A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Already posted on Nuance board this week - Karla

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The Gary poster apparently a suit with Nuance.

yeah....good luck with that one - Nuance is one of the

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"giants" and no doubt have bigger lawyers than anything the Gary poster can even imagine. Don't get me wrong, I am wholly for this, as this is the plight all of us transcriptionists, at-home, have been facing for several years already. Since this is an in-house transcription group that is facing what we have been facing for years already, I just do not think it is going to go very far. I wish it would, as it may set a precedent for us all, but in my heart of hearts, I do not think it will. Nobody bucking up against Nuance or MModal in the past have gotten anywhere, but I will keep a positive outlook and my fingers crossed, and see where this goes. Best of luck to all involved. We feel your plight!

I agree... - I do not think it will get

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very far either. Nearly all of us drank "the advantage" being paid piecemeal kool-aid ages ago and that will never change until this occupation is completely extinct. If these MTs had been paying attention, they would have started their re-training years ago like so many of us stuck in the MTSO nightmare are already doing.
You never know - My opinion
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It sounds as if UPMC has labor issues in addition to the one involving the MTs. I live on the west coast but have seen articles in regard to their shabby treatment of other employees, denying care to patients and some other things. It has put them in the public spotlight, which I am sure they never wanted. The SEIU has been trying to organize the UPMC employees and I think are also working with the MTs involved in this. You know, there is nothing wrong with this occupation, it is the employers people are choosing. I never went to work at home and I never went to work for an MTSO because I chose not to, and I know many others who "never drank that Kool-Aid." I have worked both on production and hourly and did well both ways. Wages started to drop when offshore labor became part of the picture. I was fortunate to survive a layoff and get a new job outside of MT. This certainly is not the MTs fault as you imply, but it does seem that they should have had other choices than working for Nuance. It amazes me that out of 130 MTs, no one questioned being told that working there was their only option. One issue here is the UE benefits for the MTs; UPMC never wanted to pay them to begin with, and now that they have accepted other positions with Nuance (some people have already left), obtaining unemployment is going to be even more difficult. Getting Nuance to change the way they pay people is probably never going to happen, because they would have to do it for thousands of employees.

This is not the same article posted earlier on Nuance forum.. - Thanks for posting this one. -- nm.

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Agree. The other one has the huge Comments thread, though. - nm

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Bravo, Mr. Ehrhardt! Well said!! - nm

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Can I say I take my statement back about already - posted, my bad

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I spoke too soon. You are right, this was not the same one that I read earlier. Alright, I get one mistake for the year. HEHE.

I am the OP, and I didn't see the ....... - Mom22dogs

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.......other post until after I posted. I think my post is the same, just from another source (newspaper). I like the Nuance post better because it has the responses.
yeah, the other link has the responses - from Gary Smith
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King of the jerks...

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