A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Just a few words of advice - longtimemt

Posted: Sep 09, 2010

This is going to be long and I apologize in advance, not wanting to cause a long discussion, just giving some facts. I was one who was included last week in the RIF letter from Webmedx. I have applied to about 25 different companies, most of which were advertising on one board or another, major job search sites, etc. I have found that most of them will not even acknowledge receipt of a resume. I have spent 6-8 hours on the computer every day, just searching every web site imaginable. I have received information from 2 companies and one of them was only for 3.5 for VR, the other was 4. I truly made that amount of money when I started my career years ago. I have over 20 years experience and have not done a lot of job hopping. I had heard for years that VR was coming and I really never thought it would get here before I could retire, which is a long time yet since I am only in my 40s. The truth, as I am finding it, is that the jobs are going to get more scarce, as the companies seem to think that VR is doing its job, when in reality we know it is not. Another thing I have discovered is that there are a lot of positions in house out there, just not in my area, I would estimate from the jobs I have searched at least 50% of them were in house so they are there if one wants to search for them. This makes me wonder if more hospitals are not pulling the work back in house due to the enormous costs of having a transcription service. I have seen this business go from typewriters to computers, and now to VR and there is no where for the MT to go from here. With companies now training doctors to edit their own reports, what do you think our role will be in another 3-5 years? My guess would be that MTs will be nonexistent. The owners and management all say it is a secure field, but I lost my faith in that last week. I am writing this to encourage anyone who thinks they cannot survive on 4-5 cpl for VR to get an education, get something to fall back on and be prepared. I was not prepared and now am going to have a disaster. I will collect unemployment once it is approved but the maximum in my state is only about 200 a week, so I am going to spiral down fast if I do not get another job. I was a one income family and Webmedx stripped that away, it really would have been nice to have some notice, but it was a business decision on their part and I cannot dwell on that or try to guess why me. My unemployment will pay my rent, at least my car is paid for but everything else will be minimally paid unless I find work soon. I have 2 little girls to take care and I am sure I will be visiting a food pantry soon. I have applied for food stamps and Medicaid but I really am embarrassed because I never thought it could happen to me. I am still searching, trying to hold out for someone who does only transcription that will last about 3-6 months so I can get back on my feet and make some changes in my lifestyle, my expectations, etc. I am willing to do any shift, any days, just let me go back to work. Unfortunately there are so many MTs right now that are jumping around, trying to get out of VR for a little bit of time before everything is VR and the competition is extremely tough. I am checking into some kind of back up career but it is hard to change after doing this so long. I am absolutely shocked that these schools are still telling students they can make 30,000-40,000 a year, I think we can pretty much face the fact that the VR presence is going to be domineering within the next year and at 10 to 12 dollars an hour for some reason I do not see anyone making a decent living anymore. At 12 an hour that is about 23,040 a year, a long ways from 30-40,000. I guess in the back of my mind I always hoped VR would fail and secure our jobs but that is not the case. My experience on it, which was with M-Modal, I could have transcribed it faster than editing it and the managers/owners evidently do not understand this. I would be surprised if they were actually paid less from the hospitals for VR, my guess is their contract stays the same, our line rates go down, therefore, more profit for them. Well enough said, I probably am posting this on the wrong board and this is by no means another effort to bash WM, they received enough of that, they made a business decision, just one many of us did not agree with. My main purpose is to do 2 things, to vent my opinion, and to ask other MTs to protect themselves, always have a back up and unfortunately never believe your job is secure. As an afterthought, I do feel sorry for the MTs I see post on here who do not have work and have to spend 10-12 hours trying to get in 8 hours work, at least I don't have to sit here anymore and have a minimal income. I will move on, I will be okay, it will just take time but I can only pray it happens to no one else and if so, you are more prepared than I was.

3.5 to 4 for VR is the going rate, why won't you sm - question

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consider taking a job like that? Did you not have any VR at WMX (that can't be)?

What you'd make even getting 3-4 for VR is a hell of a lot better than $200 a week, that's for sure.

yes, it is - longtimemt

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Yes, by the time they take out taxes it would be about double and I know I will end up doing VR, just trying to find a company for a few months to catch things up and get a little ahead.

LongTimeMT, you need to stay in and build on what you have. - Pragmatist

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I'm afraid you've been operating under some incorrect premises. I am among many who have been saying for years that SR was the future and recommending people ask for SR accounts to develop those skills. I've been doing SR extensively for about 6 years, preferring it to typing reports. To continue thinking it wouldn't happen required some major self-deceiving, and a clear look around is required now.

Second, although many facilities hope to do away with MT involvement, there is no indication that our work is actually going to disappear entirely in the next few years. (It is certainly not gone now!) There will be more patients, more reports, and many facilities who feel they need our services. Fewer of us will be doing that work percentagewise, but we will be working. Even if it does disappear eventually, there would be time to get a 2- or 4-year degree in a well paying, enduring field before then, tuition paid by MT/editor earnings--an excellent step for a 40-year-old with most of her work life still ahead of her.

