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Really? You don't see the dictation error? - Bobbi

Posted: Jan 07, 2013

I left a report pending with a note to the department supervisor to have the doctor review and advise.  QA monitors pendings to make sure they're not forgotten.   Our QA system is very different from that of other MTSOs.  This is the dictation that I questioned: "The right external iliac artery could not be visualized.  In addition, the bilateral external iliac arteries could not be visualized." 

The examination was done on the upper extremity arterial system.

QA sent me an email stating they saw nothing wrong with the report and finalized it, making it sound like she did me a favor.  Doctor comes back today and can't find the report/images (because it is no longer in his queue because it has been finalized), but still has my forwarded email from his dept super, who is off today.  He contacts someone else, who contacts QA (who doesn't remember the case in question), who contacts the coordinator, who contacts me.   The coordinator has to bring up the case in PACS, ask for my correspondence, contact the doctor, un-draft the report, put it back in pending status, lock the erroneous report in PACS so it cannot be viewed again, re-send the case with demographics, and then wait for the doctor to make the correction. 

The doctor meant to say: "The right axillary vein could not be visualized.  In addition, the bilateral cephalic veins were poorly visualized."

All because of this know-it-all QA person.  She does this kind of thing about four times a week.

Same thing happens to me! - anon

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I can't tell you how many times I have flagged obviously incorrect dictation or right/left irregularities, to have the QA send it on through because "that is what he says." I hate having my initials/name on that report! Then I get a nasty e-mail not to bother the QA when it is so easy to discern what is being said. I am almost done with my studies and I will be OUT of this once great profession.

jmo - sm

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it seems to me that it would have been better to leave blanks rather than to transcribe incorrectly. "Right external iliac artery" sounds nothing like "right axillary vein", and "bilateral external iliac arteries" sounds nothing like "bilateral cephalic veins". You needed to leave blanks instead of trying to squeeze words out of sounds.

that was the issue, whether the doc meant to say what was said, - not that this person squeezed out, sm

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words out of sounds. It was an obvious mistake on the physician's part caught by this MT who flagged it because it did not seem right. Maybe you should re-read the original post. No one said anything about what they thought they heard. That is why it was sent to QA, to have the physician make sure of what he was saying was what he wanted to say. Come on, we've all encountered the doc who is dictating out of his butt and hasn't a clue what he just said because he is too much of a hurry to get it done. He unknowing said the wrong word.

and from experience, putting blanks wouldn't have - made a difference

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The QA person, if didn't recognize the doctor's mistake, would have filled in the blanks incorrectly anyhow. Even with an explanation.

we can't know what the doc said - sm

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nor is it an obvious mistake on the part of the dictator. That's the point. We didn't hear it. Nor did QA, apparently.
He was as clear as a bell. - Bobbi
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I am blessed with the quality of the dictating docs that I have on this account. QA, btw, didn't listen to the audio file. This doc often dictates gastrocnemius vein when he means to say greater saphenous vein. The problem is they come in and dictate 50-60 reports late at night. They're tired, the reports are repetitive. We catch their mistakes and they're happy about that. We didn't have all these "middle men (women, actually) before the MTSO came in. We contacted the doctor with a nice short email and the dept super got back to us.
well done. Good catch on your part. Shame on QA - sm
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since QA is asleep at the wheel, maybe you have to attach an explanation for them!
Update - As of the first of the year - Bobbi
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when a finalized report is amended, a message in caps is displayed across the top that says "WARNING - THIS REPORT HAS BEEN REVISED". Ms QA tried playing stupid this a.m. but the audit trail nailed her. The doctor emailed me a thank you for catching his error and wants to know if this is what we have to endure in the case of similar errors with a "SHEESH!" on the end of his msg.
Cool! - BeenThereMT
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Thanks for the update. So nice that you have a good working relationship with your doctors and that they are thankful for your work ethic.

And yah for audit trails
that's like a dream come true! - good for you!
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re update - good for you!
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So, Ms QA not only doesn't know what she is doing, she lies too. Gotta love audit trails.

What the? Nobody "squeezed out words" - MT

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How in the world would you pull this out of the OP's post? I hate to say this, but you sound like someone in QA who would actually think this, instead of giving credit where credit is due to an experienced MT.

Sorry, but offshore and some US MTs would've typed as is. This MT should be commended.

I worked for a company where we would type it as is, but highlight it (to show QA, the dictator, etc. that we knew enough to question it). It covered all involved, but left the final say to the dictator since it would stand out when (hopefully) he scanned it. Win-win and simple. Why don't all MTSOs do this? Instead, they have this go through layers of supervisors and QA and QC, et al., and STILL will end up with someone making a subjective call and not the MT who knew enough to flag it in the first place. How is that good business in any sense? Ridiculous.

Thank you. - Bobbi

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No - that is exactly what we are not - Bobbi

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supposed to do on this account but thanks for your input. Had I done that, QA most probably would have filled them in with incorrect words and put it through with my name on it. BTW, our full name goes on our reports.

Just curious, - Des

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does the QA's name go on that report, too? If not, I'd keep a record of every single report I send to QA, and if they come back with errors that cannt be proven to be mine or QA's, I'd most definitely demand an investigation.

It's BS like this that just slows us down further. If we could trust QA to be competent and fair, we wouldn't have to waste time with this extra documentation just to protect ourselves.
It doesn't go on the report but there is - Bobbi
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are audit trails on the report and even in Winscribe (which would show QA didn't listen to the job). And yes, 4 or 5 people got involved and I spent about 25 unpaid minutes on it AND the record was locked for a short time so other physicians could not view it.

There's hopefully some trail that shows QA had their hands on it at some point? - sm

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Luckily, supposedly with my platform, they can tell exactly who did what, but I would at the very least want there to be some kind of documentation that showed that QA made alterations on any of my reorts.
I agree completely. I think HIPAA can be our friend in these cases. - Des (no message)
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Good grief - Your QA is an idiot

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I've been up for going on 20 hours right now, so I admit I had to think about it when I first read your post. Having said that, I only had to think about it for a couple of minutes and even my sleepy and fogged brain got the dictation error.

Your QA is an idiot. Good catch on your part. The part that really sucks is the 25 minutes of unpaid time.

I had one that changed absence seizures to - absonce seizures.

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I hadn't even pended it for that, but she went through my whole report after I pended it for one thing and made a huge mess of it. Yeah, it may sound like "absonce," but that doesn't mean that's how it's spelled, geez.

In this day and age of Google and more resources than we ever had access to in the past, there's absolutely no excuse for something like that. Talk about wasted time e-mailing back and forth about everything she unnecessarily and incorrectly changed, grrr.

Where in the world did they.... - .....get that......

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....QA person from?

My favorite - MT

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was the dr. who dictated the pt had an "outpatient CABG." I flagged it for a discrepancy and was told that since that's what the dr. dictated, that is what it is, and I was out of line for questioning it. Yeah.... okay. 'Cuz doctors always pay attn to what they're saying and I'm an idiot. Sigh...

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