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any other OTIers - notice this

Posted: Dec 31, 2012

that one certain person in QA/management is excessively rude when you try to communicate with her?

Yes - and I agree

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I think she is probably one of the rudest and most abrasive people I know. I honestly don't know why they let her get away with it. It's gotten to the point where I usually don't even read her emails because of it.

The other people at OTI are great, but she is definitely the bad apple in the bunch.

You just noticing that? SM - OTIer

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I've been working there for a long time and she definitely does have that attitude. As far as "why they let her get away with it," for some reason the OTI "High Ups" think she walks on water.

I don't know why that is, but as far as they are concerned, she can do no wrong.

Agreed. NM. - Red

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OTI - Snowy

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I've often wondered if she is family to I and L.

Sorry that you choose to start the new year griping about one person sm - just me

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who admittedly is not very tactful in her e-mails, but she does not affect your job, your pay, or your status at the company. In this day and age where companies are being sold right and left, I am thankful to be working for the sisters. And I am not defending A, but I have worked QA before at OTI and seeing all of the things she has to deal with, I maybe understand why she gets frustrated, although she should probably just vent to someone in the company and not send out the types of e-mails that she does. I really do not understand why they keep some of the MTs on 100% QA instead of just letting them go and saving themselves the headache of having to continually go over their work when they make the same mistakes over and over.

Sorry you choose to start . . . . just me - TiredMT

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I hope you don't get saddle sores riding that high horse just me. I don't work at the company you are talking about and don't know the QA person with the bad attitude, but I do know that how people treat you definitely impacts your job, your pay and potentially your status. Large companies spend millions of dollars on seminars/research/training to keep morale high which in turn increases productivity, which increases morale, etc. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did BUT PEOPLE WILL NEVER FORGET THE WAY YOU MADE THEM FEEL. Maya Angelo

Seems you should look at your own quote that you admire so much. sm - Just me

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Since you admit that you know nothing about the person mentioned or the company, it is nice of you to sit in judgment of me. The work is plentiful at OTI, at least on my account, and in this day and age I am grateful. The emails from the QA person are such that she expresses her frustration in dealing with people who do not show up for work or keep their schedule, make the same mistakes over and over again, etc. No one is specifically called out or berated, and I already acknowledged that she is less than tactful.

I guess in your genuine caring for others, you do not care how you make me feel by your attack, when I merely defended a company that has always been good to me -- paychecks on time, plenty of work, wonderful platform, and owned by 2 ladies who are always there to listen and try to help their MTs with any issues they have.

I stand by my statement. I choose to start the New Year being thankful for the things that I have, not being petty and tearing down someone based on a few snippy-sounding e-mails when I know nothing about what she is dealing with.
People, people - Angelina
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Come on. It's the start of the new year. Can't we all just get along?
Thanks for the honesty..old year, new year..doesn't matter. - Rude and crude.
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No making excuses for rudeness, in my opinion. Defending someoone who is rude because they are frustrated and taking it out on others is no excuse. We all have frustrations. Good to vent and why not here. Rule learned long ago, that if it is not the job that irritates you, it is the people you work with...and if you get along with the people...there is always ONE. There is always ONE everywhere, sobeit. How do we handle that ONE person...that is the challenge or the suffering. Every job has a Judas.

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