A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

it cracks me up the way some people can judge others so quick - tiredoftyping

Posted: May 12, 2010

Someone will come on here and complain about their company or ex-company because there is no work or they were let go and yes they are mad and yes they make a few derrogatory statements about the company and then someone always has to come on and say that they were obvious a poor transcriptionist or were lazy or something to that extent.  Tells these people, who are struggling (I know I am there, my van just got repossed) or have just lost their job, that they just can't cut it and this is obvious their (the MTs fault).  Really?!? - you can tell that because someone just posted that they are upset or that their company just really put one over them?  You can't believe that a big corporation really wouldn't be cutting corners to make themselves more money?  Get real.  It happens - even to good transcriptionist!  I worked for a company for 9 years, had absolutely no complaints about my work, maybe called in 5 days in that 9 years and then one day I got a call - my account was gone, nice knowing you and good luck, that was it.  IT DOES HAPPEN - and they have the right to be mad and to vent and I hope that they do get over it and go on, but I am not going to judge them from a post. There is no need to come on and tell these people that you KNOW they were too lazy or too poor of a an MT to cut it.  Enough!  Let them vent and be done - saying that kind of stuff just gets things riled up even more.   It is rough out there and if anything we need to back each other up, not tear each other down!  I am hanging in there for one more year and then I hope to be graduated and onto another field as I am tired of struggling every night to make in two weeks what I use to make in one, but I can still have some compassion for every MT that is still out there struggling.   Ok - Done with my vent.

Vent away :-) - Sassy Pants

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I agree with you! Yes, true, there are people out there who bitch and complain about anything and everything just to bitch and complain! I have been fired ONCE in my life. The guy who fired me was a prick! The reason I was fired is neither here nor there, but I would have quit anyway sooner or later b/c of him. (Not an MT job) Yes, true, some MTs are not good and do deserve to be fired or disclipined or whatnot, that is true with any job at any company with anyone who is not a good employee/worker and will get called on his/her bad performance, attitude, etc. I have no work some nights, and yes I have bitched about it, but I also was proactive and asked my company for more work types, more accounts, change of hours/shifts, etc, and I was lucky enough to get to change my schedule! The only reason I would stop being an MT (still contemplating it now) is the pay. Honestly, unless I work 24/7, I cannot survive on what I make, which is a fact. It's not the company's fault necessarily about my pay/work load, but for financial reasons, maybe being an MT is not for me anymore. I have good days and bad days, and have posted alot of neg on this board. It was mostly during a PMS moment or when I had no work. But for others to judge when an MT bitches about something, first walk in their shoes and see why they are complaining. I am a hard, dedicated worker and have great reviews from my previous employers, so I am respectful, professional, and have great attendance. I am one of the "good" ones, if you can call it that. So, I agree with you, stop judging others on here and support each other. If you want to be an MT until you die or you quit after 1 day, to each their own.

You made an important point about the difference between venting and whining - Big Difference

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Everybody needs to vent occasionally, but when it goes on for days, that's not healthy for the person doing it or the people who have to listen to it. There's a time to move on and realize this didn't work for you so, try again elsewhere.

Picture yourself with a friend who is sobbing and crying and you give her all the support and comfort you can. Your heart breaks for her.

The next day you get a call from her and she's sobbing and blubbering and you go through it all again with her. You wish you could fix it for her.

The next week, you advise her that it's time to pull up her socks and make some changes. Venting has led to whining, and it is so unhealthy, and also boring to those who have to listen to it longer than a few days.

Great post! I wondered why MTs would pile on struggling MTs - jm

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I don't really believe an MT would come here to complain if they didn't think they were unfairly treated. I truly believe MTs are many times treated unfairly by owners and management staff.

I suspect a lot of the criticism, blaming and doubting the MT who is venting is done by management who watches this board and doesn't want bad publicity for their company. (After all these companies do have to constantly replace the MTs they let go or treat badly.) We MTs as a whole are not valued and yet we are the people who bring money into the company.

Trust me there are bad companies, bad managers, bad owners and MTs are not valued as much as they should be. I have experienced this personally and I know many other MTs who have been left high and dry by other companies than the company I have just lost my job with.

