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TTD NOT SENDING 1099s - sickofthenonsense

Posted: Feb 08, 2013

Has anyone out there gotten a 1099 from TTD?  I assume not, but I only saw one post below with 1 response.  Has anyone reported her to the IRS criminal division yet?  This is just plain sickening.

criminal division? - seriously?

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She gets her tax return scrutinized.

You don't need it to file your taxes.

Did you earn more than $600?

File your taxes and call it a day. Are you still working there?

And let her get away with MORE crap? - REALLY???????

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Criminal division you ask? ABSOLUTELY! Why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't all of the people who were her victims? Honestly? It's this very mentality that allows people like her to get away with criminal offenses because we should all just "file our taxes and call it a day." I think not. Unfortunately I don't just walk away with my tail between my legs. I will fight and stand up for what is right. You don't have to contact the IRS or claim your income and you don't have to agree with me. Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter how you look at it.

You do not need a 1099 to report your income. - Just add it up and report it. nm

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Maybe by call it a day she meant that you not stress so much - Happy MT Robin

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The sound of your post makes me think that you are expending an awful lot of energy on this issue. Not that it is not an important issue, but I think you are working yourself up about it more than needs to be.

Yes, absolutely report her to the IRS. There are procedures in place to do that. Report her and then let the IRS take over. You've done your part.

As others have said, both in this thread and at least one other thread, you should be keeping track of your income yourself - as an IC you are a small business. You NEVER depend on someone else to tell you what you are making.

When you are doing your taxes, you include ONLY WHAT SHE ACTUALLY PAID YOU. Not what you are owed, but what you actually received in cold hard cash...or a cold hard direct deposit (doesn't have the same ring to it, somehow).

If you are using a program like Turbo Tax, when you are inputting your 1099 information (or what should be the 1099) there are options to say that you do not have an 1099 and it leads you from there.

Now, take a deep breath and breathe. It will get better and Karma will reach out and get her. It always does.
Yes, Karma.....IRS Karma - sm
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Yes, Karma will reach her.....hopefully in the form of the IRS. I have not spent but 1/2 hour on this matter nor am I "worked up" about it. Just making sure it wasn't just MY 1099 that didn't show up before I proceed with the IRS reporting. Yes, I can report my own income looking at old invoices, but I wish people would realize that if she's not sending out 1099s, she probably has a LOT of unreported income to the IRS herself and it's not right. She owes a lot of people money and granted they may never receive it, I'm all for giving "Karma" a little boost in helping find her.

So, this post wasn't intended to pick a fight. I really wanted to know if ANYONE received a 1099 meaning there is hope mine is in transit somewhere with the USPS before I file and I really did want to know if anyone has already reported her to the IRS. I felt those were valid questions. I can't imagine how anyone would want to defend any of this, but I know better....there's always someone. (not referring to you Happy MT Robin).

What is it you think she's getting away with? - seriously

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It's not like she's out robbing banks for goodness sake. As an IC you are supposed to know what your income is and report it accordingly. She is supposed to send you a 1099 if you made more than $600. If you file and state that you did not receive a 1099, the IRS will "scrutinize her return" (their words) and if applicable add fines.

And yes, "call it a day" is y'all seem to WANT to be distressed over something. Control what you can control. I don't get why people are working for this person if she's so horrid. IMO, by continuing to work there, you lose the right to call her a criminal. (I realize you have all the rights in the world, so no need to pounce.)

So if you've filed your taxes, let it go. You getting your panties in a twist over something you can't control will do little more than ruin your day.

Don't sweat the small stuff and this is small stuff or should be FOR YOU. You don't need the 1099. Turn the page.
You evidently don't know what this woman did - Serious Victim
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People who worked for TTD are victims of a crime. The owner not only stole money from us by not paying us what is owed, she also stole our services. She never had any intention of paying anyone after August 1, yet no one knew this...they kept working as normal, not knowing that their work would never be compensated. She did send an email out saying the end would be Nov. 12, but the end really was on July 1 when the manager, DY was cut. She not only refused to pay me close $1000 that she owes me, she refused to send me a 1099 and she will not answer any emails. But it does not end there...She also owes over $25,000 to her MTs who are based in India (Yes she outsourced SGS's work to India and never paid them). Now, she is reporting lesser amounts to the IRS without realizing that some of us did keep records of our earning. I have completed my taxes with my TTD income and reported her to the IRS for failing to provide me with a 1099. In addition, I also wrote a letter to the IRS stating that she may attempt to claim less than what she actually paid me. I alerted the IRS in every way possible. What she did was wrong and it is very criminal and youre right...there is not much we can do about it individually...but as a group, we can fight her. File your taxes. Report her to the IRS. I can tell you stuff about TTD beyond taxes and non payments that would make your head swim. AK is a criminal in more ways than one and she will get what she deserves in time.
how do you know what she put on her tax return - sounds fishy
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Also, if you're an IC you can write off anything she didn't pay you as a loss. Not the same as being paid but if you aren't going to get paid anyway, you might as well take advantage where you can.

How's your small claims court case against her progressing?

Do your homework - IC who GIVES 1099s

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An IC is required to provide each subcontractor MT who works for him/her with a 1099 showing amount earned by January 31st OR pay a $50.00 fee. I don't know where you got your information, but as an IC....I have always given my MTs a 1099 to file. It's the right thing to do.

MY homework? - seriously?

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I didn't say the MTSO wasn't required to give 1099. I said it's not a crime, okay, okay, she supposed to and if she doesn't there are penalties for not having done it.

HOWEVER, the reality is that an IC doesn't need a 1099 to file their taxes.

Funny that I don't see anything on this forum according to the rules about posting about companies that don't pay. Instead, we just have someone who claims to not have been paid and then wanting to know if she was the only one who didn’t get a 1099 and that she'd already filed her taxes. All the rest of the thread is simply moot.

She filed her taxes. She says she reported the MTSO. Now go ride a bike or see a movie or spend time doing something worthwhile.

Not giving someone a 1099 is simply NOT the end of the world or going to land someone in a jail cell.
Nowhere does it say the person filed her taxes - sm
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Does it matter whether or not the taxes were even filed or not? But, if you reread the post, it does not say that she filed her taxes. Obviously there are still a few of her fans on this page, sadly enough. You are 100% correct that the simple act of not giving out the 1099 isn't going to land anyone in jail, but the abundance of other criminal activities going on will be the reason for landing a person in jail.

In fact, YOU seem to be the one getting all uptight and worked up about it. Get over yourself!

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