A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Question - Why is it that so many on here complain about - hating their job and this being a

Posted: Dec 29, 2012

dying field and they want to get out **BUT** whenever there are job openings the companies are flooded with tons and tons of resumes to the point that they have to post a follow-up message on the job board to let people know they are done hiring. I have even read posts where people have been having trouble finding a job and have tested and tested for companies, but still no call backs or interviews. If being an MT sucks so bad then why are there so many applications flooding in everytime a job opening is posted and why are there still those out there looking for work in the MT field? Im not talking about newbies either, Im talking about those who have been doing this a while. Also, everyone talks about the 2 Evils, MModal and Nuance. What makes them any different than any other company? Are'nt they all about the same? Whats the difference between them and any other company out there?

Applicants. - sm

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Not all applicants are skilled MTs. I know of a couple acquaintances who frequently apply for MT jobs. They have no MT experience but want to work from home, know how to type fast, and watch The Doctors and Dr. Oz faithfully and truly believe they are qualified to do this.

Speaking for myself, as much as I love the job of MTing, I also am looking to get out as I am a single-income person and not making enough at Nuance for my needs. Used to work for Webmedx and did fine pay-wise, but pay was cut when Nuance acquired them. In 2013, I plan to apply to other companies to see if I can increase my pay (even a better platform would help with that), and then go to school for something out of the medical field.

yeah, but if you look at the job seekers board there are lots of - people checking that board all you

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have to do is look and it shows you how many people have viewed the posts. If you are suggesting that it is mainly newbies viewing and applying for these jobs, then sure are an awful lot of newbies entering a "dying field." Most of the ads want 3+ years of experience.

and if they dont want 3 or more yrs experience, they want someone - who has experience with a certain specialty.

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so it cant be all newbies.

same here - AnonMT

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I'm in the same boat. Single-income person working FT and living paycheck to paycheck. And I'm not dealing with gobs of debt, just trying to pay utilities and afford groceries. It's sad all my years in this field have come to this.

I was ashamed of my work history, been fired from a few MT companies. I'm a good worker and good at the job, but could not make line requirements when I was switched to VR. So I'd lose one job because I couldn't make production, apply for a different company and get hired for straight typing, that company would switch to VR, same story.

I have been with my present company for several years and it's not horrible. Still, they are losing accounts, work flow is spotty, and I have no idea how long it will last. I hope to be able to earn this meager living for another 1-1/2 years when I'll be out of school and, I pray, in a different profession.

By the way, a similar thing happened with the engineering field years ago. When it was booming, people flocked to get engineering degrees. It was seen as one of those "can't lose" career choices. The field had cutbacks and layoffs and floundered quickly, and I knew several people with 4-year college degrees in engineering who had to end up selling cars or working at auto parts stores or Best Buy. So many experienced engineers were laid off, so they were all applying for the few available positions. If a new grad didn't have their degree from a top-notch school with a 4.0 grade average, they didn't have a chance of getting hired over those with experience.

Lots of people living from paycheck to paycheck - these days. What are you going

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to school for?
back in school - AnonMT
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I just finished my first semester studying American Sign Language and Deaf studies. It's been my dream since I was 12. I don't have dreams of landing a $50,000 a year job anymore. Just want decent steady pay in something I enjoy and feel like I'm doing something that matters.

If anyone else out there is disillusioned with MT and wants to go back to school, my advice is to look at something reasonable that you have an interest in. Just my first semester, as tough as it was to work and go to school, gave me the first ray of light I've seen in a while.
Congrats and best wishes on your future endeavors!! - glad to hear you are doing something that makes yo
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meant to say - Glad you are doing something that makes you happy. - nm
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thanks, encouragement always appreciated - nm
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Good for you! - anon
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That's a really good field and has the benefit of a lot of earning potential. You may very well end up with a 50K position!

My cousin's wife is in that field. I know she was making over 30K part-time signing at her church during service and meetings and whatnot. Not sure what she does/makes for full time employment, but I know it's sign language related.
thanks - AnonMT
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I've just scratched the surface of all the avenues available with the 2-year degree in this particular field. Thanks for sharing your story of knowing someone working in it. I am really looking forward to the change.

Not everybody can work outside the home...disabled or whatever - me

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I am completely disabled (no, not collecting benefits) and have no choice. I am on meds and not allowed to drive, live where public transportation is horrible or nonexistant, and too disabled to work in the workplace, i.e., I can barely get out of bed and crawl to my office and have numerous disabilities and bipolar disorder. I also have a small fortune invested in my business and client setup. My husband does not financially support me or provide me any money for the medical bills, this despite him causing the injuries. Trapped... A severe neck injury prevents me from going to school (bending my neck to study is impossible) as well as sitting in class with this back injury is impossible.

I do love my job though, or I should say I have great clients.

If I were not disabled, I would definitely work outside the home like I used to.

how can you not sit in a class due to a back injury - but can sit in a chair for MT

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Just curious. I feel badly for you, but I just wonder about the whole back injury and figure if you can sit in a chair all day to do this job, you certainly can sit in school. Additionally, you could take on line classes and get a degree that way.