Third, in spite of individual problems finding jobs, there is a genuine shortage of ADEQUATELY skilled MT/editors in the U.S. right now. Large blocks of work are being offshored because of THAT, in addition to lower costs. TAT matters. This is fact, not delusion.

There is a cut that seems to be occurring of people who will not adjust to changing work methods. We've all wondered how people were chosen for layoff just now at Webmedx (could it be me??), and it may NOT be an actual reason for you, but that you've been specifically avoiding SR accounts was a big eyebrow raiser for me when I read it. Almost everybody does SR now.

All that said--YOU STILL HAVE VERY VALUABLE SKILLS in a well-paying trade. One that takes people years to laern. Others of us with thoses skill are making $30K, $40K, $50K, even more as employees. Your gram/punc seem fine, better than many. The question is, how did you let yourself get to a point where you can't see this being you?

Right NOW, you really need to find out if you CAN do SR well. Many MTs have no problem and wonder what all the fuss is about. Others seem to be failing for reasons that are almost always not discussed. WHY are their line counts so low when many others' are high?

Whatever the reasons, you need to work up that can-do attitude and take a job in MT/SR to specifically find out if you can be one of the many $40Kers in SR or really do just need to move on. Please DO NOT abandon 20 years of experience for 0 years in some low-paying work until you find that out.

BTW, in spite of your good gram/punc skills, what's this with that giant, hard-to-wade-through block of text? Where are your paragraphs? Your resumes do have them, right? Your reports too, right?

Sorry if any of this seems harsh, but it just kills me to hear that you plan to leave MT to go compete for jobs with kids out of high school, in a serious recession yet. Don't do it!
Great response! - StillMTin
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It's so easy to blanket yourself in the doom and gloom of being laid off and the current state of affairs, but having a specific skill set can still work!!
How did I get here? - longtimemt
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I really never thought it would be me, my production was always way above average according to the production reports on the community page, my voice recognition was over 275 lph, my quality was never a question, my flexibility, dependability etc were above average. I rarely even took a day off. I guess I was just one of the chosen ones to be terminated.

As far as the format I apologize for that, I just typed in a post a reply box and that is how MTStars put it on the board, sorry but I had nothing to do with that.

Evidently you misunderstood because I have not been avoiding SR or any work types, I actually enjoyed SR once I got started, which has been at least 6 months and was able to make a good living at it because WM does pay one of the highest line rates for it plus the production incentive. I also had 3 back up accounts and was never offered the opportunity to transfer to one of those. Again it was a business decision on the part of WM and I no longer question why, it was their decision to make.

I have searched jobs through search engines I did not even know existed and am doing so at least 5-6 hours a day. I will go back to work hopefully within the next couple weeks because I am a very skilled and productive MT, I was just voicing an opinion and praying that no one else has to go through this. I agree there will be MT jobs available but I disagree they will be for the most skilled, the bottom line is money and the jobs will go to the MTs with the lower line rates.
Sorry, LongTime. I totally misunderstood your particular position. - Pragmatist
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That you do SR of course makes all the difference compared to those who do not. Hopefully something will hit home to someone there instead. :)

Your situation does hit shockingly close to home, that basically someone like me can so quickly find herself with crowds of others posting for every position. Nevertheless, it's great that you are not among those people insisting they can't make a living at all any more. Their problem is in a WHOLE different category.

BTW, just FYI, with no children to watch I am still able to make a decent hourly income, still comparable to my previous field, if not as high as a few years ago. My problems with keeping in an acceptable middle-class income bracket come not from M*Modal but from having to work harder to get the same line counts out as pay drops.

Your forecast for the near future may be correct, but I don't share it. This work has a very long learning curve and not just anyone can do it for lower pay. There will be a floor to the drop in wages. Note that Webmedx is among those companies pushing for better skills in its workers as opposed to those others.

Fingers crossed here that a good job will turn up quickly. ITM, does your state allow you to work part time while you collect unemployment?

longtimemt - older gal

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What you say is really helpful; the small letters in which it is typed make it very difficult to read, however. Is there some solution to this? What you say is great; please consider us old gals who have harder time seeing! Good luck to you from Illinois!

I zoomed my screen to 150%, LOL -nm - oldiebutgoodie

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Me, too! n.m. - StillMTin

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best wishes and thank you for post - webmedxmt

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I am so, so sorry this has happened to you. I still work at Webmedx, but there is not a lot of work right now and I am concerned as well. I am also a 1-income family, so I really feel for you! I do not feel secure at all in my position either and have considered other fields for several years now. There are some in my area where you can go to school 4 or 5 hours 4 days a week, and still work full time. Some areas I have looked into are pharmacy assistant, coder, or lab tech. These would all pay better than what I am making now. I am also looking at getting some training to work at a dialysis center (they can't offshore that!). I agree with you, I think in several years our jobs will be phased out. Webmedx currently has pilot programs training the MDs to edit their own reports from the ISR. I also do not wish to bash Webmedx, I think it is going on in this field at every company, and is inevitable. My best wishes to your family and your girls. You might look at your community college or adult ed...in my area the above courses are available and there are also grants available to pay for them. Thanks again for your letter, and I am going to quit procrastinating and get busy at finding another job also!

