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Ever have one of those days where you can't make out anything, even the BEST dictator? - Noney

Posted: Dec 28, 2011

I've had a couple of really good dictators in a row and they sounded garbled and there is some sort of vibration in my right ear or right headphone!  Plus my fingers just won't hit the right keys!  I mean to hit delete and hit the end key and end up at the end of the line or the page down key and end up at the end of the report!

It is going to be one of those evenings!  Man I hate days like this!  It's so frustrating!  I just wanted to do some gripin'!  Back to work or some semblance of work.

Noney - something to make you smile hopefully - LeeLee

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On a lighter note. Have an MD that is going to "number" his diagnoses for me; how kind. He starts out with #1, #2, #6, #3, #12, #8, #21, #7. At first I thought he was joking or I missed something. Turns out, he does this on all his reports; no rhyme or reason to his counting process. I contacted the hospital coordinator to get this guy and take away his beer! (Obviously, I am kidding about the coordinator and beer!)

On the other hand... - sm

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I used to work for an MD and the numbers only made sense to him. He was referring to diagnoses say 1 through 8 million and when he dictated numbers out of order, it was because he was referring to his chart and the info that pertained to that particular diagnosis. Crazy I know but once I knew about his "system," I numbered them as dictated. Still drove me nuts!

Yes, there are days like that. - Hope it passes soon for you!

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There are days that everything seems harder than it should be. Yes.

Numbering Nonsense - JT

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First, I have days where my ears, fingers, feet just don't cooperate!

Second, that numbering dictator. We have to be talking about the same guy, LOL. He usually does okay with 1, 2, 3, but from there it's nuts. 1,2 3, 6, 12, 8, 5, 3... With ASR it really throws you worse than with normal transcribing.

Sleep deprived? - TiredMT

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What you described is what happens to me when I haven't had a good night's sleep -- or enough sleep -- the night before. I usually describe it "my ears aren't working right" because that's how it seems, even though dictators are clear as a bell.

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