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How big does MQ advertise to be now? - sm

Posted: Oct 27, 2009

I think they used to advertise over 8000 MT and I don't remember how many accounts they boasted.  Anyone know recent stats?

probably... - just guessin

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I bet there are probably 25 MTs, 500 upper management, and a gazillion little indians.

This is only a guess!

MQ hiring - Geni

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They seem to be hiring, but my accounts keep getting No Job Available.

New Hires - NOMO

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Has anyone noticed that it seems since the forum was updated we have not gotten any post about potential new hires wanting to know how MQ is to work for? I know I used to find the message board by googling medquist message board. Does not bring it up anymore. I guess it was defeating their hiring process.

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