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No Job postings since last Tuesday? - Hmmm

Posted: Oct 27, 2009

Is it just my view or have there not been any new job postings in a week. Seems odd to me since there is alway a few a day. The well must have completely dried up. LOL

Job postings - MTforever2

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I can see several job postings since last Tuesday, up to and including postings last night.

I see 3 from yest... - nm

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I see now - me

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Hmm, I see them now but I didn't before. Some times I see the block style job listings and others it reverts to the list style, where you have to click on the job title and then it goes to the info. Anyone else see this?

The NAVIGATION box information contains different forums - names
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The NAVIGATION boxes are different depending on how you log onto MTStars.


If you log in directly using mtstars.com, the NAVIGATION box lists “JOB OPENINGS.”


If you are already in a forum, the NAVIGATION box lists “JOB SEEKER’S BOARD.”

That may be why you see different job listings. 




You are correct - Me
[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks, that is exactly what is happening.

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