Also, how can you crawl if you have back and neck injuries. If you cant bend your neck, how can you see where you are crawling to?

By the way, if your husband does not support you, and he caused you injuries, why on earth are you not divorced and suing him for injuries? Then you wouldnt have to work!

LOL!!!! LOL!!!! @ "how can you not" - Im sorry to laugh and - I know you meant no harm but..

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I literally fell out of my chair laughing at your post. You made really good points, but it just sounded so hillarious.

LOL!!!! my laugh for the day...still laughing!
LOL - me
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What else can you do for a living from home as injured as I am making $8500 per month.... Great field to be in!

See message - me

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Crawling out of bed to my office was a figure of speech.

Sorry, but I really do not consider online schools real education and prefer to attend college in person.

I sit with several moist heating pads and can take several breaks and stand up or whatever, something I cannot do in class, and I do not bend my neck looking at the monitor all day... it is straight on staring.

Yes, I could sue my husband, but then who would be my caretaker? I transcribe 9 large accounts by myself and am too disabled to go grocery shopping or much cooking let alone more intensive labor, such as vacuuming. I also need at least 1 other person for my medical insurance--called group insurance (key word here is group), although the new laws SAY I can have preexisting injuries/conditions. My husband is not employed full-time and works a lot of side jobs (common in the moving business). Do you think the courts would track him down to pay alimony and medical benefits? Hardly. I would be in court every week.

Finally, I enjoy working and make great money, although not as much as I made before. However, the costs associated with it keep rising.

I am lucky I have my own clients and do not have to deal with nationals and their ridiculously low pay.

I seriously doubt the majority of the posts represent the majority of MTs. - anon

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There is a lot of venting (justifiable) on this board but it's a fraction of a percent of working MTs.

I probably won't leave the field until I absolutely have no other choice.

I work for both of the "evil ones" and it's fine. Not great, but fine.

I kindly beg to differ - Anon

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Not being pessimistic but realistic here. The 2 major hospitals in my area have drastically cut their MT departments. Where they used to have large inhouse MT departments, now they have whittled it down to a handful. I know some of the ones who still work there are shaking in their boots because they see the trend.

Another local medical center has no inhouse MTs anymore, and the ones working from home have gone from hourly rates to lower and lower line rates. I talked to one who said her job had turned into a nightmare.

I personally do not know anyone in the biz who sees it as viable anymore. Oh I do know one...she OWNS her own company. But the other working MTs...struggling is in the majority. But that's just what I'm seeing.

I understand what you are saying but... - anon

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There are tens of thousands of MTs in this country. You know a handful in comparison. This board reflects the views of a handful. Anyone who dares to post anything positive is called a "suit" or an idiot.

I am sorry but I don't buy absolutes. There are happy MTs (I actually know a few) and there are unhappy MTs (Obviously based on this board) and there are MTs in the middle.

No one claims the industry isn't changing but that alone doesn't mean ALL MTs are horribly unhappy.
I am going to have to agree with anon. This board really only represents - a very small minority and
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I have been doing this for close to 15yrs and just found this board a year ago. Nobody I ever worked with even knew or spoke about this board. Of course I come from a hospital and not an MTSO, but even still the MTs who work for MTSOs are isolated at home so how can they communicate to each other about this board?

Not only that, but the negativity and attacks get ridiculous at times and I dont see very many happy MTs or MTs who do well sticking around or posting much on this site. Its too depressing.
I understand what you are saying..... - anon
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I also know many MTs and not one of them LOVES their job and are HAPPY!! 15 to 20 years ago maybe..but not today!! Why? We are working more for way less money. After working 20 years and typing over 150 wpm, I now earn what I earned back in 1991 being paid an hourly salary that was cut 10% 3 months after I started (and the starting pay was horrible to begin with so now it's even WORSE). I'm making about $300/month more than I did on unemployment (Got laid off when the hospital I worked at switched to VR WITHOUT any editors). There is NO WAY I AM HAPPY with my job...it's barely keeping me off the street. Then they have the nerve to tell me I left out a Hyphen in a word!! REALLY?? My response "what do you want for cheap labor??" I used to be happy when I was able to work hard and make good money...but I am no longer HAPPY at my job and perform the minimum requirements, no more and no less!! they obviously do not value my expertise!
Sorry you aren't happy - anon
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I guess if you aren't happy no one is.

That makes perfect sense, my mistake.

Its been my experience that unless you have a degree - you wont find many jobs that

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pay more than MT. Most jobs now a days are starting out anywhere from $9 to $11 an hour (some less). I make that as an MT. I can easily average $12 an hour and if I really sit still the entire 8 hours and stayed focus, I could do $15 an hour. I have done it, just not consistently. But a little over $12 an hour is my norm.
why I became an MT... - and what it became
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I came from a family where most had college degrees. I couldn't find a major that clicked with me in college when I was younger and decided to become an MT. At that time, I knew it wouldn't allow me to have kind of income a college degree could bring, but I was content because I liked the work.

