A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Oct 21, 2009

I wanted to warn all of you about Premier Medical Network out of Caneyville, KY, formerly of Louisville, KY.   Several of us have worked for them and all of us have either not been paid at all, not been paid on time, had to wait on checks to clear, found that checks would bounce if we did try to cash them, been promised bonuses but never paid them, etc, etc....and believe you me there is much more.  They will lie through their teeth to get you to work for them, promise you the world but when its time to pay...THEY have issues.  Beware all...dont end up in the mess that so many of us have.  Dont fall for their lies, you will regret it...they will keep you until they cant get by without paying you and then you are no longer needed and they move on to someone else. 

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MTStars Team

I can second this! - AML

[ In Reply To ..]
I can also attest to this accusation against this company. My first invoice was paid on time. My second invoice was one week late with a bogus excuse. The third, fourth and fifth invoices didn't get paid without a fight. They were finally paid in two installments, and I received my final check 3 months after it was originally billed. My advice is to collect all your emails promising payment. Send them a final invoice certified mail outlining your terms that if it is not paid by a certain date you will be down at your courthouse filing a claim against them, and then follow through if you have to. Good Luck to you, been there done that....

******* DISCLAIMER *****************

See disclaimer on main thread.

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