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How do you report a doctor for dictating on a cell phone? - none

Posted: Jan 04, 2010

He's been told and told not to do this and he still does it.  Isn't that  HIPAA violation, since cell phones are not secure?

How about the entity that told him not to do it. - Your employer, perhaps? nm

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I reported it to the higher ups when I heard - Lynn

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a person I knew was using their cell phone. When we first started doing voice, some even dictating from their cars and told they could not, voice was not able to pick it up. I just ask uppers to take a listen to such and such. I really do not think though it is against the rules per HIPAA though.

Drs dictating on cell phones - KA

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I am not sure about the HIPAA regulations and cell phones, but as far as being hard to hear, your manager at your job should know who to contact to have a talk with him. Some places wouldnt dare ask the physicians to not dictate on the cell phone, but larger places might.
Depends on where they are using the cell - huh?
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as to whether or not it is a HIPAA violation.

If they are out in public dictating over the phone then yeah, cause other people can hear.

If they are sitting in their office and for some reason have decided to dictate over the cell, it may not be a violation, depending on who is listening in.

However, I have a paralegal degree and was always told in ethics that a cell phone is not a secure form of communication and you should expect other people to hear what is being said over a cell phone. Therefore, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

I think it is tasteless for doctors to dictate in this manner. Of course, I just busted a doc for dictating on the hall phone in the ER of the local hospital here. I had my son in there for stitches and he was standing right outside the door of the room we were in dictating someone else's H&P! The door was open and I heard everything he said. I told him off and then turned him in to compliance at the hospital.

Cell phones are not secure at all sm - Bunion

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Friend brought over a scanner one day. Little girlie crusing in her daddy's car gave out her cell phone number to her friend and we heard it and I, the sarcastic one I am, called it and told her we were listening to her. She about pottied her panties. Trust me, do not say anything on a cell that you do not want anyone to hear, as "we" are listening. TRUE STORY, I SWEAR TO GOD


Yup, she's VERY right!!! - HatesLosers

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Oh, yeah - I believe you!!! I used to work as a 911 operator and had a scanner in the house just to hear what was going on while I was not at work. I had a conversation with my mother, who lived around the corner from us, one night from work and my husband had the scanner on at home - uh, he heard me make a disparaging comment about his sainted mother and, uh....well, needless to say, the scanner mysteriously disappeared the next day!!! He did too eventually, but that's another story!!!


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