A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Has anyone heard from Landmark or Premier on their current postings? - susana

Posted: Apr 25, 2011

Has anyone heard back after applying to either of these today?  I have over 20 years of solid psych experience, applied to both, but have heard nothing.  What am I doing wrong?

susana - Nick

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If you only applied today, I would think it unrealistic to expect a reply so soon. I don't know the particulars about the jobs so I can't be more helpful, but I really do think companies get hundreds of apps and therefore may take awhile to respond. Dunno, has anyone else who applied heard? How long have the ads been running? (I don't typically check the ads as I already have a FT job.) Good luck!

Landmark/Premier - mtmomma

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Hi Susanna. I also saw their ad's today and, with psych/Behav health experiance, applied. Haven't heard anything back yet. (Cross fingers) I believe one of them are looking for a total of 3 MT's. Good luck to you--I hope we hear something soon!

Hey, mtmomma - hope we are coworkers very soon! - susana

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= )

yup - probably unrealistic, but.... - susana

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Thanks for your reply, Nick, and yes, I'm probably unrealistic in the timing, and you are certainly correct about the hundreds of applications. It's just that in the very recent past I have applied for two other positions for which I was very qualified, was never called, never heard from anyone. Out of shear frustration I called each of them and received essentially the same answer: They had too many applicants, no one saw my resume, and they just filled the position with the first people they felt would work out. One of them took the time to dig out my resume, was super-apologetic, and said I would have been called if she had seen my resume. I had applied to both positions with 15 minutes of the posting. Getting frustrated, to say the least - forehead bloody from beating my head against so many walls....

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