Some of these companies who have treated highly qualified seasoned MTs badly that I know of from my friends and my experience are first and foremost TTS and following TTS are complaints about Landmark, Precyse, Spheris and MQ.

Truth is, there are bad companies, bad managers, and bad MTs - The Whole Story

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We never know the whole story just from reading a few posts on a message forum. Most of the time we just believe what we would like to believe is true. That's human nature. Whenever I've thought I knew the good guys from the bad guys and then got more information, I've found that I really didn't have the whole story. The only way we really have the whole story is from our own personal experience, not from reading anonymous messages from people who say they were right and someone else was wrong. I'm always skeptical when I read the victim messages, but that's just me.

Most of us are posting from our PERSONAL experience - RLee

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Your post is sending a mixed message - at least that is how I am perceiving it. But each to their own. I guess I am one of those "whiners" who is speaking out from personal experience on an ongoing basis, but what I post perains to the topic at hand. You know who the so-called victims are so just pass on by their posts, as has been recommended numerous ties on this board. :)

I'm always interested in reading the personal experiences a few times - The Whole Story
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I'm interested in hearing about the personal experiences, especially if they aren't the same thing over and over indefinitely. If there's new information, that's definitely interesting. If it's just the same old thing someone told us yesterday, earlier today, last week, last month, and three months ago, that gets tiresome of course. Moderation in all things I guess.
Stop reading the boards if you are bored with info - jm
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I personally am answering posts with relevant information to the post.  There are new posters on these boards daily looking for relevant information about companies they are considering taking jobs with and they are looking at the newest posts here. 

If you find that because you read posts against a company last week and you think someone is whining to excess that is your problem.  Stop reading the company board would be the best answer to your problems. 

The purpose of this company board is to give and receive information about companies.  If there is enough bad publicity maybe the company will learn to value the work MTs have done and change their arrogant attitude toward the MTs who actually bring the money in. 

I am not posting strictly to bash the company but to warn MTs about owner/management attitude toward MTs and also hope that management will fix their internal problems which at my previous company they may have been unaware of - but so far they are ignoring the issues with their management and support "team". 

Any change in how an MT is paid or respected has to be good because in my experience our pay has gone down and respect for the work we do has been diminished, maybe because the owners think MTs are a dime a dozen and they can always tap into the offshore MTs.   

LOL RLee - Why is The Whole Story reading company board? - jm
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Perhaps "The Whole Story" could get MT Stars to start a BadMT/Whiner/Victim board so she can identify those MTs who annoy her as so-called victims and whiners.
Posting about PERSONAL experiences is fine - sm
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But those posters go way beyond that and start bashing the company and telling everyone to stay away. Now that's not fair to the company OR the other MTs who have great experiences there, or would if they overlooked the criticism and applied anyway. Just sayin'...and NO, I'm not a suit, a plant or anything else. I'm just a happy MT.
Bashing MT companies because of personal experience. - What is company board for?
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"But those posters go way beyond that and start bashing the company and telling everyone to stay away."

I read this board to get information about companies just like I read reviews of movies or products I am considering buying.  Some movie reviewers bash the actors or the story.  Some people who bought a product says it's not worth the money or it doesn't work as promised, don't buy it.  Is it unfair or part of the review?  Same thing with a company.  If someone is treated badly or unfairly by a company I want to know and I don't want it sugar-coated. 

One thing to keep in mind is if someone from the company reads MT Stars maybe they will try to fix the company and treat MTs with a little more respect if they get bashed enough on the company board. Other companies without integrity will ignore the criticism and go through MTs until they find a doormat MT who is willing to work cheap enough, do junk work and not make waves, never questioning anything the company throws at her.   That type of MT is not good for our profession. 


Bashers Are Good for the MT Industry - Must be true because I read it
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Now I've heard everything.

Historically anyone who has done poorly has bashed their employer or parent or teacher for bringing it to their attention. I don't find that heroic and I don't think it's good for our industry.

