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Is 4.5 cents for VR a decent rate? - Wondering

Posted: Feb 29, 2012

And what is the average line count a person averages with VR in an 8-hour shift?


VR rate - CareBear

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Depends on the platform. What platform will you be working on?

Well, there's another question - Unsure

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What platforms are the best?

VR - anon

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Are you kidding? 4.5? Hell, yes.
Why though? - Average pay in 8-hour shift
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What do you think would be the hourly pay at this rate? Is 4.5 comparable to 9 cents with straight transcription?
VR pay - mt1347
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It is not just the platform, it's the dictators, and the type of work you will be doing. If you're on a large hospital system where you seldom get the same work type or the same dictators, you are not going to make a living wage, unless MT is just a sideline for you. It does not matter how fast you are or how good you are with the keyboard, you can only listen to so many minutes per hour. You have to listen through the entire report with all the pauses, startovers, etc - you are getting paid half the rate. VR is a ripoff of MTs - there is one company I know of that pays the same rate for VR as straight transcription - which is how they should all pay. The MTSOs are making a huge amount of money by getting MTs to accept half the pay for twice the work. If it is a clinic account and you have the same WT and dictator over and over, you might be able to make money. Not in acute care.
VR pay - pookbina
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I would have to pretty much agree with MT1347. There is just no way to make near as money with VR and its definitely a loss to us. and the big companies are really gaining on the behalf of the MTs willing to take this cut but it is getting almost inevitable to not accept VR as it seems to be taking over. I would say too that what MT1347 says about clinic notes and same doc you making decent on this VR is logical and not so much with acute care and particularly foreign docs etc. I have been doing straight typing but things changing with our company and not sure I want to do the VR junk.
Thanks to you and pookbina. - Scary times
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Sounds like I should just keep present job where I have straight transcribing and no VR.
VR pay - pookbina
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Yes, I would say so, scary times. It is hard to find a job without voice recogn. anymore, getting harder all the time. Good luck to you.
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4.5cpl is more than what some pay. I have heard the majority only make 4cpl on VR.

But if you have a straight typing job by all means PLEASE KEEP IT. Otherwise you will be doing twice the amount of work for half the pay.
Low VR Pay - JCM
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Fast Transcription pays only 3 cents a line.
Maybe thats why they're called - Fast Transcription
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Because at 3cpl you GOTTA BE FAST to make some money.

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