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I'm sorry, I need to blow off some steam and perhaps those who have their own accounts could shed some light. I have been an MT for a very long time and in the past, what an MT did was TRANSCRIBE. We didn't follow account specs or change sentences, etc. Why has the MT industry come to this and why do the MTSO owners agree to this? I don't mind at all fixing broken English, because I understand that process, but changing what a doctor says, because it's not the protocol of the hospital to use the terms he uses? That is ridiculous to me!!! I work for a hospital that has NUMEROUS account specifics. Just one example is if the doctor says "He is a 31-year-old" we change that to "He is 31 years old". It may seem simple enough, but that is one example of what seems like a million! I used to could mindlessly type, but now I have to stay in full alert mode, changing the sentences around, changing the terms used and it is causing me to make very little money. Why can't they ask the doctors who are saying this stuff to use the correct terms? Why can't they give the DOCTORS the account specifics and have them follow them? I understand that MTSOs have to compete with each other, but when did it get to the point that even one MTSO would agree to such extensive account specs knowing how much that will drop the pay of their MTs?