Whether you believe them or not - tiredoftyping

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is not the point. You don't have to attack them on a personal level. Read it, take what you want out out of it, or totally kick it to the side and move on. Attacking someone you don't know about their work ethic or abilities is pretty pathetic and actually kind of weird.

So much of this could be prevented IF management would listen - 2 cemts

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to some of the issues that the MLS bring up to a lower level or more informally to the company. They get in trouble when they start ignoring everyone or when they start to harass someone because they have made a complaint or a suggestion about something to one of the "gods" who are in charge of everything and yet do nothing to fix it.

For instance? Could you be more specific? - Now is a good time

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What about giving some of those general ideas or even specific ones. I don't mean about a specific company or situation, but what would you advise the people who are in charge of MTSOs? What are they not listening to?
you are joking, right? - pl
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It's been addressed a million times here (as in, "Advice to MTSOs!!" and such), but a few suggestions would include: Don't overhire; don't lie to us about whether you are going to switch us over to VR and then how much we are going to make on it; if everyone in the organization is asking how to improve the sound quality, maybe look into improving your software; pick one quality standard and stick by it instead of hiring 3 different people with 3 different standards, then penalizing the MTs; answer your MTs' emails, even when the answer is unpleasant, rather than ignoring said emails; maybe even consider occasional tiny bonuses/raises for exceptional work?! I'm sure many, many more things could be added to this list, and they have been added here over and over and over ad nauseum.
Thanks - minus the sarcasm - because - I did miss those suggestions
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When they start with the rudeness, I stop reading, so I've never seen anything productive.

If I remove the "you are joking, right?" part, your message is very helpful. Thanks for posting it.
Oh so you are admitting it you ARE a suit - Thought as much
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Without sarcasm - If management took a notepad and made a list - 2 cents

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and tallied the complaints they see on here, they would probably find that the biggest issues are:
1. Lack of work.
2. Rude or nasty supervisors.
3. Lack of communication.
4. Cherrypicking.

The rest of the problems seem to stem from these complaints and seem to snowball. So my suggestion would be to do some lower level housekeeping and then you could keep your name off the boards for negativity. Everyone knows that there are a few bad apples who will complain about anything, but when the same issues stated above are repeated over and over, it seems to convey a message that no one is listening or doing anything about the problems, hence they do not care.
I'm an MT, not an MTSO but your list is informative - hope Mgmt reads it - Without Sarcasm
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Thanks for posting your list. That is helpful. I truthfully didn't understand what, if any, problems there really were underneath all the name-calling and 4-letter words, but this is very helpful. These are legitimate complaints and you presented them in a way that some in management may actually listen. I would if I were them. Well done!
I wish we could post your message higher so it would stay on the boards longer and be seen - Applause
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It's a shame that your message is way down here at the bottom of the board. Maybe you could start a new topic at the top so it will stay longer and have a better chance of being seen.

Can so much relate - RLee

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to everything you stated obviously. Thanks for the post - and venting is healthy in my opinion. Have a great day.

Just keep in mind that because your experience was bad. - this does not mean everyone is having that same ex

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Prevailing attitudes towards MTs means it can happen to YOU - jm

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Bad things can happen to anyone and usually it is based on an attitude toward the value of MTs to a company. If the owner doesn't value your work and knows you are easily replaced, perhaps even at a cheaper line rate, that carries over to the management staff. So if your personal experience is good so far, it certainly doesn't mean it can't happen to you at companies who do not have integrity and do not value MT work.
this is jibberish.... - sm
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It has nothing to do with management. It has to do with one's personality. If you are so hurt by a company that you need to beat it into the ground, then you need some psychiatric help not to be on this board bashing that company claiming you are helping others when really that is not what you had in mind at all. You are bashing and bashing and bashing because you think you are getting back at the company.

Let's keep it real, shall we? No one should have to skip a post. We don't know what's inside until we read it and we have every right to post in response.

I just love how everyone here thinks they are the boss of these posts! LOL

Jibberish or true? Depends on whether you have an interest in TTS huh? - jm
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The truth may sting if you have a vested interest in protecting a company but for those of us who have had bad experiences the truth needs to be told. That is why this board exists.

I am here to help others to avoid the pitfalls I have experienced with a certain company.

