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Omniscribes - DOES NOT PAY - hermitgirl

Posted: Mar 16, 2013

I am trying to warn fellow MTs, VR editors that Omniscribes does NOT pay ICs.  Her "rates" are very fair; however, after 3-1/2 months of constant "excuses" and very insulting reasons - I was paid ONCE for VR producing nearly 450 lines/hr.  I left my previous full-time job as I felt this was a great opportunity.  I am trying to spare anyone else the disappointment and frustration of signing on to what you think is an excellent opportunity, only to be repeatedly not paid for your time and hard work.  I am NOT the only person who has shared this same experience.  It's too bad this type of dishonesty exists in our very challenging job markets. 

You may want to inform the moderator ... - see below

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to put her on the no pay list and stop her from advertising for MT's. She should not be allowed to continue this behavior and abuse of MTs and getting work done for free.

Omniscribes - hermitgirl

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Thank you very much for your reply. I will notify the moderator. It is my intent to prevent any MT sign on with this woman as they will get constant "excuses" for no payment - I wasted three months and giving her the benefit of the doubt. I can no longer afford to volunteer my services. Thank you so much.

are you saying you haven't been paid in 3 months? - nm

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yes, and small claims court is a good slap in the face to these broads w/o a brain - report to BBB-they will also get on her. sm

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look for sites that let you post a quick story and will use her company and/or personal name in search engines to pull up the experience for all who google her. GET HER NAME OUT THERE as a fraud.

does not cost much in your local small claims court to file papers and have her served.

Check with the IRS for help - they are starting to get a grip on virtual jobs and regulations - and I'd bet if she is cheating you, she is cheating them as well out of taxes and they'll probably check that out too.

don't sit and wait. gather your paperwork and shout.

Omniscribes - hermitgirl

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Thank you so much! That is great advice, and I honestly didn't think of that! I just wanted to give notice to fellow MTs who could get caught up in her very appealing "pitch". I agree that she is undoubtedly not only cheating MTs but Uncle Sam as well. Thanks for the wonderful advice!!
That is interesting... - me
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cos I heard she had lots of new accts - 27 new VA hospitals and a NY local hospital and that her company is still growing....wow....
I think if she gets her money issues settled, it will be fine. sm - Another MT
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Starting a business is $$$, and I think she kind of went off half-cocked and unprepared for the financial realities of everything, landing the accounts but not being able to pay people on time. No one wants to work for free, obviously, but I do not believe she is a thief.
Omniscribes - hermitgirl
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I agree with you. I do think she is in over her head and I realize there is HUGE financial burden when starting any business, landing clients, keeping everything orderly, etc. I was just simply stating my experience. While angry at myself for staying for 3 months because I DO understand she has many irons in the fire, I do not believe her to be a thief or under-handed. My expectation, however, would be for honesty as opposed to repeated promises and excuses about why the staff is not being paid.
wait, earlier you agreed she was probly jilting MTs and Uncle Sam as well - and now you say you do not believe...
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her to be a theif or under-handed, just over her head.

So...which is it? and, either way, are you pursuing your payment for services?

just wondering, now, what your stance is and if you will pursue your 3 months pay. I get that you want to warn others, thanks. But what are you doing for you? Good luck.

It was a foolish reply - hermitgirl
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When re-reading the comment about the likelihood if someone is not paying their MTs, it is likely they would be cheating Uncle Sam, or anyone for that matter, I see your point. I replied as a generality and most assuredly did not mean that the owner in this case was doing any such thing, or I would not have hung around for three months.

We all can agree there are persons who are out to just rip anyone and everyone off, and my wording did indeed sound as though I felt the owner was doing just that. I do apologize for that as that was not my intent.

It is my hope that the payroll issue will be taken care of and everyone will receive payment for lines produced. I believe this is one of those cases where I felt saying something on a forum such as this would simply serve as precautionary and helpful.

I think, just my thoughts, that you want her to see all this and pay up as - filing papers or using BBB is too diffcult
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you seem to aggree with everyone no matter what they say like you don't want to be seen as the "bad guy" in anyone's eyes and going after your legal rights would make you the 'bad guy' to this MTSO. Not being mean, it's just you seem to ride both sides of all fences.

Or you are not strong enough to take her on, I don't know, but that's what the courts and BBB is for. At any rate, good luck with this and hope you learn from it because as much as we hate to realize it, these things happen a lot in this biz and might happen again.

Not meant to offend, just my observations. I know you; I used to be you - paragraph 2.

