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Reference problems - discouraged

Posted: Jun 20, 2011

Does anyone else have problems supplying work references?  It seems the jobs I'm interested in all very emphatically ask for work references that can be verified and I've worked at home for just two companies in the past 10 years and had no contact with any other employees besides my supervisors.  I definitely don't want to give the current employer as a reference so that leaves me one that I worked for six years ago.  Not sure what to do in this case.

references - mememt

[ In Reply To ..]
I have the same situation. I worked for my last MTSO which I have no problem with them contacting her. The one before that I would rather they not contact her. Some of the companies do not want personal references but business or professional references. So I listed two persons from church, one a secretary and one a nurse, that can vouch for me since I volunteer on some committees. Also a friend of mine that use to be my supervisor 20 years ago but is now a real estate agent and can vouch for me. So think back and maybe you might find someone that you can add. It is worth a shot. Good luck.

Reference problems - UT MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I personally think it's good to give a wide range of references, so I always include someone who has known me for over 10 years. In my mind, it shows that I was good if someone remembers me from that long ago. I also suggest doing some volunteer work and have someone there be a referral. I have been denied jobs because I don't do volunteer work. I work 2 jobs and I just don't have time to volunteer. This does show an employer that you are a well rounded person by volunteering.

UT MT - Nick

[ In Reply To ..]
I am not sure it is their business whether you volunteer or not. And I certainly do not think they can base a denial on it. How does it make me a better MT if I coach football?

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