A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Jobs board number of views is down - finally

Posted: Feb 13, 2010

It seems that the number of views on the jobs board isn't attracting the kind of interest as usual. Could it be that we won't eat the dogfood anymore and we just aren't interested in being treated like **** and paid 7-11 wages?

Well.... the jobs are few and far between. Grass is not greener mentality! - SM

[ In Reply To ..]
I really think the fact that these companies are talked about as soon as the job appears makes it difficult for them to hire. Most of us who read the company board will take note when another MT states the platform is junk or the company is a slow pay or no pay.

The other thing that I find rather interesting is the large number of companies that hire ICs for shifts. That's not really true IC work. Employees work shifts, not ICs.

Last but certainly not least, who is going to work acute care midnight to 8 in the a.m. at 7 or cpl? LOL

number of views - RLee

[ In Reply To ..]
How do you view the numbers of visitors for that??

Number of views is in (--) next to the nickname/alias - see there >>>

[ In Reply To ..]
For instance, when I clicked to reply to you, next to RLee was: RLee (Views: 61, 2010-02-14, 6:49 am)

I wont even bother testing with a national; instead Im - looking at much better, small MTSOs. nm

[ In Reply To ..]
They pay better, treat their MTs like the resources they truly are, and not just a cog in the wheel. There are even some (not many, but hopefully more in the future) hospitals and clinics that are so fed up with the poor quality work from the big MTSO corporations, that they're cutting costs somewhere else, and bringing the MTs back inhouse where they belong.

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