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per diem @ syn... - lola

Posted: Nov 13, 2014

Can anyone tell me their thoughts/opinion regarding per diem status with Syn*? They have made an offer,  told me it is rare that I'd get less than 30 hrs/wk, that it can turn into FT status...  Is anyone per diem? Do you get regular work?    





If you are talking about Synernet then.... - Jaded SynMT

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A lot of us full time MTs are having trouble keeping enough work to keep us busy. I have NO idea what they told you, but from my experience I had over 11 hours of NO work during one of the last pay periods and we HAVE to use our PTO or make up the work and cannot just not take unpaid leave. They did this last year around this same time and hired a bunch of people in the fall time, worked slowed and a lot of us were without work. So, if I were you to ensure you do get 30 hours of work, I wouldn't take the job at Synernet.

You should be skeptical - Mttx

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I was hired a few months ago as a per diem. I was told the same thing in the interview, that it could go to full-time. At first, there was plenty of work. Last pay period, my pay was pathetic. Almost every time I checked to see if I could work, they told me there was no work. I even tried on a Friday and Saturday night when there is usually plenty of work since nobody wants to work those hours. I understand they lost a big account, but this is ridiculous, especially when I constantly see ads hiring for more MTs.

As far as going to full-time status, I sent a message to HR saying that I wanted to go to at least part-time hours so that I would have a schedule and be able to get regular work. She said she was referring me to the manager, and I never heard another thing, yet the next day they had another ad hiring.

I was really excited about Synernet when I first started, but I don't have much positive to say about them now after this past month.

Plenty of Syn MTs tried to warn everyone, but I guess some didn't listen - SynMT003

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I can tell you from experience that work dwindles in the fall/winter and picks back up in the spring in summer, so much so that every full time MT is worked to death and then they starve during the fall/winter months. You would think management would by now figure out how to keep this from happening. VD has been there forever, so you would think she would know how to handle this. There is a new account starting at the middle of this month, which is the reason they over hired. But, if I were you and you need a certain amount of hours and work, you should steer clear.

SynerNOT - flowerchild

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If you enjoy being unhappy daily, making less money every week, having supervisors cherry pick the good work and people who just don't care about you, then Synernet is the place to be. They need to clean house and get some supervisors who know what they are doing and actually are pleasant to work with for starters. Nasty witches.
Ever notice - MT
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When there is cherry picking going on the regular transcriptionist gets VR... or is this just an amazing coincidence.
Why? - Really?
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You are lumping the supervisors all together with a statement like that. You reallly believe they are all nasty witches? I happen to think a couple of them know what they are doing and are very fair and nice people to work for. I think you need to leave if you are that unhappy. When you throw nasty words around yourself, that doesn't say much about you.
Not all are witches - Synernet MT
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I also know a couple who are fair and honest and do all they can to help who I have dealt with in emails and on the phone. Have you personally dealt with each and every supervisor from every shift? I'm not saying they're all saints but sometimes you get what you give, and sometimes you just don't get what you want.
The nice ones generally leave as they are treated just as shabbily as the MTs. sm - JMO
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It seems to be a cliquish mentality there. I would not call them "witches," but they enjoy their power and have rules just for the sake of rules and do not entertain any questions from the underlings. JW and AK were nice and they are gone and I have not seen anything from JH for awhile, so she probably was too nice as well. Synernet works if you just keep your head down and fly under the radar and remember to say yes, maam and no maam whenever any crud is shoveled your way.
MT - hotdog
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One of leads is out on medical leave and they do not even have the courtesy to let anyone know. I know it's a privacy issue but a general acknowledgement would be kind. Not in their code of conduct I suppose. Flying under radar yes but eventually you crash and burn.
Is it EC? I haven't seen her on for awhile. I hope - SYMT
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she's okay. She's one of the good ones.
Synernet always in the bad news - Unhappy 2
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All of you need to remember, the supervisors only do what they are told to do. They cannot even wipe their butts without V approving it first - so when you get an email that you do not like - take into consideration where this is coming from. J and L are V's friends. If you do not live in Maine to be a part of their little click - you will not survive in this company.
leads - MT
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JH is the one out. She is very nice person. I think the place made her sick.
I'm really sorry to hear that. She was great. - SMT
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That place has the highest turnover rate I've ever seen. EC is still there, but doesn't seem to be on there much anymore. Now with the warning yesterday of feast or famine work coming for awhile and asking us to take time off.... I just don't understand the place anymore. They should know better than this by now how to run a service. They're not new to it.
Why I'm glad I'm not an MTSO - Syn MT99
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Synernet has imperfections, but I have to admit that I actually felt sorry for the management when I realized that they get jerked around by the client. How can they run a company when the client gives them a start date, says be ready cause we aren't phasing in, we're going to dump all of our transcription needs on you in one fell swoop.. So, Synernet bends over backwards to make the client happy, hires and gets ready, per the client needs, and then the client decides to put it off a while? This sounds like a trickle-down system of being jerked around. We, the MTs, are simply at the bottom of the trickle. I think it's time to give credit where it's due. The client runs the show. I've met a few MTSO clients through the years. I remember one HIM director. If you made an error, well, no matter how minor, you might as well have inflicted critical injury on her own baby. She attacked with the fierceness of a mother protecting her young. Yikes!

It's certainly not a perfect situation for any of us, but I'm glad Synernet deals with the clients and I don't have to. It's too bad that they can't require some kind of better treatment or impose fines when the client plays games (or maybe they do), but then the client would likely go elsewhere, because loyalty doesn't seem to exist anywhere in this industry these days.

As for me, one starving MT out of many, I just say, this gives me more time to search, self-educate, prepare, and do what I need to do to make sure that I don't have to continue to rely on one company for all of my income needs...That "don't have all your eggs in one basket" philosophy certainly applies here.
No pity here - MT
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I do not feel sorry for them one bit. There is no compensation for us when THEY mismanage, over hire, run of out work and otherwise treat the MTs like they are just workers, not human beings. My pay dwindles every pay period and I know I am not alone. Karma Synernet.
truth - Syn MT99
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No, there is no reason to PITY those who treat MTs with any level of disrespect or like disposable equipment. I'm just trying to see beyond my own pain and understand the whole picture regarding the current mess. It's not a surprise, but it seems that the client is running the show and is the source of many problems. It doesn't seem to me that Synernet has control over what the client does, but this theory could be wrong. Thank goodness, Karma will function with 100% perfection.

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