The prevailing attitude of the management towards MTs does provide insight as to how a company will treat future employees.

If MT work is not valued by a company and they are relying on others who do not value MTs you are easily disposed of and replaced by another MT, perhaps offshore at a cheaper rate.

Hey, why take it so personally suggesting I may need psychiatric help? Talk about bashing. LOL.

I never thought about incompetency as a mental health issue at TTS and just thought it was sloppy management but now that you mention it there could be some form of mental disability issue. If that's the case, I guess MT Stars posters should be aware of it, just as they should be aware of your posts bashing an ex-MT. Typical TTS attitude and thank you for proving my point of the prevailing attitude of TTS towards MTs.

I don't know the company but the attitude of the MTs is clear - No vested interest in either
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It is interesting to watch, kind of like a train wreck, but I have no vested interest in either. Just a comment after watching. I doubt that the MTs with these kinds of attitudes toward their work and the people they work for will do well anywhere very long.
Totally agree 100% - RLee
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Altuough my beef is about Transcend not TTS, if the poster who thinks this is jibberish and is suggesting a separate board for whiners, etc, that is jibberish in itself. I always post under the same nickname, although many do not use nicknames. This particular poster states she/he has every right to read posts and respond, which is true, but if he/she recognizes a particular nickanme and they consider that poster a whiner they are entitled to skip over that - reading that particular post is a personal choice. If he/she knows it is going to be the same old thing why bother to read it? Someone used the scenario about having a friend who may be having a particular problem and hearing the same old story over and over again while still consoling the friend, but stated after awhile it got old. Yes, that may be true, but I tend to stick by my friends through thick and thin and stand by them, and will give the same treatment to my fellow MTs.
Well said! - nm
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Psychiatrc help - RLee
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We probably all need psychotherapy from time to time to help us understand why we are still in the miserable business of MTing. People who live in glass houses should not throw STONES, just saying,you are an MT are you not?? Are you saying one gets fired for their "personality?"
I don't think the poster is an MT. Too angry & hostile - red
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Sounds like an angry manager to me. It may even be the owner whose voice cracked when she yelled at me for calling her after she told me to call her.
I second that - dc
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There are a couple people here who seem just a liiiiiittle too determined to ignore reality.
I've been reading and looking for reality and I'm still looking for it - See message
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What is reality? Accusations without proof? Name-calling?

I would love to see some actual facts. When I talk to other people about what we've read here, we all agree that we don't find the messages credible because the words are ugly. We just assume that it's an angry person.

Give some facts using real words and thoughts. Then some of us might be really interested in what you have to say.
Nicely put...I totally agree! - nm
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Or the attitude of the MTs toward having their work corrected by anyone - Just sayin
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Just because something negative happened to one person doesn't mean it's a bad company. It may mean they want the work done better or a different way and the MT isn't willing or able to do it.

Don't ever think that just because 2-3 MTs have a bad experience that everyone should stage a mass exit.
Why go with a semi-bad company where 2-3 MTs have had bad experience - Question?
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From what I have read it seems there are more than 2-3 MTs who have had a bad experience. If you look in the archives this TTS stuff goes way back beyond the past few weeks.

You should factor in that if 2-3 people take time to post here with bad review of company, how many don't post on MT Stars who have had a bad time with any given company.
If there are 2-3 and if we know all the facts but we don't know - Also Skeptical
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Occasionally threads degenerate into something that reminds me of the old west when they had lynch mobs. It just makes me stand back and wonder what's really going on. I would have to have more information before I would assume that it's anything more than someone with their nose out of joint about something. There's nothing wrong with getting your nose out of joint, but that doesn't mean that everyone else has to join in and make it a mob situation.
The point is this is feedback on a company. - 2-3 posters could be tip of iceberg
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I can't see why 2-3 posters got their nose out of joint enough to take time to post so I am thinking where there is smoke there is fire. That doesn't constitute a mob scene but more like a smoke detector going off about the company. Maybe it's just a small fire but it's enough to make me think twice about the company.

