A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

How do you know if a school is legally licensed or authorized by their state? - Questioning Legality of a school

Posted: Sep 10, 2012

How do you know if a school you're thinking about enrolling in is operating legally? Where do you go for that information?

I know it's important because if they go out of business and are operating illegally, you lose everything. It's also means they are monitored as far as being a legitimate business, qualification of instructors, etc.  Is there a list of agencies to contact for each state?

I'm questioning a school because if they were licensed, it would say so on all of their promotional materials and web site, and it doesn't. That's a danger sign to me.

That should be a danger sign to you because - It IS!

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If they are licensed they WANT you to know it. They won't hide it.

If you can't see it right away, you might want to avoid them. You could ask about them here to be sure.

Reasons for not being licensed include ignorance (always a bad sign), lost their license, can't get a license, or the business is actualy located in a foreign country. Even if they are licensed in a foreign country, it is still a bad sign because you will have absolutely no legal recourse in the event something goes wrong.

Don't assume that American owners mean a school is registered and licensed in the US. They may be married to or have an invisible partner who is a foreign national.

Some states offer better supervision than others, too. It can range from just paying a fee for a license and nothing else, to the kind of oversight that Oklahoma provides. They are the ones who monitor course content, require legitimate instructor credentals, etc.

Being a member of the BBB is kind of expected, but is fairly meaningless, so don't let that sway you unless they have a record of unresolved complaints with the BBB.

Even if they are licensed, some just scrape by on the bare minimum requirements - Jack of all trades, master of none

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I think we're all familiar with the type schools that just scrape by with what's required. That may work for someone who wants to take shortcuts and isn't really worried about getting a job. There are people like that who just go from one thing to another, never really getting good enough at anything to do well, a Jack of all trades, master of none.

Call them and ask I guess, and hope they tell the truth - sm

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If they tell you it doesn't matter or they don't have to be licensed, as one really sleazy school has done for years, just let tell them you know better, and hang up.

If they have a long explanation about why it isn't visible on their web site and promotional materials, just hang up.

If they tell you they aren't really a school, they just teach classes, just hang up.

I think there is a list of private vocational licensing agencies. If I can find it, I'll come back and post it.

They aren't Reeeeeally a school, just teach a few classes here and there - Heard that one recently

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If you teach classes pertaining to a vocation, you're a school, and have to be licensed.

Most people don't know what questions to ask - sm

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The important questions start with, are you operating legally? Does your school have a license to operate? Are your instructors qualified to teach the courses they are teaching? That's probably the most important and the one that is abused the most. There are other questions, but those would be at the top of my list.

I found this list - see message

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I don't know if this list is up to date or not, but it's the only one I could find.

State licensing agencies

To find out if a private vocational school is licensed to do business in your state, call the phone number listed below:
State licensing agencies

Alabama: (334) 242-9960
Alaska: (907) 269-7970
Arizona: (602) 542-5709
Arkansas: (501) 683-8000
California: (916) 445-3427
Colorado: (303) 894-2960
Connecticut: (860) 947-1822
Delaware: (302) 739-4686
DC: (202) 442-4465
Florida: (850) 488-9504
Georgia: (770) 414-3300
Hawaii: (808) 594-0179
Idaho: (208) 332-6977
Illinois: (312) 814-2220
Indiana: (317) 232-1320
Iowa: (515) 281-5204
Kansas: (785) 296-4917
Kentucky: (502) 564-3296
Louisiana: (225) 219-4437
Maine: (207) 624-6842
Maryland: (410) 260-4500
Massachusetts: (617) 727-0498
Michigan: (517) 373-6774
Minnesota: (651) 642-0584
Mississippi: (601) 432-6518
Missouri: (573) 751-2361
Montana: (406) 444-6570
Nebraska: (402) 471-4825
Nevada: (702) 486-7330
New Hampshire: (603) 271-8508
New Jersey: (609) 633-0665
New Mexico: (505) 841-6611
New York: (518) 474-3969
New York City: (212) 643-4760
North Carolina: (919) 733-7051
North Dakota: (701) 328-2678
Ohio: (614) 466-2752
Oklahoma: (405) 521-2225
Oregon: (503) 378-3600
Pennsylvania: (717) 783-8228
Puerto Rico: (787) 764-0101
Rhode Island: (401) 222-6560
South Carolina: (803) 737-2281
South Dakota: NONE
Tennessee: (615) 741-5293
Texas: (512) 936-3100
Utah: (801) 321-7110
Vermont: (802) 828-5139
Virginia: (804) 225-2848
Washington: (360) 753-5673
West Virginia: (304) 558-0265
Wisconsin: (608) 266-1996
Wyoming: (307) 777-6266

We should keep this list handy and repost it every month - as a safegguard against illegal schools

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The one for my state is accurate. We should repost this every month or so to protect anyone who is looking to enroll in a school. Most people don't think about the importance of a school being licensed. You only would think about that if they went out of business and took their money with you, or if you found out after the fact that they are all hat and no cattle as far as education is concerned. This is good This is real good.

Schools and Licensing - MTtoCoding

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Always good to ask if indeed it's a school. There are, however, often different rules for any organization that provides continuing education and things like online training. Look at all the internet "make money" classes out there that people charge for. They don't have to be licensed as they are just a business providing continuing education. Depends on how they are structured.

