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Why do companies advertise for help and then - wait 3 or 4 weeks to contact you? Do

Posted: Dec 03, 2010

they really expect that someone is going to wait around during that time for a reply? 

Maybe because they get 100s of replies and - resumes to sort through. NM

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Well that sounds efficient. Spend weeks sorting - resumes and by that time

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applicants not available. Sounds like a good job. I wonder how you sign up for that.

Testing the MT pool - Redwriter

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Sometimes an MT company is wooing a new client who has not signed on with them yet. MT company places ad to solicit resumes to show potential client a large pool of MTs eager to start work.

How much job searching have you done? - mtmt

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I work in another field as well as MT and it's not uncommon to apply for a job, have nearly a month go by and then get called in for an interview, and then wait out the interview process, and then they make a decision.

In some government positions, the job is posted for over a month before they even LOOK at a resume.

With the changes in MT, you'll find most companies are getting pickier and not just taking whoever throws their hat in the ring.

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