I buy on E-bay and when I see negative feedback about the seller I avoid the seller. I don't know if the buyers got their nose out of joint but I am going to err on the side of caution and figure no one would bother giving negative feedback without a pretty good reason. Same with companies on this board who have bad things posted about them. I don't think MTs are posting bad things about companies for their amusement.
Exactly!!!!! - RLee
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They are posting from personal experience, and it is a red flag to warn others that there a "fire" danger, although it may not be "out of control" at the moment and it is just smouldering. LOL
But for every one negative post there maybe three - positive and then all of a sudden
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The positive posters just have to be management or plants from the company itself.

You people are a trip and falling in it! Honestly, you are MTs. Please keep that thought. No one is sitting behind a desk wondering how they can really tick you off. Believe me they have way better things to do than worry about MT number 1,002 who cannot seem to get over themselves.

This OP is actually laughing at everyone here as that is what she posted. This all just cracks her up! Honestly, she's right. It cracks me up, too! I am amused by all of this as well and how it has spiraled into nothingness.
The original poster - was not referring to all the positives
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It reflected how quick people were to judge what others negative experiences were. So the laugh is on you.
Original poster here - all I am saying is... - tiredoftyping
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why do others feel it necessary to judge other MTs and say in their posts that the complaining MT is lazy or an incompetent MT and can't cut it and that is why they lost their job. I've seen it done more than once on this board and it is sad. No we do not know both sides of the story but really, do you know this person, how can you judge their work ethic and ability? Good things do happen to good MTs. I just really don't see why it is necessary to personally bash other posters and it is so sad. That was all I was saying, nothing else.
I see your point but see message - for another point of view
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I do see your point and it has some validity. Nevertheless, when someone gets angry with their employer or a business or whatever, they tend to vent so much that it sounds like a lot more than it really is. They go everywhere and cause as much trouble for the company as they can, just because they can do that quickly and anonymously. I don't see the fairness in that. It makes me uncomfortable. If I were in the room with them, I would back off a little and probably excuse myself from the discussion, but this is so one-sided and unfair that I feel it's worth mentioning. I'm not saying that the company doesn't have fault. It's just the attack itself that is unfair and a little over the top. "Overkill" might describe it.
I think what you see as overkill is when others blast the MT - Not sure if it is managers or other MTs
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That is what keeps everything going on the boards. The MT then tends to try to defend herself even more from attacks. I don't get the attacks and have to believe other MTs wouldn't be doing this. We have all been in situations where we are underpaid, have had bad managers and felt bad about our job.

Is it overkill or unfair to the companies or just MTs venting at the unfairness of their situation. I think the companies will survive just fine.

Having dealt with corporations and people who are given a little power and run with it, I tend to side with the little guy, or the helpless person, in this case the MT.
I always side with the little guy too with very few exceptions - See message
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Nobody knows who the anonymous MT is who is making claims against the company.

The company is clearly named.

There is no way to prove anything one way or another, so I find it unfair to the company. It can't be unfair to the MT because we don't even know who he or she is. It's a one-sided attack. That's not right.
Lots of companies are named here. This is the company board. - It is for feedback for other MTs
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I don't believe someone would make accusations against a company that were fabricated for their amusement. There are also quite a few posters who have stories about the company and if you go way back in archives of MT Stars there are even more criticisms of the company.

It's a feedback board. You can choose to believe the story or not but I think it is a waste of time to read company board if you find the posters not credible.
You are right of course. - See message
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I only disagree with one thing. I know for a fact that there are a few people who do exactly that, spend hours of their time "getting even" with a company they are mad at. However, you are correct. This board is for discussions of companies and that is a very good point. Thanks for reminding me.

keep on keeping on - mt

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we have to have somewhere to let it out

Keep Venting - old mt

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I hear you. It's the nature of the business I'm afraid. I've been outsourced, let go on a Friday because he decided he wanted to use dragon speak starting Monday, lost accounts, etc etc. You are so right S--- Happens! Sometimes I think we are just so mean to each other. We are all just trying to make a living. I totally relate to your vent and agree with you.

it's just people trying to pretend they have control - sm - sssdt

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It happens with everything. Someone gets sick, fired, robbed, whatever, and there is always a person waiting to say "you brought it on yourself." They are implying that THEY would never get sick/fired/robbed because they don't "bring things on themselves." It's too scary for them to think that good people have bad things happen to them for no reason.

