A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I am really sick of Transcend having jobs posted - Tired

Posted: Dec 09, 2011

on their website, but after going through 2 weeks of red tape for a QA job being told they are all filled.  The recruiter says, "oh, we are just waiting for background checks on the other posts."  Really, it takes 2 weeks to check background on one person. 

Obviously, they do not understand the stress and time involved in going through their ridiculous process and red tape, and then 2 weeks to a month later, still nothing, BUT THE JOB POSTS ARE STILL THERE.

Please don't answer this post with "well, you are not good enough then" cause I have 25+ years doing this crap and am a CMT, so I have no doubt about my ability to do the job!

I think it is a fraud and the positions really aren't open, they just want to screen people and put them through all their crap thinking they are applying for a job, but if you don't size up for some reason only they know, they turn you down.  I have applied for 2 QA positions in the past month and was told either they hired someone else or there weren't any positions open. It is BS!

Just sayin......

Not to sound mean or snarky, but - wonderin

[ In Reply To ..]
Have you left your other jobs in good standing? I know sometimes if a past job has anything against you at all sometimes they won't give you a good reference. Just wondered if that could be the case, not looking to insult.

Best of luck to you.

No-left all jobs in good standing, in fact, went back to one of them - Tired

[ In Reply To ..]
since couldn't get anywhere with Transcend. They didn't have any job references anyway, that is done AFTER all the red tape and you actually get to accept a position. Supposedly, that is why the jobs stay on the website after they are filled, to check references. It all is a bunch of red tape and BS as far as I am concerned with Transcend. Like the other nationals, a BIG PILE OF CRAP! They want our first born, but we have no rights, just take what they dish out!

The reason I am ticked off isn't so much not getting the job(s), but what I was put through (extensive testing-and I mean extensive, multiple interviews-3 for me over a 2 week period, and waiting-3 weeks) for NO JOB! It is ridiculous!

Why is it always TOO MUCH to just be honest in this world!

Think about this - nope

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Here's something to think about. Doing a background check on an applicant, interviewing, reading resumes, and paying MTTEST to test and score you....these all cost money... if you break down someone's pay and include employer taxes, employer contribution to benefits, and other various employer expenses, a 1 hour interview probably costs the employer in the range of $30-40. Trust me the last thing they want to do is waste their time and money on an applicant who they don't need. Also, you probably don't realize, an acquisition request is made by the manager to HR, they have to post it internally and externally, but internal gets first dibs assuming the person is in good standing etc.

Just some of my 2 cents for you.

The same thing happened to me, and I have over 40 years' experience - Claire

[ In Reply To ..]
You are not alone, and it is very disheartening and discouraging.

me too - sick and tired

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I am sick and tired of Transcend having jobs posted for MT's, hiring more and more of them and those of us already here have to "flex" because there is no work. What's up with that??

To sick and tired - anon

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I feel the same way as you do and have been here for nearly 3 months. Sometimes there is NO work on my shift, hence, NO work for me. What really bugs me is the emails you get about 3 times a day and about the time there are few jobs on your account they ask everyone to get on and get your lines, forgetting about those of us who work the 2nd shift like me. Some of those emails are sent 3 to 4 hours before I start???

That is just NOT FAIR. I am convinced that they don't really care about us as much as getting their TAT back way before it is even due to make them look good!!! Don't you just love they way they manipulate us like we just got off the turnip truck or something!!

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