I found out the hard way that what you said is just not true - sm

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Many of those are operating illegally. Some of them know it or have convinced themselves that it's okay because they are somehow special.

I know you mean well, but it has nothing to do with "how they are structured." It has to do with the law. I wanted to start a very specialized cooking class using raw foods. I was introduced to some very hard facts dealing with courses that relate to a vocation. I was contacted and given a very stern talk and some options.

I would have been able to teach that class, but only by going in to a restaurant and working with employees who were already working in that vocation. The company or restaurant would have to pay, not the individuals in the class.

I also could have gone through our organization and taught it, but that would have to be only to members of that organization. They could not allow anyone to come in off the street and sit in on my course.

As I said, I learned a lot. I learned that many people give out bad information about these things, probably because they want it to be so.

I understand that these kinds of rules are in place to protect the students. I didn't understand it at first. I was like you, totally clueless about how these things work legally. I'm just glad that I didn't pour a lot of money into it before I found out the truth.

Please don't continue to spread false information about things you know nothing about.

Are you suggesting that the course you've been promoting isn't licensed? - sm

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It sounds like you are justifying why the course you've been promoting isn't licensed? Is that what you're saying? If there's anything we've learned, it's not to give money to an unlicensed school. Do we need to go over all of that again? Do you really not understand the importance of all of that student protection, monitoring, etc., or what?
Maybe they're taking another shortcut - LOL
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Shortcuts seem to be very popular.
She's saying they aren't reeeeally a school as someone posted earlier - Yes you need to go over it all again
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Evidently it is necessary to go over it all again. We have some slow learners among us.

Let Me Get This Straight, MTtoCoding - In Your Great Wisdom and Authority

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First you've said that you went to a prestigious university, but

You didn't like your instructor.

You found someone else and got them to teach you rather than following the plan your instructor and the university had set out for you.

You don't respect credentials.

You don't think work experience is important.

You don't believe courses need to be licensed according to the law

and lastly,

You don't have a credential for some reason.

You don't have a coding job for some other reason.

but you speak with great authority all through this forum. Where do you get all that great wisdom that you are willing to share with all of us? Where can we get some of it?

A school I know in Texas got sued by the DOJ and lost their license - Due Diligence

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The time to find out if they are licensed is before you enroll, because if they aren't, and you decide to drop, there are no rules. They don't have to give you any refund. In fact, they don't have to do anything, because there are no rules for them. You are at their mercy, and if they aren't honest enough to get a license, you don't want to be at their mercy.

"schools" - coding student

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The party is over. There are too many young people out there who can't find jobs and who owe all manner of schools: colleges, vocational schools, etc. More than ever, students (as well as their families and employers) want results for their investment(s). The public is tired of fake schools and fake credentials, worthless degrees, and diploma mills.

Is "credential inflation" a concern? Does getting one more expensive credential help you get a job? Asking that question is smart.

Much depends on the answer. Many pharmacists rebelled against paying for and adding the PharmD to their education. They were already licensed pharmacists, so why pay thousands more and do residencies just to make the same amount of money? Now they can't find jobs. Too many young, energetic PharmDs flooded the market with advanced credentials.

In some cases, knowledge trumps experience. I believe that coding is one of those cases. It's why, despite that fact that I already have a degree and coding experience, that I chose to go back to school.

My childrens' teachers, who are all good teachers and wonderful people, have Masters degrees and more. I would not hire them to teach me how to be an Accountant. Even if they had done some billing at school.

I am glad this board isn't "nice". I enjoy learning and the debate is educational. I hope I can contribute something to that.

Welcome! I'm glad you are here to contribute to the discussions - nm

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Some schools hire high-pressure salesmen who tell you - Anything you want to hear

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I know a very likable fun guy who used to be a high-pressure commissioned salesman for one of the larger schools. He had scripts so he could answer any question anyone asked of him. He was slicker than an alligator's tail, but the kind of a guy you'd want to go out to have a drink with. He was just fake though once you got to know him. Now he's selling investments and raking in the money.

It's like he wears a mask and the mask does the manipulating for him. The scripts were written to tell the person calling what they wanted to hear so they would enroll. He probably has scripts that he uses in his investment scam now and I'll bet he's good at it.

I got to see the book of scripts he worked with. It was manipulative to the extreme. The majority of what was written was just not true.

Even so, he stayed there for years, giving out these very polished answers to all the questions. All lies, but it sounded good! The school got in some trouble and he lost his job finally.

I had to take a sales course once - How to pressure and intimidate

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They didn't present it as how to pressure and intimidate, but that's what it was. Don't let them get away without signing on the dotted line.

You aren't going to let this opportunity slip away from you are you?

Time is running out on this special offer!

What is keeping you from making this decision right now, today?

We'll discount your order if you sign up now. I'm sure you're smart enough not to lose this opportunity!

Now what name do you want this under? (That's assuming the sale, a very effective technique

I was never able to make myself manipulate people. The real sales pros don't use these tactics. They are sincere about helping you to the right decision for you, because that is best for them in the long run.

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