Another MT - xxxx
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If she does not pay on time, she IS a thief.
Although I am not happy with the slowness of the pay, sm - Another MT
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she DOES pay. A thief would be someone who steals and does not give back. I have seen posts on here about companies that actually do scam and never ever pay -- those are thieves, in my estimation. She pays about a month behind, which I am NOT happy about, but she does always pay. It is too bad. The account is a good one and it is relatively easy work and she pays at a decent rate, but I'm tired of not being able to count on the money, and I'm tired of the excuses. I much prefer someone who is honest with me. Perhaps it is just a simple case of pride and not being able to admit that she has screwed up and doesn't have the money. I can only guess as I don't know the truth. I divorced my husband for lying and I will "divorce" this situation as well.
To Another MT - Old Pro
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As long as you accept her slowness of paying, you are enabling her bad behavior.
A month behind in pay? horrible!!! - bird
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Are you kidding me? Why are MTs settling for so little in life. The pay is less and less and then I see constant posts about not getting paid at all or not on time. This is shabby treatment. I once worked for a woman who didn't pay on time. I told her to give me a "retainer" of one month's pay up front. If she would pay me for six months on time, I would return the retainer and she gave it to me and I did return it after six months. Some people need to be trained. However, after reading this post, I will not be applying for a job ... which I was about to do as I worked with Tonya at Cardioscribes and thought she was nice. Not going to bother.
actually... - sm
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if she has people working for free, then she is a thief.
Omniscribes - hermitgirl
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Well, that may be true. The account I was editing is a rather large account, as well. I also heard about new accounts perhaps coming on board, and I am in no way disputing that. My post was nothing more than just warning anyone who may want to sign on with Omniscribes, perhaps not put in your notice at a current job immediately, maybe wait and see how things go.
I know nothing about Omniscribes, but I do know - Govt in general often very slow to pay
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If a small service business suddenly picks up a huge amount of government work, major cash flow problems seem pretty likely.
That is interesting.... - MT
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Wow...so you heard that too? Good marketing on her part, but I honestly don't think it has happened.
She can charm the clients, charm the MTs -- she has a winning sm - JMO
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personality. She just doesn't seem to realize that MTs are weird in that they actually expect to be paid in a timely manner and some of us resent being told what can only be called lies.

She has not paid you at all, or the pay is just late? My experience has just been that the pay is - BTDT

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usually late by a month or more. That is not acceptable either, but there is a big difference between late pay and no pay at all. I hope you have received something in 3 months.

Omniscribes - hermitgirl

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I received payment once in three months and have kept each and every e-mail excuse she has given. Her contract states pay days are the 15th and 30/31st of the month - not ONCE did that happen. There have been numerous excuses and they are no longer even viable. I do know of 2 other MTs who received no payment whatsoever during their time contracting with her. You're right though, it's no way to do business. Not many can afford to produce for free.

hermitgirl - Old Pro

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Not paying anyone on time is reprehensible behavior. But why on earth would anyone stay with her for THREE MONTHS without being paid?
Omniscribes - hermitgirl
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I agree with you, which is why I posted in the first place. I feel like a first-class fool as I truly believed every excuse that came with each non-pay day. Believe me, I am not independently wealthy so when pay day did not come as expected, it hurt. Obviously, RED FLAGS all over the place, but again, I accept the responsibility for having faith that it would work out and believed the various payroll "issues" would indeed be handled "immediately", as promised. That is why I won't be any more foolish by beginning a fourth month. You're right, I should have followed the lead of several of the other MTs and cut my losses earlier as opposed to giving the benefit of the doubt.

Contact the hospital/clinic/M.D. or whatever you transcribe for. - sm

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Contact the client. Question them and ask them if they made payment, because she is unable to give payment for your services rendered. Make a cc for her and give it to her FIRST. Tell her she has five days to pay in full or you start contacting the client. If she doesn't cooperate, DO contact the client and contact EVERY SINGLE department you can regarding her clients. This will make HER look bad to them and she will more than likely lose the accounts. She doesn't deserve to be paid if you aren't. I did this before and it worked for me.
that is very good advice - hermitgirl
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I hate to think it would have to come to that, but I agree - giving her the opportunity to resolve things honestly and immediately as opposed to letting a client know how the business is being managed (or mismanaged) might be the only option. The troubling thing is, I have always contacted her in response to each and every excuse. It's not like I am owed thousands of dollars; however, in this economic climate every dime counts. :)
That is very bad advice - sm
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You have no right to contact the client, and if I were the client, I would slap you with harassment so fast your head would spin. Your agreement is with your employer - not the client, for goodness sake.
I'm sorry - you are right - hermitgirl
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I guess I got caught up in the emotion of the subject. Despite how it sounds, I am not without ethics. I have not and will not contact the client. You are absolutely correct that I was hired by Omniscribes, not the client. Any business between the company and client is not my affair. I have and will continue to honor all agreements in my contract. I'm hardly the strong-arm type and don't believe anything beneficial comes from giving anyone an ultimatum. I guess it is forums such as these and numerous opinions and advice that allow for cooler heads prevail.
hermitgirl - Old Pro
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If you contact her clients, you had better contact your own lawyer as well because you will need him (or her). You and she might both benefit from some courses in business--and I say that in the kindest possible way. Good luck--I hope you get your money.
agreed - hermitgirl
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I truly would never contact any client and as I said, strong-arm, threatening tactics are not what I deem proper (not to mention the legality involved). I do appreciate your posts and comments and take them in the kind manner you intend.

