only work occasionally, but to have to do all this free labor is extremely aggravating.

To the OP, don't feel bad. We are all made to feel like we are the only ones screwing up, it is a part of the MTSO Supervisory Handbook under "isolate the victim". The dimwits who create this software are ONLY concerned with making it easy for doctors, not for us.

It might be the program, not you or your age - AgingMT

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I have decided for myself that if I could not get a feel for the program within a few weeks, then I probably was not going to. My learning curve as I have gotten older is a little longer, but there are some platforms that are what I call just too fiddly. Then there have been programs that, while it took a while to learn, I could discern early on I was going to be able to get it figured out eventually and it would become second nature.

So my advice would be to ask yourself if the program is starting to make sense to you and you can see yourself learning it, or is it so cumbersome that you are always going to struggle. If the latter, then maybe try another company and another platform. I could not believe the difference it made when I did that.

Hope things get better!

Dear Worn Out - Right there with ya.

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Rome wasn't built in a day. Don't try to learn everything at once. Take it step by step. Make notes that are easy for you to understand.

These companies can make the simple process of transcription soooo complicated, and it is not really because it is necessary, but because they can.

Worn out, what do you mean by - computer commands

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If doing voice recognition hope you are not talking about learning the various key combinations they say you have to learn because if that is the case believe me when I say I never learned those, don't use them, don't have to and get along extremely well and churn out enough to make over $100+ each day.

That's what they mean - Worn out

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I never used them before either as I have an ergo keyboard with a built-in mouse. They claim it is SO much faster using the commands but I don't think so.

It's another unpaid freeby learning all those keyboard commands SM - Sam

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I never learned them, don't intend to and do just fine with my standard keyboard & mouse, thank you.
I do VR exceptionally well without using the - hot keys
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I average well over 3500 lines a day on VR (also have some straight, not much) but never used those keys. No need to. I wish people would not get bent out of joint trying to use when they don't have to.
hot keys - xxx
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And I wish everyone would not generalize their experience, thinking that what they do will fit everyone else.
I have to have more "training" - Worn out
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I don't know why they INSIST you have to use them. I never have in the past but this new company insists you use them. As long as the work gets done, I don't understand what the big deal is.

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