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Why is CS so much cheaper than Andrews? - sm

Posted: Aug 27, 2010

Just wondering what the difference in price is?  CS has a much more impressive website and they have been very good at answering my questions.  Why would they be so much cheaper?

Can't go wrong with Andrews - 2003 Andrews Grad

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I don't know about Andrews Coding program but I went through their transcription program 7 years ago and although it was one of the more expensive schools, I have never regretted my decision for even a second! Andrews hires only the very best instructors and has a very thorough curriculum. Your training prepares you for exactly what you'll need when getting a job. I had a job before I even received my certificate in the mail because they have such a good reputation that many companies who wouldn't even look at a newbie to begin with will if you're a graduate from their school because their graduates test so well. I wouldn't go by how the website looks, as anyone can have a fancy website. It's the end results that matter!

Andrews and CS - Aspiring coder

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They are both good programs. Andrews offers one-on-one instruction, CS is independent study and uses a lot of E-learning instead of printed material, which could be why they cost less. Andrews may cost more because of the individualized attention and the printed materials that they provide. I'm in CS and it works well for me, but there are a lot of happy Andrews students too. I have a mentor where I work who helps me with some of my questions, that makes a difference.

who is CS? and can you tell me . . . - mt

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how much does it cost to go through a program like Andrews or CS? I am looking into going through the local community college, but curious on how they match up price-wise to the online. If you could just give me a general figure, or email me if you wish. Thanks!

CS/Andrews - Anonymous

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CS is Career Step. They have a website and a toll-free number and will give you the information you need. Andrews also has a website and a toll-free number, I know they would be happy to answer your questions. You will have to purchase your books and other materials through the community college so be sure to calculate all the costs before you choose. Also compare curricula and how long it will take you to complete the course. Doing research is a big part of coding, now would be a good time for you to begin.

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