I guess that's why I did give the benefit of the doubt for so long because I could never assume an undertaking such as launching a company, negotiating with clients, etc. I absolutely would benefit from business classes as that end of the spectrum is beyond my scope. My goal is to transcribe and earn a living.

Again, thank you for your posts.
Contacting a client ONE time is hardly a legal issue. - sm
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Be "politically correct" and don't get paid, that is much, much better. There is no law against contacting a client. Harassing a client, yes, but contacting, no.
Someone did contact one of the clients in December, I think. sm - Another MT
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That's when she was still sending out her emails with all of the MT's email addresses visible. There were a few hot exchanges and someone contacted the supervisor at the client's operation and Tonya responded by saying if anyone contacted a client again their employment would be terminated. I'm surprised anyone still works for her. She has a very engaging personality, but you cannot feed your kids on a great personality. One of the MTs defended her and said she had babies to feed but she wsa still standing by Tonya, but I strongly suspect she must have had a daddy or another jor or some kind of help feeding those babies or she would have been just as unhappy as everyone else. JMO
Wow. Sorry for all of the typos. Those memories got me more upset - than I realized. nm AMT
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that MT is lucky she wasn't sued - nm
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The employer could have pressed charges. The only thing that probably saved the MT was the fact that the employer was already breaking the law by not paying her employees.
wrong, wrong, and wrong - sm
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This has nothing to do with being politically correct. That's laughable. Furthermore, you don't know what you are talking about: There ARE laws against contacting clients. How foolish.

Do you really think calling the client is going to get YOU paid? Again, laughable. It's not like they're going to cut you a check. You'd be barking up the wrong tree if you thought you could foist responsibility on the client for the employer's failures.

I don't care if 74 clients haven't paid the employer. This has NOTHING to do with the client. If you have performed work for them they have a legal obligation to pay you. The employee has no right to contact the client.

Plus, what makes you think you are RIGHT in thinking the client hasn't paid the employer? What happens when the client says they HAVE paid their bill? Wouldn't that make someone look like a complete and utter idiot? Tell me what businesses you think you can call and ask details about which vendors they have paid. Give it a rest.
exactly. Plus the client can then request you not work their account for such contact - and MTSO will comply. NM
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I am assuming this is a federal law? - sm
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Can't consider a state law, since no state was discussed. Do you have the federal law number that you speak of. Not being sarcastic, I would be curious to know. I work for an attorney and asked him, just for curiosity sake, because the situation has nothing at all to do with me, and he said no, that you could very well contact whoever you want. If that person asked you not to contact them again and you continued, then they could slap a lawsuit out of you, BUT what would they get? That was exactly what he said.

Of COURSE, you would lose your job, but if you already quit, because the MTSO did not pay, then contacting the client to let them know about the dirty MTSO would be a good thing.
FYI - Suing
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Often times people worry or claim that someone could "sue" because we do live in a society of everyone hearing about everyone else suing, trying to make a quick buck.

In reality though, an attorney is not going to take a case to file a lawsuit against a person when there are no assets to recovery from the person being sued. Of course, we see the ridiculous suits of people suing big companies all of the time, because there IS something to gain there. But, say I want to sue my neighbor. It would be an almost impossible task to find an attorney ready to take on that task for me. I mean, what is there to gain? My neighbor is a working class person, may or may not own their house, I don't know, but you need someone with MONEY if you are going to sue them, levying property and such is a whole other difficult thing that takes years is court.

The moral of the story is this: Don't be so afraid that your MTSO will sue you or that the client will sue you. It wouldn't happen. People live behind these fears and in the process of that let someone completely run over them.
One more thing. - Suing
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Here is one example. Our firm represented a lady who was walking by a house and was attacked by dogs. She was severely injured, sustained lifelong injuries, was hospitalized and had more than 100,000 worth of hospital bills, along with lost wages, future lost wages, etc.

