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OTIers, since the work has been rather sporadic, do they usually enforce sm - LTMT

Posted: Feb 25, 2011

the 3500 line per week minimum requirement?  I just accepted a full-time position today with another company (small MTSO in PA .. yippee!) and not sure I can balance everything since I already have other PT jobs.   If I have to give up something, the OTI will definitely be one of the first to go since it pays the least, but I love Bayscribe.  :(  If there is no work, I thought maybe they wouldn't care if someone did not do the minimum. 

If I phrased this goofy, I apologize.  Been a long day.  Thanks.

In response to LTMT - LTMTa

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I have worked for OTI for years and no one has ever contacted me concerning my line count, even though I have not made the minimum for many, many months and most of the time it is due to not enough work. If I were you, I'd give up the OTI job too...best of luck to you

I agree with this post. - nm

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Thanks. I'm beginning to think I'm a "no work" magnet. sm - LTMT

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I left my FT job because of constant no work, and I start this new PT job and within the 1st couple of days *poof* .. no work. Having slept on it, in all fairness I probably should quit OTI so the little bit of work that is available for me can go to someone else. Sometimes I think I am like people who survived the depression and now hoard food and other things ... having been through no work situations, I have a tendency to hoard jobs. :(

Thanks again.

You're not a no-work magnet, honestly!! OTI overhires EVERY DARN TIME!! - OTIer

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Just wanted you to know - dmt
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that I have appreciated your input with your posts, even though I decided to give it a run myself and see what happened. Even though it appears at the moment I won't be jumping to ask for full time, hoping it will still be enough to supplement. Are you full time? Thanks again for your input and good luck to you, too!
Yep...they obviously do over-hire.. - RiverMT
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And I've figured out why... they get these new accounts and they hire in ALLLL these MTs to get the work out faster than lightening because it looks good for them and the client. THEN...it doesn't matter how many MTs are on the account, the ones that sit there 24/7 get what work is there and OTI is happy as a lark cuz the work is getting done, the client is happy, and the ones that "miss the worm" per se, are just up the creek without a paddle. They don't have to worry about the ones left out because we're a dime a dozen. Sucks.
You are finally seeing the light - SeenTheLight
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I've been trying to convey this message all along, but some simply do not want to see/hear it. OTI cares NOTHING about the MTs that work for them, absolutely nothing. Their #1 concern is the client and then there is simply no concern for anything else

Job hoarder SM - Em

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Me, too! I have four part-time jobs and it killed me to give notice for one of them. It took me a week after I should have done it to do it. And it is a low paying, miserable job. LOL And then I saw an ad and thought, I'd be good at that I should apply for that. ROFL Thank goodness I came to my senses.

You're certainly not alone.. - RiverMT

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I started part time on 2/16 and they just kept telling me and telling me that they were BOMBARDED with work and they could give me exactly the work type I wanted because they were getting in 800 jobs a day on THAT work type. They were glad to have this 19+ year MT and on 2/21...**poof** it was all gone. I asked for other work types, I got some Histories and some OP notes and then...**poof** they were gone too! Now there is nothing and they are saying that they are getting a couple of more accounts soon and for me to just sit tight. Yeah...right. It's getting really rough anymore. Wish you better luck somewhere! My full time company is steadily vanishing before my eyes and there go my health benefits when they are done.
I was just assigned your account as my backup account - NewOTIer2
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Judging by your handle, I'm assuming that's the account for which you were hired. My account for which I was hired started to run dry so I was assigned what is apparently your account as my backup.

Let's see - Primary account, no work. Backup account, no work.

So, yep, pretty much as we were all warned about, just NO WORK in general.

Ugh. The search continues.
And the kick in the behind about the "new accounts" that they are (sm) - anon
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supposedly getting is that they are placing ads again, which means they are overhiring for these accounts as well.