On the other hand... - Seeing the other side for a moment

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Just like you said, "It happens with everything." Someone gets fired, reprimanded, critiqued, and is always waiting to say, "They did it to me" instead of admitting responsibility.

That theory works both ways. We don't know the facts and we won't know the facts. We don't have to go to work for a company if we choose to make our decisions based on a few anonymous messages. We each get to decide that. Some will decide that the way the alleged injured party described the event sounded like a person venting because they lost their job or got called on doing poor work, etc. Others may decide that it's obviously the employer, since all employers are bad.

Personally, I don't know if the company is bad or not. I wasn't impressed with the manner the complaining poster presented her case.

thank you - curious

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There would be so much less trauma on here if the following assumptions were made:
a) The people who are happy are not always suits;


b) The people who are unhappy are also not always lying, lazy, crazy, or otherwise un-hire-able.
c) Both groups have a right to post AND TO DEFEND THEIR POSITIONS without being called lying, lazy, crazy, etc.

I must have missed it if people called them lying, lazy, crazy, etc - Just thinking

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Of course nobody should call names or say that someone else is lying, lazy, crazy, etc. But I think it's appropriate to comment on it if they are over the top, dramatic, or otherwise not very credible because of the way they present themselves. In other words, if a person viciously attacks a company by name, calling them 4-letter words and making accusations anonymously that the company is unable to defend against, I think it's okay to call the poster out on that, politely. They can still do it, of course, but we can let them know that not everyone is buying the drama.

Yep, you must have. - curious

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I've seen more "lying, crazy, lazy" etc comments against particular people here than against companies, which is really, really rude.
If that's true, I agree with you, of course. - Fair is Fair
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I'm one of the people who stop reading when the 4-letter words start flying and people start attacking by name-calling.

I haven't given up on someone actually using their communication skills to write an appropriate message explaining the problem and potential solutions. One of these days someone will do that, and people will listen.

Read the post "this is jibberish" - - it implies

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that some need psychiatric help, which can be determined as "crazy."
Right. I missed that one because of the name-calling - nm
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Quick Test Or Quick's Test?
Feb 05, 2010

With the exception of a "Quick" test, which he turns to the left, his neurologic examination is otherwise normal.   does that sound right? the sentence? "which he turns to the left" ...

New To MQ And Quick Question...
Mar 04, 2010

I have not started training yet, but think I will be in the North region.  Is there normally work in that region?  Anything I need to know before I start?  Just curious.  Thanks. ...

2 Quick Questions...
Apr 29, 2010

These may be stupid questions but I have to ask. What does IC stand for? Also, I keep hearing talk of speech recognition, are MT schools teaching this? How can you train for this? Thanks ...

Need Help Quick! Transcend
Nov 22, 2010

I am supposed to start training with Transcend but am panic-stricken because of all the posts about no work available.  I have been offered a local clinic job (not the best working conditions but steady income).  Prefer to work at home, of course, but don't want to sit here with no work and not making any money. Can anyone give me any positive feedback on Transcend?  ...

Quick Help Needed.
Feb 28, 2011

Can anybody help me out on numbered lists when there are sublists?  Can't really afford time on shift to try to find the training for that part and listen to the slow explanation.  Thanks! ...

Quick Strep
Jul 08, 2011

Is quick strep capitalized? ...

Quick Question For Any MME/QAs
Jul 14, 2011

I'm just recently an MME.  In the Transcribed By box in the demographics screen I usually see:  MT/CCM/tier nameofMT In the first part, I know what MT, ME, and MME stand for, but I have been getting an S, #S, or SE lately.   Does this mean student?  I'm just curious as it would explain the quality.   Thanks! ...

Transcribe It Quick
Jul 27, 2011

Has anyone worked for this company?  I think it is mostly general transcription. TIA ...