Don't be afraid of change - sm

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You are right that the schools are doing people a terrible disservice putting people in debt for a job that is really just a job, not a career.

I heard a great piece on the news last week reminding people that are out of a job in this economy that it isn't an expression of their self worth. That there are millions of good people out of work right now who did nothing wrong.

We as MTs have a great head start on other people in many healthcare jobs. The field as a whole is growing, you just want to transition into a part of it that can't be off shored! Pharmacy seems like a good idea, I mean, who else has been exposed to thousands of drug names like an MT! Check with your state too, sometimes they will pay for job retraining while on unemployment. If you could survive on that measly check while getting a pharmacy certification.... this might be your opportunity!

For each door that closes, many more open, you just have to look for them!

I was a pharmacy tech... - eam

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...but the pay wasn't great, the hours were long (four 9-hour days,so they didn't have to pay me benefits), and there's a lot of on-the-job stress. Of course, this is just my experience, and yours may differ.

Everybody's experience is different, but wish you well finding your own special niche - nm

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Condolences - stillMTin

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LongtimeMT, I'm sorry you're in the situation you're in. I've been there where I wasn't sure money for extras, like food, would be there.

I disagree with your assessment tho. There will be a role for MTs, but the shift is going to go to the most skilled MTs. Ones who can type, edit, do every specialty, on every doctor. I don't know if that includes you or not, but I would encourage you to keep applying.

I'm an old MT. I did go back to college a decade ago and I'm degreed in a back-up field should the need arise. But I've found I'm still able to make more doing MT than in my new field, so for now, I'm still MTing.

If you've not done VR, I suggest giving it a try. It takes time to build up your skills, but you could still get to where you're making $15-18/hr doing it, even at the low rate of pay for it. Fighting it isn't going to benefit any MT. Figuring out how to make it work for you will.

In some states, you can earn up to a certain amount while still collecting your full UE amount. Check out what that limit is in your state. It might be the perfect time to start doing VR while you have the little bit of cushion of your UE checks.

The job market in every field is brutal right now. But persistence does pay off so I encourage you to keep at it. Good luck!

Good luck to you! - Simvast

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Best thoughts, wishes, and prayers being sent your way. God bless you and your family.

job - anon

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I have 20 years experience and have been unemployed for 2 years. I have been applying at every MTSO out there and have had no luck. This industry is going down the tubes fast.

Quick questions - lrlady

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I have 19 years of experience and actually WANT to do VR but because I have no experience I can't find a place to take me other than for straight transcription. Can anyone suggest a company willing to take a VR newbie? I do not doubt that I could catch on quickly. TIA

jobs - ecj

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I have been an MT for 10+ years. I quit nursing school due to anxiety. I thought MT woudl be better. I could use all my medical terminology and knowledge but not have the stress of patient care. I never saw the outsourcing. Voice recognition was something talked about but not a serious threat at that time. I was able to land a nice in-house position. But was outsourced 2 years later. I worked at home for awhile. The Nationals pretty much suck - excuse my French. Pounding the keys while trying to learn new dictators, no hourly compenation even for training. Then, I went back in hours - for a few months - at another hospital. Then they were also outsourced. I have jumped from National to National. I finally was at MDI and hated no health benefits but the work was fairly regular and they did not micro manage you. Then Transcend took over - it was ok for a few months. Nice to have benefits again. Same accounts as w/MDI....but in low work volume and the audits with 98% expected but wanted a minimum line produced to keep your healthcare benefits. That may be standard in this industry now days but I am going to say why heck we accept this. Other jobs don't get paid by sweatshop menality. You are compensated a decent hourly wage for your medical knowledge and clerical skills. Crazy.

I have been looking to change careers as this field is too unstable - but like a lot of us I in my early 40s and haven't had a job out of this industry in a long time. I would love to back to school and continue to get my degree in another field, but I have to support my family as a single Mom.

I prayed for an answer and started applying in this lousy economny for any job that was remotely similar to transcrition. I have had a few interviews over the past 1 to 2 years but nothing panned out. Stiff competition and I lacked coding skills or billing skills or the advanced computer skills - all I had was a lot transcription knowlege, general Microsoft office knowlegde and a will to learn.

I apply for a medical secretary position a few weeks ago and was just offered a position starting at 13/hour. To some of those high-producers this may be nothing but those of us who have been scraping for bottom of the barrell for work, struggling to make ends meat between crappy dictator, low work volumes etc... this is heaven. A nice hourly wage... full benefits and actually pay increases after 90 days. So I snapped that baby up. It may notbe a professional job but it's got security and stability all things MT workign at home does not.

So I suggest to your ladies look around. Look for some positions like medical secretary. Some don't pay well but I those in Universities and also in home health care pay pretty well to start. (mine in home health care).

Same boat - WAmt

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In similar situation. Best wishes for you and anyone else going thru this.

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