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Doctors reported to their state medical board for malpractice, how about maldictation? - Rose

Posted: Jun 14, 2013

When a doctor repeatedly, deliberately makes vocal utterances that do not even come close to forming words, whose dictation cannot be deciphered by MTs with 20-30 years experience in his specialty, shouldn't this doctor be reported? 


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I wholeheartedly agree! The medical report is a huge part of the patient's overall healthcare and should be treated as such, not only by the MTs but also by the dictator. Never thought of reporting the MD before. Good suggestion. If they find it impossible to enunciate properly perhaps they should have their PA do it for them.

This one is perfectly capable of speaking clearly. He just doesn't care. (sm) - Rose

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It would be interesting to see how these reports (sent to QA) are finally sent through, if blanks are left or the report just omits the slurred utterances. Any doctor who cares and got that many blanks would get his asterisk in gear and start using care with his patient's dictation!

what's frustrating for me - anon

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What's frustrating for me is that they don't realize (and probably don't care) how much stress we are under to make sure we provide the best quality report with what we have to work with and how we can get "dinged" because of their talking faster than a mile, butchering names of medications so you know what they are meaning, but you don't dare put it down just in case, etc., etc., etc. I would definitely have a list of doctors charged with maldictation if such a charge would exist.
it's not their job to realize or care - Snow Bunny (the original)
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How's that for a great little icebreaker? --- Got your attention. :}

All kidding aside ... The MDs job is to report on patient treatment/care. Point A to Point B. No more and no less. Consider pharmacies. For how many years were they subjected to chicken scratch orders, all the while being required to fill the prescription with absolute accuracy. That problem was resolved with the advent of EMR and MDs can now enter the information and things are sent to the pharmacy in clear, concise language.

I think the "root of all evil" in this regard is 2-fold ... services and the former AAMT. The services guarantees reports of the highest quality, but it doesn't matter if the quality of the dictation is horrible. Hey, you're a MEDICAL LANGUAGE SPECIALIST, which means you're the Henry Higgins of the medical report world. You can thank the former AAMT and their songs about the MTs being a jack of all trades, so to speak. Two many MTs bit into that piece of pie, wore/wear it like a badge of honor, and crowed their talents loud and long. "We can do it all!!! We can turn everything you say into a perfect document." We're gods and goddesses of the literary world. We're so good, we can even diagnose the patient." (if you don't believe me, check out the Health Issues forum of MT boards).

Anyway ... the AAMT created the problem, the MTs perpetuated the problem, and what you have today is the end result. Agree or disagree ... it's the truth.

Not missing this business one iota.
To Snow Bunny - Anonymous
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This is the second post of yours I have read in regard to the former AAMT causing MTs to have inflated egos, in the other one you were suggesting that people walk off the job. I was a member of AAMT for years, obtained my CMT through the examination, and served as an AAMT chapter officer at the local level, so I know what they were in their heyday. I could say many negative things about them and I have not been a member for years, but understand this. AAMT promoted continuing education and permitted MTs, many of whom were considered to be nothing more than "clerk typists" to take some pride in what they did and to promote excellence in their work. I never met an MT who thought of herself as a "goddess" (well, maybe one) and I never knew one who thought she could diagnose a patient and I've been involved in this for over 30 years. Medical transcription has nothing to do with the literary world, so I don't know how you came up with that one.

I'm in QC now, so I know all about problem dictators and knew about them long before this. Truthfully, I have never seen so many whiners in regard to difficult dictation. Like it or not folks, dealing with that stuff is your job. If someone is bad enough, report it to your manager, who can address it with the facility or the provider in question. Many of them truly do not know how bad they sound. Either you understand them or you don't, leave a blank and move on. Anyone who expects crystal clear, grammar perfect dictation all the time needs to work for a small practice or 1 or 2 providers where it is easier to monitor what they do.

For someone who does not miss this business one iota, you certainly are familiar with what is being said on all the MT message boards. My question to you, now that you are no longer doing this is, why do you care?
Do you know any MTSOs who alert their clients to the "maldictation" problem? - Rose
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Poor/unacceptable dictation - anon
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I DO! This is a huge risk management issue. Not only do I report it to my main "supervisor/client," but I report it to the dictators themselves and all office staff as well as put in caps on the report "FOR REVIEW. SIGNIFICANT DICTATION/AUDIO ISSUES."

It is unacceptable to destroy my TAT and possibly affect patient care because of poor dictation etiquette. Luckily, all office staff members agree with me and are proactive (not the word I am trying to think of). My service contracts state clear audible dictation on a landline.... No garbled mess on cellphones or VOIP.

I am currently severely backlogged because a new doctor in training dictated a "novel" on a broken headset last week. Needless to say, she did not appreciate filling in the blanks or reviewing every single word and dictated her next report very clearly. When my main clients installed VOIP throughout their facilities (the worst phones I have ever heard), I contacted their office reminding them of my contract, and they were so very kind to install a landline for dictation... I absolutely love them!
I'm referring to those of us who work for transcription services (sm) - Rose
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Those of us who are not allowed any contact with the doctors, only to the service. I have no idea what they do, but presume nothing since the same dictation errors never cease or even change. This was not a problem when I worked held the contracts with the doctors and facilities, as they were happy to know about problems, like you said from a risk management standpoint. When you work for a service you are powerless to remedy the situation. We can't even quit as these horrid dictators are are with all the services. Any good doctor who heard some of the sloppy dictation we frequently have to deal with would literally be mortified, especially if this poor dictator were also caring for his/her patient! Something really needs to be done, but the way things are right now, I think the only remedy is a lawsuit to get them to deal with the problem.
my answer to your question - Snow Bunny (the original)
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>>>My question to you, now that you are no longer doing this is, why do you care?

An individual does not have to "care" to respond to something.
T"MDs job is to report on patient treatment/care" ACCURATELY. - Rose
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No one is to blame for the jibberish dictators utter than the dictators themselves.
Maldictation - fedup
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In my opinion, having to continually transcribe or edit the these unintelligible dictators is downright abuse and should not be tolerated by MT companies. It is disheartening to me that MT companies don't care enough to stand behind the MTs and man-up about the issue and do something about it. MTs are the ones who get penalized in more ways than one for having to wade through that garbage through a drop in LPH, not to mention the stress of having to wade through jibberish. Don't call me a whiner, call me a protestor! It doesn't make us unprofessional just because we resent being dumped on by ingrates. To those of you who don't have a problem doing these reports, more power to you. We'll just send all those jobs to you.

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