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New MT, struggling - what do I do?

Posted: Aug 06, 2013

I'm a recently graduated MT. I started working almost as soon as I graduated. I decided to work from home for pretty much the same reasons as everyone else. But I also, unfortunately, have a problem when it comes to interacting with people, whether it be customers or coworkers. I have a tendency to say the wrong thing, even though I don't mean how it comes out. I'm very introverted and have a lot of social anxiety, so this exacerbates the problem. I thought all of this could be resolved by working at home, and it certainly did! But now I have another problem: I have a lot if trouble focusing on work. I tend to get frustrated and call it quits, leave the computer for a glass of water only to return an hour later for one reason or another. I clearly have a procrastination problem. Sometimes, as dumb as this sounds, I get depressed over this and that causes me to want to "give up" so I end up procrastinating because I'm sad about procrastinating!


So I am wondering about all the experienced MTs, particularly the ones who struggled with this kind of problem, how did you overcome it? I feel I've found something good and I don't want to deal with people again because of my anxiety. I really want to make this work.



This helps me... - IIQLAD

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When I'm really having difficulty focusing, I play a mental game (or more than one) and challenge myself using tick marks on a piece of scratch paper. You could use Excel or something, though. I know the usual number of marks I need to make my line count, so I aim for that, but I add 3-5. Don't ask me why, but the tick mark goal game sort of helps. If I need 20 marks, I don't feel as overwhelmed by needed lines, and I then challenge myself to see if I can make those tick marks within so much time.

Another thing I do is I set up very soft music that will play for an hour or two, and I don't stop until the music does. At that point, I've earned a short break. That also helps.

Finally, I try to keep in the back of my mind that if I was sitting at the front desk, or really any desk in a clinic, the doctor would need me to get these notes to him, or whatever service I worked on (patient access, billing, etc.) Try to remember you're part of the team and a doctor is relying on you. If you were sitting in an office, you'd have no choice but to focus and deliver the finished product, or be fired.

These are just mental things, but they help me to focus and stay professional. It can be challenging sometimes, though, but trying to stick to a schedule and trying to set goals helps me.

Good luck to you!

I understand. - Stressed

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I could honestly have written your post myself. I have always had a horrible time dealing with people. I had a nervous breakdown in kindergarten when we had our "graduation" and I had to walk in front of all the people to get my certificate. I have scoliosis pain that makes it necessary for me to leave my chair multiple times in just a one-hour period. It takes me about 2 hours to get out of bed after I wake up on a good day because I am so stiff and hurt. I don't mean to procrastinate, but I have to do something other than sitting to relieve the pain from sitting. I normally work in periods of about 5 to 10 minutes at a time and have to take a break. There are times that by the time the pain has numbed down enough that I can work I don't have the energy to concentrate and focus on work. I honestly need to go back to the doctor to start on meds again. I am supposed to be on meds for depression, anxiety, and ADD. I haven't been able to afford to go to the doctor in almost 10 years and none of them want to take a self-pay patient. I understand how you feel. I get so upset at myself some days that I just want to give up because I didn't have enough time to work because of the pain.

I will be watching this post. I need to find some way to overcome at least part of this as well.


Thank you - what do I do?

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Thank you both for your input, and Stressed, I'm sorry to hear about your problem. I kind of feel like crap now, because my problem is just me being lazy and unmotivated. You have a real problem though that isn't at all your fault and I sincerely hope you can get the help you need. Good luck!

Good luck to you too. : ) nm - Stressed

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Look up adult ADD or ADHD - symptoms sound - very similar. I have similar -smsg

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problems with distraction, and others similar to what you describe. You should see what happens when I decide to clean the house! I keep starting things that need to be done, then look up and see something else. An hour later, I'll remember what I was originally doing, only to be distracted by something else while walking back to that room. By the end of the day, a million cleaning projects throughout the house have been started, none have been completed, and I'm exhausted.

People have suggested I have adult ADD, so I looked up the symptoms online, and holy-moly -- I score somewhere between 95-100% on the online questionnaires! And I also suffer from depression, which they say can go along with ADD/ADHD.

That may not be your situation, but it's certainly worth checking into. If nothing else, it allows you to understand yourself better, and not be so hard on yourself for feeling the way you do, because it's not your fault.

ADD or ADHD - Grate MT

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I knew someone who took an herbal remedy to help her focus on days when she especially needed to focus. Unfortunately, I cannot remember what it was. She said it really helped her.

Try going gluten free - And possibly dairy-free, as well

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You may see an improvement within a few weeks. The effect will be like a fog lifting and you won't be bouncing from one thought to another as much.

Please don't come back saying that it's too expensive. It is not more expensive to NOT eat things.
Hear, Hear! - I agree.
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Look up the blood type diet for your blood type as well. I am an A, and I am supposed to be vegetarian. It's changed my life. My skin is clearer and I've lost weight. Much happier.

Also, in answer to the OP's question: I have to pay bills, so I got over that real quick when I first started. I reward myself with something at the end of my work day: A glass of wine, a new movie, etc.
Thanks for the suggestions~ - what do I do?
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I am already a vegetarian. I was vegan for about a year, lol. It was very difficult to me, but I have no problems with vegetarianism. My blood type is O. I think that diet said I'm actually supposed to eat a lot of beef (not going to happen, lol)

I have considered I may have ADD/ADHD. Maybe I'll see a doctor and get that sorted out.

I try to focus for the money but it just doesn't work sometimes. :(

Thanks guys! You're awesome :)

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