A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Go to the "other" MT website for a good laugh (latest job post is ridiculous) sm - FastRadMT

Posted: Sep 05, 2014

0.15/per report edited, 0.25/per report templated, 0.50/per report transcribed. Ridiculous!!

I laughed, too! - april

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At my present job I edit and transcribe about 100 or so radiology reports per day. Let's say 90 are edited, that would be $13.50, then transcribe the other 10, which would be $5.00. I would make a whopping $18.50 for an eight-hour day. That comes out to $2.31 per hour! Are they nuts??

Newbies and Desparates -- PLEASE READ! - april

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So you have finally finished your schooling and really want to get your foot in the door. You wanted to save on daycare and work at home. I've been there, done that. This is what it is really like.

You have a baby that is crying to be fed ... interruption. You have a toddler or two crawling under your desk, stepping or sitting on the foot pedal. You finally just have to stop and give them something to do ... interruption. That lasts 20 or 30 minutes, and then all over again. You can't stand the crying anymore, so you have to nurse the baby ... interruption. Even though you are on the no-call list, telemarketers are calling ... interruption. Your friends and relatives think that since you work at home they can call and chat ... interruption. You want to get faster, so you stop constantly to make word expanders ... interruption.

The numbers I mentioned in the previous post are with 30+ years of experience, 110-120 wpm, and 5500+ word expanders already created.

Newbies, do not fool yourself. You will be slow at first, trying to figure out the medical jargon .. is it supra-, super-, supero-, etc. So you are jumping to the Internet to figure it out, and, again, you are trying to get in those new word expanders. And don't forget the 100 account specs you need to memorize and keep in the back of your mind while you are typing, and don't forget to follow the ADHI Book of Style at all times. You struggle to understand the anatomy and terminology of a lengthy MR angiogram, maybe takes you a half hour, and you make a whopping 15 cents. You will probably be lucky if you do 50 reports a day.

So maybe you make $8.00 a day. Good, now you can maybe buy a chuck roast if it is on sale. But what about the potatoes, carrots, bread, and salad? Yeah, they cost money, too. And don't forget you need to pay taxes on that money, maybe insurance, and then there are the rent/mortgage, utilities, breakfast, lunch, snacks for the kids and maybe baby formula, diapers, clothing, school supplies, doctor bills, medications, etc., etc. And all the while, your husband is complaining to you constantly that you are not making enough money.

I hope they get absolutely zero resumes, and if you have already sent one in you come to your senses. You are setting the price for our services, lower and lower. You get laid off, and the next job offers you 10 cents a report. It just keeps going down, down. Your dream of working at home turns into a nightmare.

Again, I hope they get zero, zero, zero resumes!

Before our MT department got outsourced, - Lotus - sm

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we were making $21-$23 per hour! However, working for an MTSO, I only made (tops) about $5.50/hour. Still below minimum wage. I was actually getting more money on Unemployment.

omg, could you imagine. - radmt

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gosh, I barely make enough now!

an old-tymey phrase comes to mind - "pin money" or "mad money"

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Shirley this must be a job for those bonbon-eating ladies of leisure who just want mental stimulation and don't need a living wage.

A small paycheck used to be called pin money, I reckon because it could only purchase small things like pins (or small-caliber bullets with which one may shoot oneself in the head.)

Good grief. If you want to pay Third-World wages, there is a Third World pool of workers at the ready.

Also laughing at - this part of it

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"Due to the volume of replies I may not be able to reply back to everyone."

Seriously? THAT many people will be THAT desperate to work for pennies?

Another one we should inundate with emails about - sm

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that low pay.

"other MT website" - Mary Margaret

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I am new to this. What is the other website you mentioned? Is this rate of pay you mentioned what Mercedes has posted, or something else?

Other site names are not allowed - nm

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Crazy! - OldsterMT

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Although the ad requested no phone calls "Due to the volume of replies I may not be able to reply back to everyone," I did try to call the office number listed. No answer. This is obviously a small time service. I had every intention of giving them a piece of my mind about inappropriate rates for services.

Any MT with an ounce of sense or a calculator should realize that you could not even make minimum wage with these rates. Totally crazy!

Check out the testimonials on the website - both from what appears to be ESL physicians. Go figure.

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