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Please Help: Is there a way to save your - Autocorrect entries to the computer?

Posted: Dec 08, 2014

the last time my computer crashed I lost them ALL and I am now in the process of re-entering them...wow it's so much work.  I am kicking myself for not figuring out how to save them before, but I want to make sure this doesn't happen again. 

Any advice would be so very appreciated!!! 

What version of Word? nm - Diana

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Instructions for Word 3003 and 2007...sm - Diana

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This is for WORD 2007: The default location of the .acl file for the 2007 Office programs is as follows:
C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftOffice

This is for WORD 2003: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/826147

Hope that helps!

Well, that was supposed to be Word 2003. :-) nm - Diana

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Thank you Diana! Will this work for 2010 as well? - Or is it different? n/m

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I think this is the correct path for Word 2010...sm - Diana
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It's version 2010...n/m - thx

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I just did this with my new computer - anon

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%appdata%MicrosoftTemplates is where you find the Normal template which is your formatted changes

%appdata%microsoftoffice for unformatted changes which is all your autocorrects. There are 2 files, probably ending in 127 and 1033. They are autocorrect file types.

Save all 3 files to a flash drive by right clicking on name, send to, and choose flash drive.

To reinstall, change the Normal, 127, and 1033 files on new computer to Normal.old etc. by right clicking on file name and choosing rename. Then open flash drive and drag or copy your saved files to the correct folder in your computer.

Hope this helps, been there and done that!

You are Awesome! Thank you!!!!! - n/m

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