Oh well, as someone else said, we were not warned.
Poof it is gone - Poof
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OTI has a list of excuses... you email them, they pull an excuse. I've been hearing what you have heard for a very very long time. I was dumb/naive enough to believe them. Oh yes, they come across all sweet and nice and even sincere and I believed them...run, don't walk, away from OTI. I'm doing the very same thing...

Well, I guess I can't say - dmt

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we weren't warned but thought I'd give it a try... Trying to hedge my bets and hope could supplement slim pickins on my other job at times and really hoped this would work. Congrats on your new job! I think these days we are all kind of in that survical mode of the depression days, trying to hoard and plan ahead, don't know if it's possible anymore with this job with 5-minute TAT... Best of luck to you and all of us!

Thanks .. hope everything turns around for all of us. I'm only PT sm - LTMT

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at OTI, but I sign on and do maybe 100 lines and am out of work again. Yesterday, I signed on and there was no work and I got so busy with my other jobs that I didn't even try again. I was only aiming for 500 lines a day there, but apparently the "big account with plenty of work" didn't last long -- like I haven't heard that before ... LOL.

Hope things pick up for you at your other job. Someone emailed me and said OTI has another account coming on next week or something and suggested that I could email and ask to be assigned to it. I don't think I'm going to bother with it at this point. As I said in my original post, I'm beginning to feel a bit guilty, like I should leave the work for others who maybe are trying to work there full time.

Today I'm playing hookey for a bit and going shopping. Hope you have a great weekend!

It will happen over and over and over. Good you're seeing it now - me

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before you commit all your efforts into them. I'm not trying to bash OTI too much because I think there are some good people working there, but if you need a consistent income that is NOT the place to work.

I worked there for several years. The first year was good, the last three were not. I ended up with 8+ accounts that I could possibly work on and EVERY DAY there was no work or so little, it was sad. I would usually average 200 or so lines PER PAY PERIOD.

That was after I had quit another job and went full-time with OTI. What a mistake that was. I lived off my credit card for a few months, with promises of new accounts to come, before I jumped shipped.

The new account with tons of work is now a thing of the past. It is obvious they over-hired, not only for that account, but others as well so that when their accts dry up, your new account is a secondary for them. Pretty soon the work is all gone.

Good luck to you. You have a lot of eggs in a lot of baskets. You must be one tired gal!
Happening all over again - Me2
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Having turned down an opportunity to work for OTI (on the so-called "big account"), I am happy I did not go with them. What I would like to know is this: WHY do they keep making this overhiring mistake over and over again? They might be the nicest people in the world to work for, but as DH says, "Nice" won't pay the mortgage.
I don't think it is a "mistake" {sm} - digiti minimi
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that they hire too many people. They do it to beat each other in the TAT game and could give a crap about us sitting here with no work. This career is over for us. I feel like a chump sitting here being treated like this all the time while MTSOs are laughing all the way to the bank.
I agree...NM - RiverMT
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I'm so glad I quit. Here's my story...I had very little to no work SM - NJgirl
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and making only a couple hundred dollars a payday. I couldn't make it! I had to take a part-time MT job elsewhere (very part-time) and hung on to the promises from OTI that a "new account is coming." That was about a year ago. I would be put on new accounts, but they were absent of work as well.

Even though I repeatedly said I need to be making money, I need work, promises promises that there would be more work. I was even emailed a note about one of the new accounts that there were be tons of work, etc.

I'm so glad I didn't jump on board. I resigned awhile ago and feel free.
NJgirl - afriend
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I'm glad for you as well that you were bright enough to walk away. Sadly, I haven't been as smart and believed the lies OTI told me. They always sounded so sincere, all the promises of work coming, "just be patient" "you are on the new account, it is going to be huge" yada, yada, yada...yeah right... believe me, I am looking and as soon as I secure something, I am gone from OTI and will never look back...
Why do they keep making this overhiring mistake - OTIerrr
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Mistake? That's your first mistake and clue...it is NOT a mistake...it is what they do because they could care less about the MTs and if they make one dime. They only care about their client...period. They put a person in charge that has no conscience and no heart

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