Also at that time, I ALWAYS had work. I could make $15 an hour after being in it a few years, there were bonuses and plenty of extra work to go around if you chose to take it.

I don't remember the last week I worked just my shift--always running out of work, then have to use my "time off" to make it up. I get put on different accounts all the time, so since I'm not familiar with them, I can't get a good line count and make very little money.

Sometimes it seems like I am expected to be "on call". Available to work when work is sent, can't plan much in my free time because if I don't work, I'm come up short. It's become a game of finding time and finding enough jobs, eeking out line count. It has become a rat race of needing to make up so many hours by deadline.

I didn't think this would be easy work. But I did think it would be a career. So I'm frantic about work so often, and sometimes I see I'm only getting minimum wage. This is not the only company I've had this experience with. I've worked for a few, and it always ends up the same.
jobs that pay more - me
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I can make over $100 per hour on certain dictators but a few I only make $50.

I made a lot more than that modeling and cocktail waitressing through college, making up to $600 per night cocktailing and modeling quite more. I sure wish I were young again.

This field is still better than most, and there is always work available. Others are not so lucky.
Jobs that pay more..... - Anon
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$100/hour??? $50/hour??? honestly??? Where do you work? Please send me the info so I can apply ASAP. At 150 wpm a minute and over 25,000 Instant Text shortcuts, I'll be rich!! I worked for over 6 years at one place with an easy platform and easy doctors and the most I made was about $45/hour!! Hook me up, sister!! :)
don't pay attention - to the bragging
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it just is not true and someone should be back on their meds again. One spends far too much time on this site bragging about what she perceives to be a wonderful career to be able to make that kind of money. There is no way she can transcribe for 9 different doctors and be on this site all the time making what she claims to make. just not true. Also there are very many discrepancies in her posts. just try to read them all and you will see. very delusional person.
see message - me
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I said 9 different accounts, 97 doctors. Some accounts are small and others not, but I am definitely not sitting around NJA.

Obtain your own clients, and you will see how much more lucrative it is, especially in certain fields and certain work types.
just do not - believe you
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there is no way one person can type 9 different accounts and 97 doctors in a normal regular day, and spend as much time on this site as you do bragging about how much better you have it than anyone else, and complaining at the same time about all your "injuries", "disabilities", "doctors appointments", "bad events in your life", "bad husband/relationship that will not help or pay your bills," etc. not to mention bad mouthing those that have or do still work for you. No way!
yeah this is that person again - ignore
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She has some sweet accounts I don't doubt it, and apparently they all use templates and she is able to make that money, but she'll tell you everyone she hires is an imbecile, she can't get any good help, she doesn't even try to hire here anymore, and if you do ask her to just give you a try, she'll promise to contact you and then not do it. BTDT
exactly.... - BTDT too...
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at least glad to know I wasn't the only "ibecile" she sucked into her bipolar heaven!
Info - me
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Yes, been a little tied up with my mom dying of lung cancer and my own medical appointments before the end of the insurance year, but I will definitely make sure I do not answer any emails now that I am done. Thanks for saving me the time. Much appreciated.
Jobs that pay more... - me
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I have my own clients and have lots of templates, which makes it very hard to train, and I am currently not hiring.

There are good accounts out there, but the setup was very expensive and time-consuming. You just have to obtain your own clients. I am also fortunate they dictate on a landline, which is in my service contract.

Yes, you can make even more than that. I was making over $100,000 per year on their office work until that went EMR, and that was just my transcription, not including the MTs helping me. Different fields of medicine are also more lucrative than others.

Good luck and happy holidays!

Question- Why is it........... - Anon

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Great question and I can answer it from My standpoint (everyone else might have a different situation). I'd also Love to find some other way to make a living. It really IS NOT the way it was 20 years ago. But the problem is I HAVE been doing this for 20+ years and I'm not getting any younger. I really don't feel like going back to school to "LEARN" anything new at 63 years of age. Plus even the on-line schools are very costly (A Medical Coding class costs close to $1,600) and after you finish the class, there is no guarantee you will find a job and if you do, you certainly will not be hired in at TOP DOLLAR being a NEWBY! So even the PATHETIC pay I am receiving now will look FABULOUS compared to what I'd make starting a NEW CAREER. I am stuck in the rut of familiarity. I am comfortable doing what I do, even I we would LOVE to do something else. It just isn't always possible for everyone. Now I know how my Aunt felt when they finally phased out KEYPUNCH OPERATORS many years ago!!! we are all going the way of the Passenger Pigeon, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, not all of us can just "pick up and start something new".

Because the MT schools (some affilated with MTSOs doing - the hiring) are raking in the big - sm

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bucks on tuition, and feeding gullible young people a line about how they'll make $40K to $60K a year, and can make it working part-time, all the while nursing a baby on their lap while they type.

MT schools are sort of like the MT equivalent of puppy mills.

- Meerkat

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