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Medicare Inpatient Consult Code/Modifier - CG13
Posted: May 11, 2012
Can anyone help me with the code used for inpatient consult and a modifier for Medicare? Having reimbursement problems with this one. Thanks
What codes are you trying to use? - Hmmm
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And explain the reason for the modifier. What exactly did your doctor do?
And you are following the latest CMS guidance on consults? Google it if you haven't yet.
Where is the OP??? Why ask for help??? - Want to help
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Why do people ask for help and not return?
It may be that they are busy, but they asked for help. That obligates the helper to keep checking back again and again and again.
If I asked for help, I think I would be checking in at least once a day.
I was hoping you would reappear to explain further so I could tell you what to use. Doesn't appear that is going to happen, so here is the best answer I can give.
Medicare is telling you to stop sending them that code because they do not accept it. You will have to use whatever the service actually IS. The fact that your doctor got a request for a consult does not make it one. Even if it fits the AMA definition, CMS does not accept those codes. The fact that you think you need a modifier with this tells me you are trying to code something in addition to this and you are probably doing that incorrectly as well.
You need to use one of the hospital E/M codes, but I can't tell whch because you aren't around to explain. I can't tell you what is wrong with the modifier for the same reason. Did your doctor perform a procedure? Was it a procedure that is not included in the work of an E/M? Is the modifier itself just wrong? I can't tell from what you gave us.
Needing help - CG13
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Sorry - I have been out of town all weekend and did not get a response until after I left work Friday. Heard something at a conference on coding a few weeks ago that Medicare now requires a modifier code on consults. I had 2 kick out and thought that might be why. I was just wondering if you or anyone is familiar with this change as I cannot find it anywhere. Thank you for your help. It is very appreciated.
Critical Access Hospital (CAH), Medicare Claims Processing Manual, forget the CPT code book even though you are looking at CPT codes for the clinic visits, lab, and x-ray. Ok. Ok. So freaking confused right now. When I was trained, they told me any clinic or ER that did an x-ray, EKG, injection, procedure, put a modifier 25 on it. Period. Well, after doing some research modifier 25 states SAME PHYSICIAN...Come to find out not all x-rays, just CT, MRI...My main ...
Can anybody PLEASE tell me the correct way to put a patient's last name on the 1500 form for a Medicare patient when the last name has three parts separted by spaces, i.e. AA BB CCC, FirstName, MI, which is the exact way the name is on the patient's Medicare card. Medicare denied the claim. Then we put the last name as AABBCCC, but it was denied again. I had a similar problem a few months ago when a patient had a suffix after the last name and was able to call Medicare and was given sp ...
Looks like the template method is in trouble. See this link.
Medicare contractor to docs: We won't pay for cloned EHR notes
Read more: Medicare contractor to docs: We won't pay for cloned EHR notes - FierceEMR http://www.fierceemr.com/story/medicare-contractor-docs-we-wont-pay-cloned-ehr-notes/2012-09-12#ixzz27iUyBi2B Subscribe: http://www.fierceemr.com/signup?sourceform=Viral-Tynt-FierceEMR-FierceEMR ...
Arrrrgh! Eponyms! I have been researching and researching and there are lots of articles etc. on whether to use the possessive form or not. I have that down - I was taught no possessive unless it is a client preference or transcribe as dictated; okay, no problem. But no one seems to even address the question of using the possessive form if the noun that goes with it is not dictated, i.e. "Hoffmann's" or "Sjogren's." I believe we are to leave it possessive as it is a ...
Does anyone work as an inpatient coder only. I mean the only thing you code are the inpatient stays, not a mix of other stuff too. Are there jobs like that? ...
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My local hospital starts at 26 an hour for inpatient coding. I am wondering how much outpatient coding pays.... not that anyone would know this, but is it generally a lot lower than the inpatient coding?
Just curious because I need to gain experience before I can land a hospital inpatient coding position and just curious as to how much outpatient coders make.
In this report........although has had some fleeting suicidal thinking, insight and judgement is ____....sounds like fe? I can not figure this out...can anyone help me. It is in Chapter 15:1
Thanks ...
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The weighted values for speech symptoms associated with velopharyngeal incompetence, (McWilliams and Phillips) were completed today. Overall, he received a weighted score of 1 + 3, indicative of a competent-to-borderline competent velopharyngeal mechanism.
The word I'm having trouble with isn't a medical term, but I'd still greatly appreciate any alternatives anyone can offer. The paragraph goes like this:
This is a 44-year-old female, divorced 2 years, mother of 2 young adult children, currently living in an apartment by herself. She spends her time shopping, cooking, and housekeeping. She ("hates") visits with friends with whom she chats and shops with.
I'm fairly certain the rest of the paragraph is corre ...
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I've googled d, b, v, thee.... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ...
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C J ...
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"I am unable to advance the scope back into the nasopharynx secondary to scarring but there is no obvious source of bleeding. The scope was advanced into the left nasal cavity and again, there are post surgical changes noted with (s/l KNEE-KEY-A)
Any help would be appreciated !! Thanks !! ...
anybody heard of this.. s/l C-N-TOES syndrome. i have searched everywhere. this is also a foreign dr but this is best i can do phonetically. thanks so much for the help
Hyponatremia, multifactorial, possibly secondary to hydrochlorothiazide; however, this has been on hold; also secondary with excessive p.o. fluid intake with low solute intake (*------* syndrome). The patient also reports dry mouth which makes her drink fluids constantly. Another possibility wou ...
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He showed difficulty when given a simple two-sentence scenario and asked questions s/l "per ren". He appeared to have difficulties understanding simple, "who questions," s/l "per ren".
any help always much appreciated! ...
Patient had a positive troponin and severe coronaqry artery disease, severe s/l amora.. Also has severe papillary muscle dysfunction. Could it be AMR/MR/AMI? Got me stumped. Thanks for your help ...
Concern for decreased (s/l Plavix) activity with proton pump inhibitors and will have to check a (s/l PTY 12) if she is to continue on proton pump inhibitors as an outpatient.
The patient is having a knee replacement done. In the past history section, the doctor dictates as problem number one what sounds like, "parody is 10 073." Any ideas? Thanks! ...
I have a couple dictators who dictate impression/plan at the beginning of their reports. This comes through in ASR and so I have been leaving these at the beginning of the report even though it is not the way I was taught to do traditional H&P, consultation reports. I am not on a verbatim account. Also, the client profile does not mention this at all. Is it okay to leave the imp/plan at the top of report, or should I change these? ...