A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Why are all of the jobs in job seeker's board - JB

Posted: Apr 07, 2013

crossed out? What's up with that?

Maybe the last job has gone to India - Turn out the lights when you leave

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Where did the jobs go? - Old Pro

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à¤à¤ à¤¿à¤¨ भाà¤à¥à¤¯

kaá¹­hina bhÄgya

That's "tough luck" in Hindi.

It's been asked and answered 3 topics down (NM) - anon

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Things that make you go hmmm - anon

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I too wondered about that. Strange things are happening.

things - molleycat

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here's something else to think about. Maybe the 2 big MTSOs have gotten on the board and wiped everything out. Everyone and her sister has been on here since Thursday about mass layoffs. They know we come here.

things - IGoGreen

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It kind of surprised me when someone who was allegedly a PA posted here. I suspect this forum gets a wide variety of visitors and I have no doubt the MTSOs patrol here regularly. We know they come here too ;-) so we should act accordingly.
Alleged PA - and still an MT
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I expect the "alleged" PA you mentioned is me. I am an actual PA. I had a good career in an industry not related to healthcare, from which I am retired. About 12 years ago, while I was still working in that job, I was offered the opportunity to do MT part-time by a friend who needed some help. When I retired from my day job a few years ago, I became bored and needed a new challenge. It occurred to me that I am at least as smart as the PAs whose dictation I was transcribing, so I applied to a PA program and was accepted. I completed the program somewhat over a year ago and now work for the VA managing research projects.I continue to do MT part-time because my hobby is investing, and the MT income gives me more money to invest.

So, you see, there is nothing sinister about a PA visiting this site if the PA is also an MT. But you can cling to your conspiracy theories if they give you comfort.
PA and still an MT - Nick
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Don't let the naysayers get you down. Most likely they are motivated by jealousy. It's much less work to throw stones at someone who has made positive changes than actually get on the path to make positive changes oneself. Just sayin. Don't let them bother you.
Slim pickens PA - TinPanSally
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Not to be facetious but the monetary value of your labor with which you use to "invest" must be pretty miniscule to the point of diminishing returns.
Pickings not slim - at all
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I generally net between $700 and $1100 a month from my part-time MT job. To me, that's quite a respectable amount to supplement my regular investments. Of course, if your net worth is in the Warren Buffet range, then I can see how you would consider it insignificant. My net worth hasn't quite reached the significant level yours no doubt has, so I am quite happy to have the extra $12k or so per year to invest.
TinPanSally - Nick
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So glad you are not my financial adviser. This PA sounds like she has a sound financial plan. How many of us can say that we have 12K a year to invest? I would say she is a very smart person.
Thanks Nick! - PA-C
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I'm sure you're right about the disparaging comments coming from people eaten up by jealousy at someone else's success but unwilling to make any effort to improve their own lives.

Good luck with law school!
PA-C - Nick
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Thanks! I'll need luck--so much studying. I thought about medicine, but know I could never pass organic chemistry. :)

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