Why Are They So Quick To Dock Our Pay?
May 30, 2015

Why do they make such a big deal out of an error, including sending e-mails saying "ERROR ALERT" or making a 3-point error a "critical patient safety error," then docking your pay for same, but if you go back to look at the document or to listen to it again, which you can in Escription, they have NEVER CORRECTED THE ERROR??? I don't think they are that concerned about errors, other than to dock our pay and to shame us. If they were, they would correct the error in the original documen ...

Quick Answer Please
May 31, 2015

If a doctor is dictating the wrong word consistently throughout the report and stating the word very clearly, do you change it or leave it? ...

Sl Pick-quick-eon Syndrome
Oct 15, 2009

This in a list of diagnoses.  By context, it is a respiratory condition.  Thanks.  ...

Need Wome Quick Therapy
Oct 20, 2009

Anybody know of a way to adjust how far the foot pedal backs up?  Yesterday, out of the blue, every time I took my foot off the pedal and restarted it, it backed up almost a whole line.  It's making me crazy, especially in ASR.  Grrrr. ...

I Just Wanted To Take A Quick Minute To Say I Really
Feb 22, 2010

An hour or two ago, I had a word question and put it on the word board and within a matter of five minutes, someone posted the answer.  I know we all have our own opinions and experiences but I am an MT with 20 plus years of experience and my mind just went blank on this word.  Well, I was glad this fellow MT helped me out, so I did not have to send this to QA.  I looked up the word again myself just to be certain not that I doubted this other MT and then I took a minute to thank ...

Quick Help Needed On Punctuation.
Aug 16, 2010

Unsure of comma placement/procedures. It is all running together in dictation. I'm sure of the dictation, that part is clear. Thanks! Procedure is posterior arthrodesis at L4-L5 bilaterally, posterior non-segmental instrumentation in the form of pedicle screws with rods, fluoroscopic guidance and supervision and interpretation and placement of percutaneous pedicle screws, greater than usual procedural services secondary to revision nature and the claimant being graded at 100 pounds o ...

Quick Oracle Question
Feb 16, 2011

I know when our invoices are due, but on what days of the month do we get paid? TIA to anyone who can answer! ...

Google Quick Search Box
Nov 29, 2011

I have downloaded Google Chrome.  I have used the Google quick search box on my former computer.  I am having trouble locating this for my new computer.  What you do is tap the control keep twice, and a very small search box appears on the middle of your screen so you don't have to access anything with the mouse.  Hit enter and it searches your word(s).  Thank you.  Losing incredible amount of time without this time-saving feature.  ...

Helpful Quick 7.1 Hints
Oct 08, 2012

A lot (if not most) of the commands are the same in 7.1 that you're used to.  The training encompassed everything, not just new information.  There are just a few additions, is all.  You still upload the same, get the QA note the same, back to ADT the same, etc. ...

Quick Fluency Question
Jun 12, 2013

How do I indent a second time to list a, b, c, etc. into a list?   TIA! ...

Quick Escription Question
Jun 20, 2013

Can someone who knows more about ES than I do tell me is there a way to turn this darn double cursor thing off? Thanks so much!  ...

Can Someone Just Give Me A Quick Rundown
Sep 03, 2013

I have limited access to information and don't get the e mails from corporate.  I just want to make sure that I am understanding this new policy correctly.  If you are NJA, you have to just keep checking back for work throughout that particular DAY you are short (on your own time) or take PTO?  You can't get off the system and make up time later in the pay period or just go without working?  I just want to make sure I understand this new policy right and I can' ...

Quick Transcription Service
Mar 29, 2014

One of over 40 services I applied and sent resumes to in my miserable search for a service that actually has work.  That was over 2 months ago.  They are asking me to test because they pay a whopping $20 per audio hour (which by my crude calculation would end up being about $6 per audio hour).  And apparently they pay through Paypal.  How's that for professional?  This company is in NYC and apparently intent on preying on the continually rising numbers of MTs out th ...

Need $ Quick - PT. Who Hires Fastest?
Jun 09, 2015

Some of these tests take hours and then no guarantee you will hear from a recruiter.  I thought some of the crummier companies with large turnover might be the way to go for right now. Any suggestions? TIA ...