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Touching Base - Jasper

Posted: Dec 14, 2011

I would be interested in touching base with some of the folks who were recently acquired by MQ in the EMT buyout.  I am finding the transition painfully difficult and wondering if I am the only one...

You should wander over to the Medquist forum - anon

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â€Â¦ if you haven't already. There are bunches of buy-out employees over there from various companies who are in the same boat. Working for Medquist is painfully difficult even if a person *wasn't* acquired, LOL. Congratulations â€Â¦ if you are extremely unhappy and see financial ruin and/or homelessness in your future you have officially graduated to Medquist employee status.

I'm one and it is very painful - I feel like a slave!

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Please feel free to contact me via private e-mail. It is as painfully slow process and like the person who directed you to the MQ forum board, I'm looking at "no Christmas" for my 4 girls and grandbaby. On top of that, we'll be lucky to keep the lights and heat on. They are ruthless and noncaring people. If you look up MQ Holdings - you should find a document where they listed a 108 million dollar profit for the quarter ending Sept 2011. In addition they are listed as having 51,000 employees. 108 mil profit while their employees are ball and chained to their chairs for their shift "or else" and their give a damn is busted!

TOTALLY AGREE! - bonyfingers

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Also acquired in buyout a few months ago and have not left my chair. Always being asked to work more, more, more but 20% pay cut. Good luck to you. Don't know how much longer I can last.

I feel for you. I, too, have kids (15 and 12) that will - sm

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not be having a Christmas and it is too late to put them on any angel tree or do anything for them. How do you explain to kids why Santa did not come is because of greed???
Greed - pamt
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Maybe you could make them something or, better yet, show them what community service is by volunteering on Christmas Day somewhere. Then they might appreciate the real purpose of Christmas. There are millions of children starving over in Africa who do not know Christmas nor what they are going to eat the next day.

At least y'all have a job!!
While I appreciate your post, I am not sure what made you - sm
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think I have a job. Been unemployed for over a month. Yes I do plan to show them what Christmas means, but one is special needs and just will be so sad no toys for him:(
sent you an email (nm) - A
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Not sure what happened, but I never got it:( - sm
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I appreciate you!!
reply by email to this message please - A
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send me your email address, will explain

Difficult in terms of the change itself? - EMT buyout

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Nothing has really changed otherwise YET. Your best bet is to use the transition time to get your resume out there and start looking. Luckily we have that little bit of time while things remain "status quo." I'd just use the time wisely. That's my plan. I remember on the call the QA asking about their pay. I was thinking, I surely hope they have the good sense to get out because that hourly security will soon be just a memory and leading them on with "nothing will change for now" just stinks. I figure I rode the EMT train for 4 years and sooner or later with the way this industry is going it was bound to stop.

Good luck to you and remember to use the transition time wisely :-)

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