A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Full circle? Has anyone noticed - just me

Posted: Oct 21, 2011

That some of the job postings are asking for 7 and 8 years experience? That seems to be a first now. Its about time they realize that 1 year experience is not enough. Anyway, with the doctors hating EMR/CPOE and India a woeful failure, maybe it will come back.  I may not be around to pick up the pieces but perhaps some of you will.

Full circle - sm

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The whole system is screwed up. New transcriptionists should be given a chance, however. In an ideal transcription world a new transcriptionist would be assigned a mentor/seasoned transcriptionist. Back 16 years ago when I got in this business I was trained in a hospital setting before sent home. This does not happen these days, so there needs to be a solution so new transcriptionists get the proper on the job training after schooling. JMO

However, there needs to be a whole lot of modification for an ideal transcription world.

I guess I'm just a - JS

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glass half empty kinda girl. If companies are demanding 7 to 8 years' experience (to make 7 to 8 cpl to start??!?), it will just make the new MTs more desperate to land a position with companies who will take them and eventually drive down the starting rate (can you even go lower than 5 cpl?), which in turn will drive down the rate of the seasoned transcriptionists.

This MT ship isn't going to stop sinking until: 1. The schools STOP promoting MT as an at-home job. They know very well that not only is this a dying field, but that it is extremely hard for new MTs to make a living at home with MTSOs. 2. The new MTs let go of being bent on working at home. There ARE small in-house clinic jobs (I see plenty on Craigslist) out there that don't want to or can't afford to pay a seasoned transcriptionist but would pay much more than what a new MT would make at an MTSO. Even though the pay is lower than what older MTs are used to making, at least it's a guaranteed hourly rate more than minimum wage where you can gain experience. They don't want to hear it though. 3. Finally, something major is going to have to happen either politically with significantly increasing taxes on companies who offshore OR legally where the integrity of the medical record finally comes into the spotlight and a doctor or hospital's competency is discredited based on their sloppy documentation (Lawyers suggesting if the doctor's documentation of their patient care is sloppy and inaccurate, only imagine how sloppy and inaccurate their actual patient care is. Suggesting if doctors are willing to cut corners in documentation as a cost- or time-saving measure, where else are they willing to cut corners in order to save a buck or have time to herd more patients into the office to make more bucks). I don't see any other way that docs/hospitals would be willing to pay for quality and thus bring back MT jobs to American PEOPLE (not voice wreck which is sloppy and inaccurate). They're going to have to have their wallets hit hard enough so that paying us would be cost effective in the long run.

Sorry, but that 7 to 8 years they're looking for is probably more of a sign of MTSOs getting more for less than a sign that things are turning around in this industry. It blows.

You go, girl! :) nm - nm

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