The man who owned the dogs lived in a shed basically, was a peddler and had $20,000 worth of home owner's insurance, that's it. Typically we file suit for three times the medical bills, so we would have filed for $300,000. But, in this case, there was not $300,000 to recover. The attorney advised the client and she was not happy. She thought the man should have to pay her medical bills, plus pain/suffering, lost wages, etc. BUT, the money was not there! The attorney I work for called the opposing attorney (Most attorneys are friends or know each other) and was having a very normal conversation with him, explaining that the lady didn't feel that amount was fair and the opposing attorney said "I don't think it's fair either, but where do you suppose this money is going to come from?" In the end, the client wanted to drag the lawsuit out a few years, hoping to get more, and she never did, she got policy limits.

Suing - Old Pro
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Yes, the peddler was what the law calls "Judgment-proof." However, if I were an MT, I would also worry that my wages would be garnished to satisfy a judgment. I am not saying NOT to sue--if she has a cause of action, I say to go for it, just be aware of what you are facing. Personally, I think the MTSO should pay up NOW.

I thought from her note yesterday that we would hear from her this weekend sm - about when we would be paid. nm

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omniscribes - hermitgirl

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Well, yes, that is what her email said but each and every pay period for the 3 months I worked, there was a similar email. There has always been some excuse. I truly gave her the benefit of the doubt for 2 months, but seriously, the most recent excuse contradicts previous stories.

Have you tried calling her? I tried this morning but just got her sm - nervous mt

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voicemail and she has not called me back.
Omniscribes - hermitgirl
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I have tried each and every pay period to call and/or e-mail, repeatedly. In the beginning, I would get a perky response and she was very apologetic about the payroll being late. She always was always very reassuring she would be taking immediate action to resolve the issue. Obviously, there were red flags all along the way. I stayed because I believed there would be a resolution. I just feel now if I am going to "volunteer", my time is better spent looking elsewhere. I am not trying to be cruel nor make any false accusation. I just didn't want this to happen to others.
I understand. I am not an idiot and some of the reasons she has given sm - nervous MT
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were proven false when I checked with the Federal Reserve about their procedures. Why she lies instead of just being honest about the situation, be it no funds available, or whatever, I do not understand. This is just a part-time job with me, but I still deserve to be paid, and the no communication is very frustrating. I am glad you posted so I know that I am not alone.
Omniscribes - hermitgirl
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I did exactly as you. I checked into some of the excuses for the delay and I was very nervous, but wanted to believe things would work out. I know I seem like a fool for tolerating it for three months, but I can't change that. I think yesterday's correspondence that yet another payroll delay was happening and the supposed reason was the straw that broke this camel's back. Like you, I would have appreciated just honesty upfront that things were not working out as quickly as she thought, etc., whatever the reason; but her rationale for the repeated delays finally just made me say "enough". I wish it had turned out differently as I think the accounts have great potential. Also, this was not an extra income for me. Several others had full-time positions and were with Omniscribes as extra income. I foolishly quit my former full-time job to accept this offer. I am hardly a newbie to this business... I should have taken more caution...
you seriously need to contact the dept of labor - what are you waiting for?
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tell us - what is the most recent excuse - sm

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and what excuses have you been given in the past?

You know that old Frank Zappa riff - Old Pro

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One of the three greatest lies in the world is: THE CHECK IS IN THE MAIL.

She used to be with Mediscribes/Cardioscribes - Not surprised

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She was the same way back then. Never answered emails about anything. total idiot

She is many things but not an idiot. nm - You are just being unkind

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seems the behavior remains the same, tho. - anon1 sm
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Peronsonally I call those types something worse than the term idiot, but not the point.
If she acts like one and behaves like one she is one - Common sense
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hermitgirl... - sm

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I would really think twice before indicting a company and a person by name. You could be leaving yourself open for legal action. Think twice! Mtstars has to release your name if subpoenaed.

if its true, there is no suit - she can post truths

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Its only defamation if its untrue.

then she should place an ad in the newspaper - where it might do her some good!

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yeah, I thought using personal full names here was one of Stars' commandments. - anon1 NM

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Omniscribes - profpat

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Tonya usually update us every morning about what's on the system; nothing today. Have anyone heard from her.
Omniscribes - profpat
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Now she wants us to fill out direct deposit information. We were told she switched banks a month ago, so all this should have been taken care of. What's up with that. Trying to convince us that she is working on it?
And the form says it will take 6 days -- disgusting. nm - fed up
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Small Claims - Helpful

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Educate yourself on small claims court rules, this is not so difficult. Soon or later this knowledge will become useful. This is how to do it:


1. Read small claims primer here: https://www.mytestify.com/small_claims_court_primer.html

This gives general overview of the process in simple terms, I like that flow chart that explains process. That material will get you familiar with basic concepts.


2. Each state law is slightly different. So call your local court clerk and get information on how to file a claim, most of them have decent quality information packages that will help you with filing a claim in small claims court, it’s not very expensive.


3. Enjoy!

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